Thursday, June 08, 2017

Selamat Berpuasa

Dear Diary,

I have been so busy ever since D and I got married and even days before when we were about to get married. So many things to prepare, so many things had to be settled that I didn't have a chance to blog about anything. Hehe! So truly sorry about that.

Syukur Alhamdulilah!

Our nikah & majlis or rather our solemnization & wedding reception went well. Everyone was happy with the food, they love my deco and just about everything about my wedding. Alhamdulilah! I still remember how worried I was few weeks before my wedding if everything is going to be okay and if everything will go smoothly.

I still remember too, how I wanted my wedding to be over soon but now looking back, well minus the bitter and sore things part about my wedding preps, everything is just beautiful - my kind of fairytale + twilight wedding. Hehehe!

I will blog slowly bit by bit about my wedding preparation when I have the time (hoping to find time now that I'm now actually a wife to someone - still feeling so surreal about this. Hehe!) And also to update on our mini honeymoon trip. Yassss! I'm actually blogging at work and I totally forgot to bring my hard disk to upload the necessary pictures. Blogging without pictures is boring.

So happily married to the man of my dream. Syukur Alhamdulilah!

And to all my Muslim friends,

Princess Azie Anni