3 months has past since the year 2018.
Recently, my company (Meditest Switzerland Pte Ltd) that I have been working for 8 years was being bought over by another laboratory company.

It has been a month since the news past.
I have enjoyed working for my current company for 8 years. We all have build such good bond and rapport with each other. Something that I would never deny. We give and take A LOT and we definitely do not have politics going on among us. Thus, the reason why all of us could have stayed such a long time together.
It's a sad thing that the company has to be shut and come to an end. It's a sad thing that all my colleagues & I have to be separated this way. 😢 I guess it's true that all good things will come to an end one day. For now, I have to accept the reality and move forward. I am being offered to work in the new company (that brought over my company) and I hope things will be as good too. I hope I will be able to stay there longer as I did in Meditest, I hope the company has a good welfare and will lookout for their staff just like how my previous company did. The only thing I knew now, I will be working with lots of people and I hope for no politics and I will definitely be required to do and learn a lot of things which is a no problem for me, but I hope, I will not be taken advantage of.
One last weekend tomorrow for me to be back in Camden Medical Centre to work for Meditest Switzerland Pte Ltd before I officially "resigned" and officially work for my new company the coming Monday.
You have been the best job I ever had, the only first job I ever had. I still recall that day, when Mama sent me here for the interview and I was accepted by my manager. Ever since, I did shine my way here and learnt a lot of Microbiology stuff. And those days where everyone were so understanding allowing me take leave when I needed to care for my late mom.
Thank you Meditest Switzerland Pte Ltd. And thank you Allah SWT for this wonderful job you landed me after graduation, for all the wonderful colleagues and all the wonderful people I have met here for 8 years.
So things decided to happen 8 years later. Well, for Your plans are always the best Ya Allah. I'm sure this is the best for me too and with this I am redha. Amin.
Princess Azie Anni ♥