Dear Diary,
I decided to be a little bit active on Tumblr these few days, since it's easier to update. And I can do a lot of picture blogging, especially update them through my phone. Hehe!
So catch me at both. ^^
Back to mugging.
Princess Azie Anni.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Battling Heart over Head.
Dear Diary,
Recently, some things happened and it was like battling heart over head for me. Upon what was delivered, my heart felt like a sharp knife and millions of pins & needles being poked at. I couldn't control my tears and I just broke down.
But... I cannot thank enough to those who have lend me their listening ear and gave me valuable advises, which at that point of time, I couldn't think right and didn't know what else to do. You know who you are and I appreciate so so much.
With this I come to a conclusion:-
I guess every relationship have their own strengths & weaknesses. And not only that, every couple do to. I may act differently in my past relationship than how I behave now in my current relationship. No doubt. I could list a number of them down what I do unacceptably the last time which I didn't do it now.
That is because the person you are with now, will somehow influence the way how you think, act and behave. And even if it is not so much on the other half's influence, past relationship are usually a learning point for everyone to change and constantly be a better person in life.
Subsequently, I wouldn't want to be punished for what I did unacceptably the last time for my current one. We all need that second chance. I am of course, aware of how a leopard would never change its spot but we all can only pray. Honestly, I did change. And I am not going to punish anyone base on chances.
Plus, I wouldn't say I am perfect when it comes to a relationship because honestly, I am not. I wouldn't even lie about this one bit. And neither would I say that D, on the other hand is perfect too because frankly, he is not. (Which he never fail to remind me about this.) Lol! Well, neither are all of us perfect. But Alhamdulilah, with each passing day we are always working on it. No matter how hard things are, no matter what the obstacles, we are always praying and hoping for the best, Insyaallah.
I learn that trust & communication are the 2 most important thing to keep a relationship going. It will be one party's lost and waste if in any case these concerns are destroyed.
P.S: I would like to thank you to those who came upfront showing their upmost concern.
I was supposed to study but guess I am too tired to even study now. Been daysss that I keep sleeping at 0300 hours and waking up at 0600 hours. *Yawns. Goodnight. Technically, less than a week more to the finals! Scaryyyyyy.
Recently, some things happened and it was like battling heart over head for me. Upon what was delivered, my heart felt like a sharp knife and millions of pins & needles being poked at. I couldn't control my tears and I just broke down.
But... I cannot thank enough to those who have lend me their listening ear and gave me valuable advises, which at that point of time, I couldn't think right and didn't know what else to do. You know who you are and I appreciate so so much.
With this I come to a conclusion:-
I guess every relationship have their own strengths & weaknesses. And not only that, every couple do to. I may act differently in my past relationship than how I behave now in my current relationship. No doubt. I could list a number of them down what I do unacceptably the last time which I didn't do it now.
That is because the person you are with now, will somehow influence the way how you think, act and behave. And even if it is not so much on the other half's influence, past relationship are usually a learning point for everyone to change and constantly be a better person in life.
Subsequently, I wouldn't want to be punished for what I did unacceptably the last time for my current one. We all need that second chance. I am of course, aware of how a leopard would never change its spot but we all can only pray. Honestly, I did change. And I am not going to punish anyone base on chances.
Plus, I wouldn't say I am perfect when it comes to a relationship because honestly, I am not. I wouldn't even lie about this one bit. And neither would I say that D, on the other hand is perfect too because frankly, he is not. (Which he never fail to remind me about this.) Lol! Well, neither are all of us perfect. But Alhamdulilah, with each passing day we are always working on it. No matter how hard things are, no matter what the obstacles, we are always praying and hoping for the best, Insyaallah.
I learn that trust & communication are the 2 most important thing to keep a relationship going. It will be one party's lost and waste if in any case these concerns are destroyed.
P.S: I would like to thank you to those who came upfront showing their upmost concern.
I was supposed to study but guess I am too tired to even study now. Been daysss that I keep sleeping at 0300 hours and waking up at 0600 hours. *Yawns. Goodnight. Technically, less than a week more to the finals! Scaryyyyyy.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Shake It Off
Dear Diary,
I wish I could blog more today but I guess I can't because I have so many revision to catch up now. It's not helping that I only have this much time to do my revision since work took a lot of time in the earlier part of the day.
But of course, I won't miss to blog this.
It's Taylor Swift's NEW song!!
I go on too many dates
But I can’t make them stay
At least that’s what people say
That’s what people say
But I keep cruising
Can’t stop, won’t stop moving
It’s like I got this music
In my mind, saying it’s gonna be alright
Cause the players gonna play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off
Heart break is gonna break, break, break
And I think it’s gonna fake, fake, fake
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, Shake it off
I’m dancing on my own
I make the moves as I go
And that’s what they don’t know
That’s what they don’t know
Cause the players gonna play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off
Heart break is gonna break, break, break
And I think it’s gonna fake, fake, fake
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, Shake it off
Heart break is gonna break, break, break
And I think it’s gonna fake, fake, fake
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, Shake it off
Shake it off
Shake it off
Shake it off
Shake it off
So let's get on the mood to study and SHAKE IT OFF. Lol!
