Day 3 - 03 September 2018
It was our last stay at Ao Nang Phu Pi Maan. No island hopping to catch today, hehe! So we get to truly enjoy breakfast before we check-out and not rushing to end early for breakfast.
This was for picture purposes only. Like I said, we decided to sit inside (indoor) today. Lol!
My favourite potatoes.
Today was more of a relaxing day for us. We get to chillax (chill & relax) inside our hotel room, till it was time for us to check-out. I feel sad having to leave this beautiful place because like I said, everything about this place was just perfect to me. But at the same time, I was also excited to head to our next stay. The next hotel is rather expensive but it was on a discount rate when I book. You know me, I always put budget first. 🙊 Thus, I was excited to stay in an "expensive" hotel/resort for the 2nd time. (1st time was Honeymoon) Lol!
Before that, I shall share pictures of our room in Ao Nang Phu Pi Maan.
The wardrobe is on the right side of the entrance.
The door there s basically the entrance to our room. Don't mind our messy bed, we were getting ready to check-out. Lol! And the bath tub, you get what I mean? Hehe!
The TV is right in front of the bed.
Next to the TV on the left side is the fridge and coffee maker.
You can slide open the toilet door to watch TV like mentioned, while soaking in it.
But if you don't want. No sweat either. You can slide it close.
Moving on,
The right side of the bed consist of a long chair and the balcony which is next to it.
View from the balcony.
Another resting chair, which we don't even sit on. Hehe!
This is baically my view from the balcony when I look up. The Swimming pool and breakfast place is on top.
This is the parking space and the lobby area which is not in the picture, on the right side of the picture.
We then check-out from Ao Nang Phu Pi Maan at around 12pm and had like 2 hours before we can check-in to our next place. So we planned to just drive around Ao Nang and probably to eat lunch when it started pouring so heavily.
We decided to stay inside the car until the rain subside but the rain didn't subside till 2 hours later. And it was time for us to check in to our next place. Lol! So D and I decided to check-in first and head for food later. Anyway, what D doesn't know was that I actually contacted the Villa to do him a little birthday surprise, which the staff there was so nice & accommodating.
Andakiri Pool Villa
The only down side of this Villa is that the place even though it is still near Ao Nang beach but it is slightly not accessible due to the super super steep hills that we have drive up. But if having a private moment and place is your thing, away from noises or kids I'll recommend this place hands down.
We were greeted with coconut drinks and again, nothing to scoop out the coconut fruit out. LOL! Is it a Singaporean thing?
After which, we were brought to our room and then..... Part 1 SURPRISE! D saw this decoration on the bed just for him and he was so surprised. LOL! Actually, I wanted Ao Nang Phu Pi Maan to do the sort of the same surprise for him too, for a double surprise. But Ao Nang Phu Pi Maan said they can do it but with a charge and I decided not to. Hehe!
So, while the boy were happy seated down. Suddenly, the door bell rang. And again, it was the Part 2 SURPRISE! Lololols! I love how the villa staff were all so 'on', singing D a birthday song and brought him the birthday cake with a candle for him to blow too. He was a bit embarrassed because man being man, lol! They don't like it when a lot of people gather to sing them birthday song. LOLOLS! But I made it happened. Heh!
The cake was surprisingly nice even though it look simple. Hehe!
My friend Aishah went to Krabi 2 months before us and recommended us this Halal eatery. Another friend, Shikin told us this place was pricey and we could have gone for another cheaper ones but she couldn't remember where was the other cheaper restaurant was. Heh! Too hungry to look for another, we settled for this one.
After lunch, we walked around Ao Nang just for a short while and headed back to our villa because I wanted to enjoy the pool at our private pool with my float before it gets dark. Hehehe!
The view up there was nice but the pool wasn't that big to accommodate my Pegasus float. Lol! Many times when I got up the float, D was afraid that the float will 'float OUT' of the pool and he will hold on to the float while I'm on it, since the pool was also an infinity pool with no barriers to the edge. So much love for the wife ah? Hahaha! But I must thank D for his patience to help me pump air to the float and also to de-float it after our swim. It wasn't easy but anything for a happy wife right? Hehehe! I still remember he was uttering to himself asking "Is this my birthday or hers? I wonder." Lol!
We swam in the pool for an hour, it was cold and the smell of chlorine was super strong that I couldn't really take it. It rain again and we decided to stop swimming. We showered and then watched TV, played with our phones and had conversations too. Then we had dinner at around 8-9 plus, continued watching TV, had conversations..on repeat. The rain poured heavier and of course, with such good weather, D was ready for bed. He slept early while I was still up on TV and my phone. D didn't even stay up till 0000 hours for me to wish him a Happy Birthday. Hahaha! I ended up sleeping too at around the wee morning.
Day 4 - 04 September 2018
I'm sure this wasn't the only thing I ate. Hehe!
It started pouring heavily again and I was so so sad because I wanted to go to some places and it was practically our last day to explore Krabi before going back home the next day. I prayed and prayed for the rain to stop but I end up,
Getting one of those worse menses cramp!
It was around 3pm, luckily the rain stopped but drizzling at some point of the hours and my cramps were like finally gone.
Girl is finally ok again. Hehe!
