1223 hours
I'm down with the flu bug, as well as fever. I'm okay to have the flu though my nose keep leaking like a broken pipe..BUT as the mucus gets accumulated at your nose and throat especially, you'll get infected with a sore throat. And as all of you know, sickness & me doesn't go very well. So you can just picture me with my 3 gigantic Cs.
Oh yes, I crave a lot when I'm unwell. That's when the nonsense kicks in. Lol! I craved for Fish Soup yesterday. Mee Siam this morning and now it has just past an hour I had Mee Siam, I am already craving for Nasi Lemak. Lol! Really hope I can recover faster. I've self-medicate myself with the best of knowledge on these 3 drugs.
Chlorpheniramine - To relieve my running rose that is literally running.
Difflam - To soothe and numb my throat
Ibuprofen - To bring down my fever
And I took 4life Trans-factor Plus pills to kick-start my immune system.
Enough of me being sick. Recently, I saw a lot of Facebook posts on couples like this and how people commenting them looking cute. Cute mehhh like this? Like spoil the picture only because the girl is that short. Lol! I'm saying other people but you see, that is how I stand on ground with D actually. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
So I think I will search for a much much higher heels when the date is nearing. 
Anyway, found this on Facebook and I am sharing these for all you Brides and Grooms out there. The top 15 Malay Bridal Boutiques to consider when getting married.
But actually out of the 15, I only like 3 of it. Hehehehe!
2231 hours
A friend from Secondary school got married today. Syukur Alhamdulilah. His wedding card is so damn unique. It resembles those immigration white card before you travel out of the country. So you can have a good guess what my friend is working as already by now. Lol!
I am really more than honoured to receive Wedding invitation each time. I mean no obligation, to invite also can, not to invite also can, because no matter what, I will still pray the best for people. But the problem comes in when I'm always invited to a wedding where my close friends are not invited or not close to or don't even know the bride & groom. Yes, I must have this "many" friends that even my close friends are not close with. Lol! And it always always always happens to me.
It gives me this huge dilemma on how am I supposed to attend the wedding. Yes, I can bring D along but the problem is my boyfriend doesn't like attending this kind of thing. Haizzzz! Especially when he is working on that day like from morning or night shift. So leceh ah that man. Sometimes it annoys me so much, if for his friends semua boleh, semua no problem. But when it comes to me "See first lah. Insya'Allah lah." 1001 excuses.
Yes, the best reply is always Insyaallah. Like it has been said, sebaik-baiknya jawapan adalah Insyaallah. But this man's Insyaallah is also another meaning = Kirim salam sudahhhhh.
And in my heart I'll be like "Teman sekejap pun tak boleh ke? Boleh mati ke ikut skejap. Lepas pergi makan balik what." Like everyone is also tired everyday too. Zzz! I still have to work, do house chores somemore. Hellooooooo?
And I'm not that unreasonable okay, because I even offer to cab back and forth one. It's only nice to attend something when people invited you. I can't be asking my bestfriends because one is married and she got her own family day on weekend, and the other one, super shy nak mampus. And my other friends and girlfriends are Chinese. Zzz! Sooooooooo....tell me how, D is the ONLY person I can hope which is not very the hopeful. Plus, I don't like to not attend something when I'm invited.
Haizzzzzzzz. Dilemma lehhhhh. This man I tell you he always like to behave like this, I'm going to be a mak-mak mode on now. When his time come to get married and nobody wants to attend his wedding baru tahu ah! Then don't start questioning why people don't want to come. Kthanksbye!
On second thought, I just thought that saying that is also jeopardizing my marriage. Because isn't D's wedding, my wedding too?
But I always attend people's wedding one sehhhh. Tskkk. K lah bye.
Princess Azie Anni ♥