I hate it when Miss M is around the corner and I'm feeling super horrible. It's the worse thing I could ever feel at the time of the month. Some people are so lucky to only feel this feeling when they are pregnant (I know it's not a good feeling) but me, I feel it every time before Miss M is here and it is so so so horrible to be going through this every month! The nauseousness, the no-appetite but sometimes craving (and you really want it that kind), the stomach cramps and churning before it comes, the bloated-ness, the gastric/air, the cannot-take-it-smell, the cannot sleep, the cannot wake up, the feeling like as if you're so sick, so lazy to do anything, so tired, breathless and sometimes it decides to hit you with a headache too. Oh life.
It was our last day to head to places in Langkawi before heading back tomorrow. I still had many things in my list to go to but I can only fit few places due to time constraint.
Woke up for Subuh and breakfast,
And of course, we decided to pump our dragon float and go for a swim and had that 'Angmoh' kind of feeling sun-tanning even though you know, I don't do sun-tan. Haha! I like the fact that D doesn't have to worry that much about me being on the float compared to the time in Krabi. Hehe!
Always so sweet & helpful helping me with my float. Hehe!
The float right outside our room balcony. Okay, to be honest, it's actually a Pegasus. Just that, the colour seems to look like a dragon to me. They had a dragon float but it wasn't that cute. Hehehe! So this will do. Plus, I wanted to feeling-feeling like Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons! Hahahaha.
Ayer Hangat Village Langkawi,
It was about at least 30 mins drive. We reach here at about 1pm and I guess we were early since there wasn't much people around. I mean none except for a couple who was already there.
There was sign to guide us to the hot spring counter where we have to purchase the ticket to enter. They also had a Jacuzzi which I wanted to try BUT it was under maintenance and will be back in operation only at 5pm in the afternoon. So we just purchase the normal ticket just to soak our feet. But the good thing, the ticket grants you access for one whole day, they gave us a sticker wrist band, so you can come back again at any time of the day even if you have leave the place. But of course we didn't even if we wanted to, it was at least 30 mins drive from our hotel.
The lady at the counter told us, we can go to 2 places for the hot spring to soak our feet. One of the left and the other one on the right. And the funny thing, we didn't know which one was the hot spring for us to soak our feet in. They even had lakes everywhere. 😂 HAHAHAHA! And D and I thought everywhere with water was the hot spring. We almost dip our feet in the lake when one of the staff showed us to soak our feet here,
I cannot imagine if we did soak our feet into the lake. HAHAHAHA! It will be so embarrassing. Besides some other hot spring were closed down for cleaning and maintenance, so this was the only one that was there.
They had some rules for you to follow and showed the mineral contents in the hot spring too,
Never would I think it will be so HOT. 🔥 Hahahaha! I thought it will be just warm. Many times I shrieked and tried to get my feet out of the water. I had a problem with hot spring despite being the kind who love to shower with really really warm water. So can you imagine D who showers in cold water. He almost felt like he was burning. Hahahaha! Plus the weather wasn't helping at all too. It was scorching HOT.
After 10 minutes, a couple came to sit with us since this was one of the only hot spring that was available. D and I left for the next hot spring to give them their space. We came across the Jacuzzi side but nope. Luckily, we didn't sign up for this. I think my body will burn down to ashes. HAHAHA! So exaggerating. 😆
We tried to look for the other hot spring but unsure where it was. So we walk in the scorching hot sun to find one. Again, on the other side, there was no one around too. So we dip our feet inside this small "pool" and guess what. It wasn't a hot spring because it was cold. HAHAHAHA! It was just for some water decoration purposes lahhhhhhhhhh. Omigod! Lolololols!
Luckily, nobody saw us. So we tried the other one next to it and finally, we found the correct HOT one.

Anyway, the first few times when you try to dip your feet in, feels extremely hot. But once your body get used to the temperature. It feels okay.
I'm not sure about the after effect of this but hehehe! I hope it did me good. But one thing for sure, should have done this last especially after a tiring walk because it makes you feel relax and should have done this at a later part of the day where the sun is not too hot. And the thing is, this place closes at 7pm, not 5pm or 6pm according to the website. So even if we go yesterday, we would have make it on time. Tsk! But I guess at a later timing more people will start to come in because as we left at around 2.30pm, few tourists starts to come over.
After all that dipping, we visited the Crocodile Adventureland. I have this 'thing' to appreciate animals and nature. So if people tell me it's lame to go to such places or zoo or underwater world etc. I am one person who truly love it!
Crocodile Adventureland,
The journey took us at least another 20-30 minutes. We parked our car and had to walk up to this place for about another 5 minutes. I was kinda excited but the weather is just....😰
All excited to see Crocodiles. Hehe!
It's pretty interesting to see different crocodiles species and their name.
The crocodile place is not exactly that big. It could be boring to some people. Heh! We could finish everything within 45 minutes to an hour but there was also interaction show and feeding time in between timings. So at least it won't be so boring. You can also feed the small crocodiles too but we didn't try. Anyway, the interaction show really gives you the slight shivers down your spine when the keeper tries to sit on top of the crocodile and even put his head inside the crocodile's mouth. I was praying inside my heart so much that nothing will happen. HAHAHAHA! Sis scared okay.
It was already 4pm and we were sort of tired already and D wanted to head back. But I still had some more places to go and I know at this timing, we could fit one last place to go. I could see D being reluctant but he doesn't want to spoil our holidays. So, he asked me where to next.
Kota Mahsuri,
Reading about the history.
The family tree.
This is actually the house of the penghulu (Kampung's chief). I get to step at classic old kampung house. But luckily, for my Mak Long's I've been to their kampung (they renovated all to bricks now) just that this is really really old and classic. When you walk, you can just hear the thump thump noises of our feet.
We are all so luck to live in luxury now. Imagine sleeping on a wooden bed without mattress!
They even had a poster put up on Tasik Dayang Bunting (Lake of the pregnant maiden)
Sadly, I forgot to take pictures of all the stacked plates we ate. Hehehe! Satiated. We headed back to our hotel and bought Starbucks for some night "supper"
Oh! I have Malaysia Starbucks card k! Hahahaha!
Day 4 - 14 November 2018
Nothing much on the last day since we had an early flight back to Singapore. Sadly, after no more Tiger airways airline , the flights timing are rather early. I remember the last time we depart from Langkawi to Singapore at 6pm, but now it's like 1130am.
We had breakfast (not to miss this) and enjoy the last scenery of breakfast by the beach before checking-out,
Time to check-out and home sweet home back to Singapore! So happy to go for holidays yet so happy to be back home at the same time. Hehehe!
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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