I told D, we should just try our luck to drive out to the place that I wanted to go. Since it's like a close to an hour drive. If it rains, then forget it, we shall just u-turn back (since we didn't had any other plans to do for the day). And thank you Allah SWT. The rain didn't stop entirely but it was just drizzling which was still fine because we could still walk in this weather.
Emerald Pool
We just use iPhone GPS to lead our way. Upon reaching, we parked the car at the car parking spaces. I still remember an incident when D asked one of the Thai staff there, how much do we have to pay for the toilet entry and that staff went "Yah." D was like 😑. Hahaha! Anyway, I can't remember how much was it but yes, you have to pay for entry to the toilet (but the toilet inside the emerald pool itself, you don't have to pay for that)
So of course, an entrance fee is required before you enter Emerald Pool. I can't really remember how much was it but the price was okay.
The entrance
See the 3 ladies in their raincoat in front? Oh, I actually helped them to take pictures too. D forgot to take a picture of me doing that, luckily. HAHAHA!
And you have to continue walking all the way in. There are actually long and short hike before reaching the pool. We wanted to do the long one but due to time constraint (as we reach only an hour to their closing time) we decided to just go for the short one.
And we always thought we are almost there, but nope, not yet. Continue walking... Hehe!
And yay, finally here.
Some introduction to Emerald Pool
As you can see from the picture above, there are many signs that lead to different places. We wished we could explore all but we didn't had the time. We even had to give the hot spring a miss. Anyway, here yours truly,
Emerald Pool.
Okay words of advice. 😂 This emerald pool edges are surrounded by algae, so it's super slippery. When we got there, most people are already inside the pool while D and I were struggling to get inside. The best way is to just "dive" right in but I was scared if the pool would be deep for my height. Hahaha! We were still trying to get into the pool nicely when we both fall onto our butts. HAHAHA! So embarrassing. So I told D to get in first to see if it's deep, since he is tall, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem for him. He slide right into the pool and said the depth is okay. So I slide in too. Hehehe!
Again, my camera took some candid shot of its own. Lol!
They were pushy in wanting us to take a selfie with them. 🤦♀️ And then telling us to come for their show, which we didn't. Hehe! And then before we go off, they told us to make a "donation" for them. I took out my purse to see how much to give them, before one of them just grabbed my SGD20 (in baht currency) and said thank you. Zzzz! Since I was in their country, I'd rather not make a scene. I said welcome and walk away. LOL!
We walked down the stretch and found no Halal food, so we walked back the stretch where *__insert your own words__* came from, to get back to our car. When they saw us, one of them gave me a kiss. 🤦♀️ Lol!
Anyway, Ao Nang was superrrr crowded at this timing. It was about 7pm at that time. We couldn't find a car park, drove around a few times, to finally find a tiny spot for our car to squeeze in. I bought some Thai milk tea leaves too before heading to our car, only to find motorbikes after motorbikes park so squeezily, left and right to our car. We couldn't even drive out! And D was so frustrated. He tried to reverse and drive forward but the bikes were too close to the car. We would have knocked down all the bikes down if we kept trying. D was so angry and I was like sticking out my head to the car's window, trying to help D see but nope, he still can't get the car out. Luckily, 2 sweet Thai men came to help us. He helped us move ALL the bikes away that was blocking our way and guide us to drive out of the parking space. And tada, we were out! Alhamdulilah.
I told D to drive somewhere near the mosque, would have probably been much easier to find Halal food and yes, slightly quieter too. As Ao Nang was filled with pubs and night life etc. I cannot imagine how Phuket will be VS to Krabi.
We then settled for Pyramid Restaurants since the place had like a nice ambiance.
His Iced Milo 😑 (could have this anytime in Singapore right?) and my Green Milk Tea.
Beef slices.
Omelette. Told you. D and his omelette. Hehe!
And he ordered rice with chicken & omelette too. 😑 LOL!
And me again, with the Kway Teow since I tried the previous one, their kway teow are so nice.
Half-way eating, it was time for us to pay up and guess what? I couldn't find my purse. Wah! For a moment I thought those *__insert your own words__* stole my purse from me. But I remembered checking my purse and having it with me because I bought Thai Milk Tea leaves after that. We had no spare Thai baht with us. Luckily, my 'Singapore' wallet was with me. So I passed D some money to get it change at some money changer, hoping that one was open. D went back to the car to trace back my steps and luckily, he found my purse on the car's seat. I must have dropped it, no idea when. Alhamdulilah to find the wallet but...
Imagine the nagging I had to hear from D. 🙉
We paid and actually I wanted to still walk around Ao Nang streets since it was our last night there. But after such a "scary" and panicky incident. We headed back to our Villa straight after that. Lol!
Day 5 - 05 September 2018
We already packed the night before since we had an early flight back to Singapore. But we managed to have breakfast first.
Told you, breakfast wasn't much of a variety but yes, thankful for food.
We rested for a while back in our Villa before making our way back to the airport. Before that, I shall share the how our room look like. Sorry in advance for the mess!
The view from balcony.
Living room that leads to the infinity pool.
The small kitchen.
The TV is just opposite to the bed. The only sad thing about this kind of setting, you can't watch TV to sleep, which I love to. 

The bedroom also has a balcony leading to the pool too.
The pool from the bedroom.
The toilet.
Small mini "bar"
After checking out, we headed to the airport to return back the car.
Krabi's road.
And the weird husband who loves to be back home from holiday. Lol!
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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