So recently, people have been sharing this article around.
Here's why happy couples post less about their relationships on social media
There are probably some staunch reason that I would agree, a certain extent. It is just how some people are introvert and some people being are extrovert. So does one being noisy and bubbly means portraying happiness but deep down they are sad? And one being quiet portray sadness on the outside but deep down they are happy? How do you define that? To each its own. Different people are different. I'm not as hypocritical as that. What you see me, is what you get. I don't hide behind self and pretend like as if I am happy but deep down I'm not. But of course, to a certain extend not to hang my dirty laundry to the whole world like; Facebook. But Twitter - a more private space for me just to let certain things out, to make me feel better. Just like how some people would talk matters to another person. Just that in my case, when my mom is no longer around, I have exactly no one to talk to, and thus, I revert to another form like Twitter or maybe blogger so that I'll at least be sane instead of bottling things inside me.

Posting less, yes of course. Because there are time when you get sick, of some people who keep posting about their relationship every now and then. Trust me, we do right sometimes?

But who cares even if someone do? You may post pictures a lot of your friends, your food etc because probably you have a lot of friends and someone else doesn't. Do we say anything about it?And does posting a lot of pictures of your friends means you're lonely inside?

For all you know, this chap over here keep posting pictures of his/her other half, it could be because he/she is her/his ONLY friend. Could you define and judge someone's happiness or sadness just based on social media? Some people are genuine like that, when they are happy, they are just happy. Probably the same thing about me. When I'm happy, I'm happy but when I'm upset with D...I don't even wish to speak his name, talk about him or even see him. HAHAHAHA!

Just based on this research, I kinda got upset when D, himself, shared this post on his Facebook wall. I know indirectly that post was for me because D doesn't really approve much on how sometimes I like to upload our pictures on the social media since day 1. Konon he wants to be low profile about our relationship.
Number 1 BUT...there are difference about hiding your relationship and whom you are with VS hiding what happened in your relationship. Based on my thoughts, to hide your relationship and whom you are with, means you're allowing 3rd party to think you're single. You're allowing 3rd party to think you are their potential and they can flirt around with you. Even if you are in relationship, you're allowing 3rd party to think you're actually never quite happy in a relationship. You're allowing 3rd party to intrude into your relationship, when you can avoid all of this totally in the first place. I am not asking someone to air what happened in their relationship, no. Not that way.
Number 2 is just MY way of showing gratitude, MY way of showing how much I love someone, MY way of showing appreciation and how proud I am being with someone and I don't mind "showing that person off" to the whole world but not to the certain extend or cheesiness. I don't like a love so mundane, so boring and so routine. Sometimes, to me this keeps the spark of love alive. Don't you like to read at least something nice from your other half once in a while? Well, I do. And people ought to remember that being a Gemini and you should know how a Gemini love goes. We never like anything boring.
And no, I don't seek external validation nor do I seek outside attention from my postings. Just that, people like me, when I'm happy, I am just happy and I tend to show it (but not too much of course).
But well, I have made a promised with D that from now onwards I will no longer upload our pictures anywhere in the social media, to respect what he wants or maybe in another words this is me showing my tantrums? HAHAHA! This is going to get as boring as it is. Oh wellllllll....
Till here bruh.

Princess Azie Anni ♥
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