Tuesday, April 25, 2017

25 days till we get married.

Dear Diary,

Where do I begin? HAHAHAHA! It has almost been a month since I update anything about the wedding. Honestly, how do other BTB do it? So busy yet having time to update. Okay let's skip the little talks and move on to serious business. Cehhhh!

We're technically left with 25 days to date till our wedding day. Alhamdulilah and hooray to this! Can't imagine we've been through all the odds and obstacles together for the past months. Crazy ones especially that literally make me cry my eyeballs out + scream my lungs out. Okay a bit too dramatic on that one but somewhere around that line. HAHA!

Excited. Nervous but most of all, I just want to faster get it over and done with please, for now. 😜

D and I are currently on our pantang (superstitious) period already, pantang period yang tak menjadi. I'm unsure if his parents take the pantang period strictly because some parents do, except for mine. I was telling my cousin who just got married 2 days ago that D and I will keep up with our pantang days (macam faham) when he said "Awak nak pantang? Susah sehhh. Banyak benda nak kene settle together."

To be honest we have settle quite a few things already albeit for one more thing to buy for our dulang which is our perfume set. Honestly, I can just buy anything for him and he can just get me anything for a perfume. If I don't like then I'll get D to buy me another one after the wedding. HAHAHA! But most important of all, we realized our pantang cannot be truly fulfilled because we both haven't buy our bed set yet. Yes! I think this one we cannot just anyhow buy. I may agree with certain things and he doesn't and vice versa. Lalalala!

We will meet less or probably one less occasion to get our bed set or maybe twice or thrice. 😜 Because I don't think it will be as easy to make a decision for a bed set. It's a few years down the road investment kind k. It's a memory of our wedding day too, so we need to make a proper decision in this.

Till here. I was supposed to do other things on my honeymoon itinerary but I end up blogging. Well, better than never. Till I blog again, I promise.

Princess Azie Anni 

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