Saturday, March 09, 2013

Bye bye Laptop

Dear Diary,

When was the last time I blogged? Few months back? Exactly.

The reason being my laptop of 6 years have died on me and ever since something happened, I didn't wish to blog about anything any more. Just dampens my mood. So currently, courtesy of my little brother I've been using his laptop on and off to do simple things like updating my calendar and transferring of songs and pictures. Other than that I'm just waiting to get my own.

I was rather sad when my laptop died on me. It was my very first own laptop of course, which Mama did everything to raise the money in order to send me to a Polytechnic of my choice so that I could continue my education. My family are really not well to do definitely. And I still remember how much it cost! My laptop cost us $1.8K which you could buy for even so much better laptop now for less than 1K. ='( So never take things for granted.

My laptop holds a thousand memories for me. I brought it everywhere from toilet to school and even my first trip flying on an airplane to Aussie. For that, I am neither selling it nor throwing it away despite it being dysfunctional. But Imma still thank for my laptop for everything. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to attend school, sit for my test & exams, completed my presentations & projects (even though my laptop crash and I lose my final year project report which I had to re-do it in just 2 days). And because of being able to attend school & graduate, here I am currently working in a place that I've wanted to work badly and getting the amount of pay that is Alhamdulilah. Thank you to my Family, Mama especially for being the pillar of strength in my life, my laptop, thank you Allah S.W.T.

(This is not grammy's award.)

And with the on-going IT Fair right now... Are you thinking of what I'm thinking B1? Haha! Yes, I'm going to get my new laptop today or tomorrow. But most probably today.

Been spending so much on things lately, I've gotta start saving again. Before savings, I'm looking forward to do braces with Ying and enrolling myself back to school. Degree, here I come and bye bye Diploma. In shaa Allah! A few more KKKKKK thousands thousands to splurge on. *Deep breath!

Princess Azie Anni 

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