I wish I could blog more today but I guess I can't because I have so many revision to catch up now. It's not helping that I only have this much time to do my revision since work took a lot of time in the earlier part of the day.
But of course, I won't miss to blog this.
It's Taylor Swift's NEW song!!
Taylor Swift - Shake It Off
I stay up too late
Got nothing in my brain
That’s what people say
That’s what people say
Got nothing in my brain
That’s what people say
That’s what people say
I go on too many dates
But I can’t make them stay
At least that’s what people say
That’s what people say
But I keep cruising
Can’t stop, won’t stop moving
It’s like I got this music
In my mind, saying it’s gonna be alright
Cause the players gonna play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off
Heart break is gonna break, break, break
And I think it’s gonna fake, fake, fake
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, Shake it off
I never miss a beat
I’m lighting up my feet
And that’s what they don’t see
That’s what they don’t see
I’m lighting up my feet
And that’s what they don’t see
That’s what they don’t see
I’m dancing on my own
I make the moves as I go
And that’s what they don’t know
That’s what they don’t know
But I keep cruising
Can’t stop, won’t stop moving
It’s like I got this music
In my mind, saying it’s gonna be alright
Can’t stop, won’t stop moving
It’s like I got this music
In my mind, saying it’s gonna be alright
Cause the players gonna play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off
Heart break is gonna break, break, break
And I think it’s gonna fake, fake, fake
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, Shake it off
Hey, hey, hey
Just think while you been getting down and out about the liars
And the dirty dirty cheats of the world
You could have been getting down to this sick beat
Just think while you been getting down and out about the liars
And the dirty dirty cheats of the world
You could have been getting down to this sick beat
My ex man brought his new girlfriend
She’s like oh my god
But I’m just gonna shake
And to the fella over there with the hella good hair
Won’t you come on over baby we could shake, shake
She’s like oh my god
But I’m just gonna shake
And to the fella over there with the hella good hair
Won’t you come on over baby we could shake, shake
Cause the players gonna play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off. Shake it off
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off. Shake it off
Heart break is gonna break, break, break
And I think it’s gonna fake, fake, fake
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off, Shake it off
Shake it off
Shake it off
Shake it off
Shake it off
So let's get on the mood to study and SHAKE IT OFF. Lol!
Princess Azie Anni ♥
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Dear Diary,
It's 0119 hours and I can't sleep. There is too much things that is going in my head now and I don't even wish to let it out. I'm just bottling everything inside of me. Allah SWT loves me so much to have chosen me to go through such big obstacles in life.
The worse thing is to keep pretending that everything is okay when everything is rather not.
I give up pretending for now because it's tiring on my part. I give up fighting. I don't think I'm strong enough for now, not now.
Back to sleeping late at night with tears.
It's 0119 hours and I can't sleep. There is too much things that is going in my head now and I don't even wish to let it out. I'm just bottling everything inside of me. Allah SWT loves me so much to have chosen me to go through such big obstacles in life.
The worse thing is to keep pretending that everything is okay when everything is rather not.
I give up pretending for now because it's tiring on my part. I give up fighting. I don't think I'm strong enough for now, not now.
Back to sleeping late at night with tears.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Braces. School. Relationship.
Dear Diary,
After 2 months, now I'm back again. I was supposed to blog about my braces journey BUT...I didn't have the time because I was rushing for dateline to complete my dissertation which in this case is so much important to me.
So technically, I am on braces now for about 2 months. I still remember the first time when I had the braces on, it was PAINFUL. I couldn't EAT well, went for a total liquid diet with just yoghurt every single day and I lost a total of 7kg. (Gaining them weight now slowly.
Before that, I had my braces RED in colour. I remember leaving the dentist with 4 tooth extracted and my whole mouth being terribly numb after 8 injections. HAHA! I didn't even realised I was salivating blood until my whole clothes had blood stains on it. Zzz!
And my mouth was distorted when I look at myself in the mirror, which the dentist says it was normal and the numbness will go away in a few hours. Well, it did and that was when the pain starts kicking in.
My colleague, JM said she could eat KFC right after fixing on the braces but I guess my pain tolerance wasn't the same. I could barely eat anything at all, sadly. And worse when people told me it took them only 2 weeks for the pain to die off and get used to eating with braces on BUT for me, it took me almost a month. Well, even until now, I don't really get to feast on much because the sides of the metal braces tend to rub against my cheek and tongue and cause me to have ulcers everywhere.
Hari Raya feasting? I feast less. Yay because I didn't really gain that much weight because after 3 house I stopped eating. Nay because everyone is eating and all I did was just stare and getting so upset about how painful the braces is.
So now I'm at my 2nd braces fixing it's in PINK in colour now. The next appointment will be in a month's time and I'm still deciding what colour to go for. Maybe baby blue? We shall see.
