I finally find the time to write this space of mine. Not many know since I usually tweet more in Twitter than anywhere else. My Twitter is private, so don't bother looking for me because I won't bother accepting too. It's a rather private space for me with less followers who don't really care about my life and I like it that way. I tweet whatever I want including more personal things that I could refer back anytime I want.
Plus I've been busier than ever with work, doing more Sundays and Public Holidays. Oh yes, I sign up for Muay Thai classes too after work. Time to get that body in shape & tone.
So now, I will TRY to discipline myself from now onwards to start writing, HOPEFULLY though I still fail to do it.
Anyway, I am not sure if many know but D and I are heading to that direction. Heeee! Syukur Alhamdulilah. I have never once thought that we will come this far in life since compared to my previous relationship of 8 years, D and I are even barely 2.
But they say, kita merancang Allah SWT yang tentukan. If it is already written that D is my soulmate and I was "made" from his tulang rusuk, then in Allah SWT will, it shall be that way. Amin.
Thinking about this sometimes makes me feel like tearing away because I used to think that I won't get married because it feels like I won't end up with anybody else that I can just click. I have a problem having chemistry with people. Some people no matter how good they are, how nice, how rich, how educated, how good-looking they are, I just cannot click. And don't ask me why, I do not know it myself either. Sometimes I feel like slapping myself for not being able to click with people but I guess Allah SWT have His ways why I am like this.
With D, it was different. He was weird at the first meeting when we first dated
And Wedding preparation is a no joke. There are just too many things to settle and I am not even kidding. D is the kind who wants to get married but don't know anything.
And hopefully we'll get the bridal thingy settle by next week because last minute D texted me he had to attend course on the day we have 2 bridal appointments. Tsk! So I have to re-schedule and email them to change the appointment. SAD SIA. But nevermind lah. Really hoping to get this settle once and for all and get it strike off my list, so I can concentrate on other important things.
Till here,
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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