Girlfriend Hanali join this particular contest on Instagram and she won free invites to Air Asia #Travel SSBC Party in Zouk. She was allowed to bring 3 other friends with her and so lucky Pag, Amanda & I got invited to join the party with her. Weee! I was kind of excited about it, more of wanting to meet my girlfriends up but less on the party but you know, me being the curiosity one, I love the idea to look-look see-see on what is going on.
But the "problem" comes because it is held in Zouk and I promise D that I will never step foot or even go for clubbing anymore since yesssss, we are getting married. Anyway, I am not even a clubber to begin with, so technically, there is nothing to stop. Just that I've been to once or twice just to have an "experience" what's the big deal about clubbing. Trust me, NOTHING good.
Especially if you're not a fan of loud music, which I am not. Plus you don't drink, which I don't. And you are the kind who don't hook up with stranger/people, which is definitely a no-no for me and I'm the kind who timid out over these kinda thing. So nothing else is good besides dancing. But you can't really dance anyway, because it's crowded, it's squeezy, it's stuffy and.....everyone just go moving their body left to right, right to left without having much space to dance. Oh yeah, I love to dance. So when I have the urge to "club" or dance you call it, I ON the music loud enough in my room and I just dance. Okay this part here, D doesn't know yet. HAHAHAHA! But Adik and Mama technically have this seen this side of me too much. Lololols! Anyway, I was being a good girlfriend. Even though D is not my husband yet, but I think it is just polite that I ask for his permission if I could go and he allowed me to but with conditions telling me to behave myself and reminded me to know my boundaries and that we are getting married. Of course, I had that register into my brain. I know people, I will be getting married. 

The party starts at 1900 hours. Hana and I was from work and so was Pag but she ended earlier and decided to go back home first to shower, change and have dinner. Sadly for Amanda, she got hold up at work and couldn't join us. So Hana and I decided to meet up at the bus stop.
Yes I got lost for a while and had to text Jiemin where is the place and so she helped me with this map here. LOL! Told you, I am never good in directions.
And despite every time, I'm always the earliest to reach, no matte if it's with my girlfriends, bestfriends or even with my own boyfriend. And yessss, "Where is Paggg?" Apparently, she got home and overslept because she was so tired from work. LOL! So poor thing. Meanwhile, Hana and I went to look for food since we're both hungry and Pag might take a while to reach. So, I brought Hana to one of the shop that sells tidbits and drinks, where Jiemin brought me before. Hurhur! I am so proud of myself, even though I am not good in direction for the first time but I can remember footpaths I took quite well, even if I go there once.
I bought a slice of cake to eat and just nice, Pag has already reached. So we headed to Zouk to enter.
Yayyy! Stamp stamp!
And we received a complimentary drink on the house,
But Champagne?! Why didn't they just offer us soft drinks for people like me and Hana? Tsk. So we gave this tickets away to Pag. Lol!
There were photo booths for us to take pictures, which we did. They had some games too which Hana and I both played. Snacks and more drinks which yeahs, are forbidden for both Hana and I. Lolols! Sonia Nicola Chew was the host for the event, they invited some dancing crew to dance on stage, played some interactive games with the audience and announce the winner for the Air Asia #Travel SSBD which get to travel with her to Bali and win a thousand dollars cash. Awesome!
Oh yes, our pictures were chosen to be one of the lucky ones to win some prizes. We went to collect the prize and apparently, it's a complimentary drink on the house, instead of Champagne, we thought it will be soft drink and we had like Sprite at the back of our mind, but when we went to the bar, this time we can either choose Vodka or Tequila shots. HAHAHAHA! Hana and I almost fainted, so we threw the card away. HAHAHAHHAHA!
As we walked around, we found another interesting thing. An Airbrush paint booth. The whole booth is covered, so you can't see who is the artist doing the airbrush for you. All you had to do is put your hand or any of your body parts in and whatever art they airbrush it for you, it is basically a surprise. I wanted to try doing it on my chest or neck but ermm...I don't want the whole booth to fall apart because it's just covered with a flimsy cloth. And ermm...not comfortable with anyone touching me anywhere. HAHAHAHA! I wanted to do it on my arm but I had a long sleeve on and so, I put my hand instead.
There you go, my airbrush art.
Hana is soooo lucky, she got glow in the dark ones. I wanted these but the artist kept doing black ones for me. Tsk!
So right after these, we went to the photo booth to take another few more pictures for keepsake and then, we headed home at around 2230 hours. Yeahs people! Because the 3 of us have got work tomorrow and no one is practically dancing on the dance floor, so we guess the best thing to do is to head home and sleep. Lol!
Reached home safe and sound. And I am proud to say, at this age, I am done exploring club/clubbing although I am not a clubber. Lol! I can't help thinking at the back of my mind half the time if I ever club, I have this guilty feeling towards D and..."I am getting married..." is like a earworm while I was there. Tsk! 
Till here.
Princess Azie Anni ♥