Thursday, January 28, 2016

New Moon

Dear Diary,

Haizzz! Don't want.

Current mood now. Current emotion now.




My tummy hasn't been feeling quite good these few days, not too sure why. The aching I had this morning was even craaaaaa....zy. Couldn't even stand to walk. Being in the medical line always never help when things like this happen. When every inch of your body starts to ache or be in pain, we tend to think of the worse. No, we don't go to zero scale of thinking like muscle strain or whatever, we go deeper and think things like cancer and blah blah blah. This is Science and Medical students for you. But it isn't entirely our fault because this is what we were made to learn in school okay.

So you'll have people who brush us off from such thoughts. The only thing I could think of is my irregular meals that I'm having nowadays. I either skip breakfast & lunch and have only dinner, or have breakfast and skip lunch & dinner, or skip breakfast & dinner and only have lunch. Yes - 1 meal a day. On top of that I'll go for my running every night. I was just hoping that my crash dieting will work on me but I guess it needed some time to let my body get used to it. It's not like my first time doing this anyway. Call me unhealthy or whatsoever, but I just want to lose weight. It's a psychology thing I think? And I don't care if some people think I'm fat or some people think I'm thin. And the fact, I also don't give a hook if my boyfriend thinks I'm like a fragile small in size and tells me he prefer girls who are rather berisi (chubbier).

I don't give a freaking hook what people think or what you think about me, I'll decide what I want to be best, what I want to feel most. Bye.

Princess Azie Anni 

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