I can't believe it will be this stressful to choose a wedding bridal. And honestly, I spend a lot of my time scrolling from one Instagram to the next and looking at one Bridal to the other. I even keep looking at their pictures when I'm awake, before I go to bed, during my free time, in the train while heading to work and coming back from work.
And I have actually short-listed some few ones before, that interest me. Not in any order of likings.
1) The Wedding Brocade
2) Peti Solek TBR
3) Ishq by Norazee
4) Chantique The Wedding Gallery
5) Signature Bridal
6) Fatimah mohsin
7) Versariade
I immediately strike off Fatimah mohsin and Versariade off the list. LOL!
After a while, I strike off Ishq by Norazee and Chantique The Wedding Gallery off and that left me with The Wedding Brocade, Peti Solek TBR and Signature Bridal. And hearing some of my friends who is getting married on 2017 but couldn't get the bridal they wanted as slots were fully booked, I faster email these bridal to ask for available slot on my wedding date.
Truth be told, The Wedding Brocade was already FULL. My goshhhhh! That left me with disappointment but I know I had 2 other more choices to choose from, either Peti Solek TBR and Signature Bridal when they told me they still had slot available slot on my wedding date.
But the problem is, I CAN'T DECIDE between...
Peti Solek TBR
Signature Bridal
I feel like crying thinking of these two, to the extend I even feel like even doing Solat Istikharah.
So, I did kinda you knowwwww hinted at D to ask if his parents, mom lah actually, if she have some inputs or anything. But he gave me that reply "My parents anything. Lagipun kita kan yang nak kahwin." So okay lorr. Maybe he doesn't get my hint that I wanted him to ask his mom for opinion, because moms will be very good at these kinda things. Lol! Plus I am very fickle-minded and I have a problem in decision making
The reason why I love Peti Solek TBR is because I am soooooo in love with their make-up. So va va voom! Their make-up is such beauty. Like a transformer, it really transform you. From an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan, beautiful Princess. Princess! Yes that kind. Hahaha! But I find their baju okay-okay only. Some is repetitive worn by many brides already. Plus I have strong liking towards wedding gown that has a flare-out bottom. So far, I haven't seen any brides wearing one that I like in their Instagram. So probably, I thought I should head down to their Bridal place to look out for more of their wedding gown collections.
Signature Bridal on the other hand, their make-up is okay, not too bad but their baju is just Oh-My-Gosh! Walaaaaaaa! I was like totally in love with their baju. I remember flipping through the albums at Expo and go "Wah! Cantik nya! Yang ni cantik! Wah I love this one! Wah wah wah!" practically at every pictures I see. LOLOLS! I was too happy that I sign up a Post-Wedding photoshoot with them because Adik & my BIL did a post-wedding photoshoot with them too and I love how their pictures turn out plus the baju they wear was so nice also.
So anyway, I left the bridal for my wedding day for further reconsideration between Peti Solek or Signature Bridal to choose from. Furthermore, to me both make-up and baju is very very important during the wedding.
So I did what I do best, I ask my colleagues around to look at Peti Solek TBR vs Signature Bridal pictures and Instagram, and ask which one should I pick. And so they come out with these reasoning:-
Peti Solek TBR definitely kill it off with their make-up but the problem is I am not the type who wears make-up, so unless if I'm the kind who always put on make-up, they will definitely be the best choice. My colleagues are afraid that I'll end up looking someone who I am not during my wedding day. Lol! Plus furthermore, when I see myself in thick make-up, I got this tendency to be in total shocked and I'll wipe it off. No idea why lah eh. While Signature Bridal have make-up that will suit me and make me look myself but they are afraid I will look "less" because I'm supposed to look like a Bride. LOL!
So does this even help?! LOL! It still leaves me confused and still leave me torn between these two bridal. Helppppp me!
Anyway, since D had a last minute course to attend for work. I managed to change my appointment timing for Signature Bridal at a later time slot for both D and I. But can't seem to find a nicer slot timing for Peti Solek TBR. It's either they have client on the timing I wanted or I can't make it on the timing or day they suggested. So do you think this is a sign? Hmmm...
But knowing me, I'll still try. I'll keep my options open and reconsider all before making my final decision. Till here my manager actually brought me Ginger tea since I drink Ginger tea to relieve menstrual cramps. Lol! I shall you know let things flow the way it's supposed to go. Some things I guess is just fated.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
I too have a hard time to decide between two bridal boutiques. But your blog entry really helped. haha! Wish me luck! :)
Hi, I'm glad I have helped you in some ways. Yes, I still remember I was torn in between 2 choices too. Hehe! All the best in choosing! :)
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