After 2 months, now I'm back again. I was supposed to blog about my braces journey BUT...I didn't have the time because I was rushing for dateline to complete my dissertation which in this case is so much important to me.
So technically, I am on braces now for about 2 months. I still remember the first time when I had the braces on, it was PAINFUL. I couldn't EAT well, went for a total liquid diet with just yoghurt every single day and I lost a total of 7kg. (Gaining them weight now slowly.
Before that, I had my braces RED in colour. I remember leaving the dentist with 4 tooth extracted and my whole mouth being terribly numb after 8 injections. HAHA! I didn't even realised I was salivating blood until my whole clothes had blood stains on it. Zzz!
My colleague, JM said she could eat KFC right after fixing on the braces but I guess my pain tolerance wasn't the same. I could barely eat anything at all, sadly. And worse when people told me it took them only 2 weeks for the pain to die off and get used to eating with braces on BUT for me, it took me almost a month. Well, even until now, I don't really get to feast on much because the sides of the metal braces tend to rub against my cheek and tongue and cause me to have ulcers everywhere.
Hari Raya feasting? I feast less. Yay because I didn't really gain that much weight because after 3 house I stopped eating. Nay because everyone is eating and all I did was just stare and getting so upset about how painful the braces is.
So now I'm at my 2nd braces fixing it's in PINK in colour now. The next appointment will be in a month's time and I'm still deciding what colour to go for. Maybe baby blue? We shall see.
My final semester, final block this month. Examinations will be in a month's time which means I'm graduating soon. Time flies so fast! It has almost been 2 years, cannot believe it rightttt. Plus I still cannot believe that I managed to actually complete my dissertation. HAHA! Okay, maybe now waiting for some feedbacks from my lecturer and left only with the abstract and conclusion part. That 'thing' haunted me since my FIRST day I enrol into doing this Honours Degree. I thought I will never be able to make it but Alhamdulilah, with everyone doa, I managed to.
I still remember on the first day of my enrolment to school. Even though there was nothing left of us anymore, but I cannot thank A much for accompanying me on my first day or else I will never be here right now. Thank you, A.
Well as you all know, not all but some. D and I, we are official.
I waited for a few months to be truly assured. Well, assured of the necessary. You know woman. And Alhamdulilah. It has been months, rather soon entering into that half a year phase. FAST RIGHT?! Lol!
The thing about D, he listens and he WANTS to listen which hardly you find a man who listen and WANT to listen to you. Lol! D notice the little things, he is rather observant. Okay maybe this part I shall give credit to his job's nature because rarely you find man who notice. He is honest even though it pains you but I'm really glad that he is. He is my personal kind of annoying pain. Thank you Allah SWT. :)
It's too early to speak of anything but I always believe if it's meant to be to be, it's meant to be. Anything can happen but like both D & I say, we can only pray, doa and hope for the best. Insyaallah. Amin!
On a lighter note, I'm on half day leave tomorrow to bring the Cousin for Spa treat before her wedding day this coming weekend at Spa by Norfa.
Orang tu dah nak kahwinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn sehhhhhh. Feeeeweeet.
I'm all set to be the orang kuat and I'm all SEXcited. HAHAHHAHAA!
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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