My final semester, final block this month. Examinations will be in a month's time which means I'm graduating soon. Time flies so fast! It has almost been 2 years, cannot believe it rightttt. Plus I still cannot believe that I managed to actually complete my dissertation. HAHA! Okay, maybe now waiting for some feedbacks from my lecturer and left only with the abstract and conclusion part. That 'thing' haunted me since my FIRST day I enrol into doing this Honours Degree. I thought I will never be able to make it but Alhamdulilah, with everyone doa, I managed to.
I still remember on the first day of my enrolment to school. Even though there was nothing left of us anymore, but I cannot thank A much for accompanying me on my first day or else I will never be here right now. Thank you, A.
Well as you all know, not all but some. D and I, we are official.
Whatever no one cares I know. But I care actually. HEHEHE! 
I waited for a few months to be truly assured. Well, assured of the necessary. You know woman. And Alhamdulilah. It has been months, rather soon entering into that half a year phase. FAST RIGHT?! Lol!
And things are rather Syukur Alhamdulilah for us. As usual, there are bound to have ups and downs in a relationship. Our honeymoon period.. Do we even have any honeymoon period?! Okay maybe not that long. Lol! But...I'm really glad that with this man, we usually sort it out by talking things out.
The thing about D, he listens and he WANTS to listen which hardly you find a man who listen and WANT to listen to you. Lol! D notice the little things, he is rather observant. Okay maybe this part I shall give credit to his job's nature because rarely you find man who notice. He is honest even though it pains you but I'm really glad that he is. He is my personal kind of annoying pain. Thank you Allah SWT. :)
It's too early to speak of anything but I always believe if it's meant to be to be, it's meant to be. Anything can happen but like both D & I say, we can only pray, doa and hope for the best. Insyaallah. Amin!
On a lighter note, I'm on half day leave tomorrow to bring the Cousin for Spa treat before her wedding day this coming weekend at Spa by Norfa.
Orang tu dah nak kahwinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn sehhhhhh. Feeeeweeet.
I'm all set to be the orang kuat and I'm all SEXcited. HAHAHHAHAA!
After 2 months, now I'm back again. I was supposed to blog about my braces journey BUT...I didn't have the time because I was rushing for dateline to complete my dissertation which in this case is so much important to me.
So technically, I am on braces now for about 2 months. I still remember the first time when I had the braces on, it was PAINFUL. I couldn't EAT well, went for a total liquid diet with just yoghurt every single day and I lost a total of 7kg. (Gaining them weight now slowly.
Before that, I had my braces RED in colour. I remember leaving the dentist with 4 tooth extracted and my whole mouth being terribly numb after 8 injections. HAHA! I didn't even realised I was salivating blood until my whole clothes had blood stains on it. Zzz!
My colleague, JM said she could eat KFC right after fixing on the braces but I guess my pain tolerance wasn't the same. I could barely eat anything at all, sadly. And worse when people told me it took them only 2 weeks for the pain to die off and get used to eating with braces on BUT for me, it took me almost a month. Well, even until now, I don't really get to feast on much because the sides of the metal braces tend to rub against my cheek and tongue and cause me to have ulcers everywhere.
Hari Raya feasting? I feast less. Yay because I didn't really gain that much weight because after 3 house I stopped eating. Nay because everyone is eating and all I did was just stare and getting so upset about how painful the braces is.
So now I'm at my 2nd braces fixing it's in PINK in colour now. The next appointment will be in a month's time and I'm still deciding what colour to go for. Maybe baby blue? We shall see.
My final semester, final block this month. Examinations will be in a month's time which means I'm graduating soon. Time flies so fast! It has almost been 2 years, cannot believe it rightttt. Plus I still cannot believe that I managed to actually complete my dissertation. HAHA! Okay, maybe now waiting for some feedbacks from my lecturer and left only with the abstract and conclusion part. That 'thing' haunted me since my FIRST day I enrol into doing this Honours Degree. I thought I will never be able to make it but Alhamdulilah, with everyone doa, I managed to.
I still remember on the first day of my enrolment to school. Even though there was nothing left of us anymore, but I cannot thank A much for accompanying me on my first day or else I will never be here right now. Thank you, A.
Well as you all know, not all but some. D and I, we are official.
I waited for a few months to be truly assured. Well, assured of the necessary. You know woman. And Alhamdulilah. It has been months, rather soon entering into that half a year phase. FAST RIGHT?! Lol!
The thing about D, he listens and he WANTS to listen which hardly you find a man who listen and WANT to listen to you. Lol! D notice the little things, he is rather observant. Okay maybe this part I shall give credit to his job's nature because rarely you find man who notice. He is honest even though it pains you but I'm really glad that he is. He is my personal kind of annoying pain. Thank you Allah SWT. :)
It's too early to speak of anything but I always believe if it's meant to be to be, it's meant to be. Anything can happen but like both D & I say, we can only pray, doa and hope for the best. Insyaallah. Amin!
On a lighter note, I'm on half day leave tomorrow to bring the Cousin for Spa treat before her wedding day this coming weekend at Spa by Norfa.
Orang tu dah nak kahwinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn sehhhhhh. Feeeeweeet.
I'm all set to be the orang kuat and I'm all SEXcited. HAHAHHAHAA!
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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