I'm going to do a summarize update of what has been happening thus far.
03 April 2016
My Maternal cousin hold a chalet at Aloya Loyang. It has been months that almost to a year that I see them all. So, it was definitely a good gathering I would say. Sadly, I couldn't sleep over because I had to attend a wedding the next day. Anyway, I didn't take many pictures as mostly were all videos but enjoy at these few.
My niece Alyss with her grandaunt, which is my aunties (Mama's sisters)
Definitely beautiful sunset
And while I was done with swimming, some of my other cousins continued swimming during the evening.
And a family shot of everybody well except for my family because we couldn't stay over. :)
And CONGRATULATIONS to Shikin & Syamsul on both of your wedding.
06 April 2016
My bestfriends and I first trip to JB togetherrr. Okay, of course not just the both of us. Her husband, drove us there. Wee! Little Shayleen tagged along too and so does Hernie's mom and nephew, Aidil went too. Even though it was just for one day but definitely it was a great quick getaway from the "stress" of buzzing life of Singapore that I was feeling. Hurhur! And since Malaysia rate is gooooooooooood, I bought lots of groceries as well as....
More and more lipstick. Muahaha! Look at all the different colours I tried. Hehehe!
The Massage Chair. Fuh.
And all those walking not only make you tired but also HUNGRY. So we thought of heading down to Pasar Pandan for some late snack. The funny thing, Zam didn't know directions pretty well in Malaysia since it was his first time driving there but thank God they had GPS with them. I mentioned 'they' and 'them' because it was just Hernie & Zam figuring out the GPS and directions. I am the worse person of all you can depend on. I have no idea how to read maps and.....I was sleeping half the time inside the car and so was Hernie's mom + Aidil. Hahahahaha! We both Ma'am besar dekat belakang. Wakaka!
So Hernie re-typed a different location of Pandan which I have no idea how they managed to because when I woke up and realized we haven't reach yet because we end up in a wrong place, I went back to sleep. By then, it was almost 0000 hours. We wanted to even go to Kilang Bateri but it was already pretty late. Shayleen & Aidil was exhausted and I had to work tomorrow. So in the end we skipped Kilang Bateri and just head to Pasar Pandan.
And mind you, this is the best keropok lekor ever.
I cannot wait because we are going to JB again next week. Hopefully this time, my other bestfriend, Hajar will be able to tag along. I can imagine non-stop hit best !!!!!
13 April 2016
So D and I are finally 2 years old. Syukur Alhamdulilah! Seriously, I don't know whether to believe if it has really been 2 years together. Some time it feels like I have "known" him "forever" but sometimes I can't even believe if it's really 2 long years already because I still have my shy and paiseh moment around him. LOLOLS!
Our Anniversary falls on the 19th April but we decided to celebrate it earlier since weekends means we have to brave through the crowd while walking around. And since D was off on one of the weekday, we decided to celebrate an advance one on 13th April. Technically, we don't even have an anniversary date because D didn't really ask me to be his girlfriend.
So, I took half-day off from work and I brought D to the Ion Sky for the first time. We just find a spot and sat down while talking watching our life past us. Hahaha! Talked about the first time we met, our future and blah blah blah. When suddenly there was this little girl with her family, I'm guessing she is a Filipina, probably around 3 years old, and she kept running to the both of us, smiling and waving. Apparently, it caught the security guard's attention and so the Security guard made a conversation with us,
Security Guard: Do you realized that little girl keep coming to the both of you? Like she see something in the both of you. There are so many people here but she don't really care. She really like the both of you. So cute ah she.
Hehehe! I find it a compliment. HEHEHE! So anyway, that little kid must have gave people some good vibes that we are nice people. Not that we are not, of course we are.

I treated D for a buffet. It was his first time at Royal Plaza on Scotts @ Carousel and glad that he loves it. Not only it was his first time there and it was also his first time to see me eat....A LOT. Hahahaha! That man was making fun of me half the time, saying I'm like a tanker, a tank that can eat a lot. Basketball! That's because he gave up eating wayyyy before me. Honestly, yes I CAN really eat but I always stop myself from eating too much everyday or else, I'll be back to square one, obese like I was before.
And here are some snapshot of our foodies!
I can never give their cream pasta a miss. My all-time favourite!
Soba. Niceeee!
And this cake came as a surprise which D didn't believe it did.
Obviously, it wasn't his birthday but I just get the waiter to still give us a cake because it was our Anniversary. I didn't even know if they have an 'Anniversary' sign for a cake but I didn't even bother asking them. And the funny thing, D thought someone made a birthday party at Carousel (ala-ala kids' birthday celebration at McDonalds like that.)
and thus, those people sponsor us the Birthday cake for each table. Ewahh! Lawa muka. Hahaha! But the fact, not all the table get the birthday cake. So I really had to explain to him and "argue" quite a few times, telling him that I REALLY did went to request for a CAKE. Tsssskkk! I just had to let him know that I put in effort k. EFFORT. Hellooooo?! It was only after a while, he saw my disappointed face and trying so hard to explain to him that it was real, that he started to believe me that I actually requested for the cake. Oh my gosh! 

And of course, I made something hand-made for him,
Inspired by this
And this.
And so here we go... just some of the few pages lah eh. Lol!
Glad he love it.
D: You suka eh buat-buat macam gini. Handmade.
Me: Why? U tak suka?
D: No lahhh. I suka. I just say only.
Me: Kalau tak suka cakap je tak suka. I tak buat lagi.
D: I suka lahhhh. Kalau tak suka, I dah buang k. I still keep the handmade birthday card you gave me.
Me: The one that the candles fall off. Haha!
D: Yah, the candles dah fall off. And my mom that time came inside my room and saw the card, she was like apa ni. I quickly grabbed it from her.
Me: Hahahaha!
Me and my forever fierce way of questioning/answering things. HAHAHA! I was just kidding. I am not that fierce okay. Till here. More updates in the future.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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