Day 2:- 11 December 2016
This time D woke me up with his countless text and missed call to wake me up so that I will not be late. I woke up on time too and got myself ready and since we were quite early, we took the public.
And early in the morning, D had to spoil my mood. It all started because the night before, his family and him were discussing about his venue déco. I asked him certain questions and he could answer me and it got me annoyed. I felt like he wasn't much involved about the wedding preparations but leaving everything to his parents to decide this and that. Who's wedding is it anyway?

The moment I saw, it was totally off the list. I am very particular about certain things, the deco being one of it. So, when he showed me these 2 deco, obviously I went "Noooo!" The fact is, I am also going to sit at the pelamin okay. This pelamin is like..........I don't even want to say it. Faham-faham je lah eh. I can be as easy going and sembarang 99% of the time but when I am particular about something, I Even for the Kompang (which sadly I didn't get to choose) since it comes under his catering package and they don't even know what is their kompang company called. I told D if the kompang is not up to my expectation, you know like some kompang can really kompang like the berterabuh kind, I don't want to move.
So obviously not this two. D showed me some more deco and I was okay with some and I went to their fb and suggested him somemore of their deco. Well, as long as it's not Gold and Red, even though Red is my favourite colour but the colour combination is a no-no. Ni Malay wedding eh bukan.......

Wasn't D's favourite but it's okay, any other deco but not gold and red. Moving on due to this topic, D mentioned something which kinda hurt my feelings.
D: Oh yes. My dad kata, bilang dengan bakal kau, jangan pakai baju terdedah sana, terdedah sini nanti.
I know the intention was good and of course, I am aware of the things I can and cannot wear during a Malay wedding reception. Of course, I won't wear those bustier dress even though I really wanted to but I know I have to respect the makcik & pakcik there. So, I'm getting something a little more covered but hopefully with lace kinda. Then like that also cannot. Furthermore, it's my wedding. My wedding! If I can't be happy on my wedding with EVERYONE TELLING ME WHAT TO DO and EVERYONE SAYING WHAT IS THEIR WANT BUT NOT LISTENING TO WHAT I WANT, THEN why am I getting married in the first place?! And if my wedding is being plan and control by other people, then why is it even call MY wedding?
So I didn't talk to D, I kept quiet until we reached the class.
The class started with Puan Suriati on Module 7 & 8 since I think Encik Khair was busy with something else again and so we skipped Module 5 & 6 at the later part.
Module 7:-
- Asas-asas Komunikasi
- Komunikasi Lelaki & Perempuan
- Bahasa Cinta
- Tips Komunikasi Berkesan
- Konflik & Resolusi
- Kemaafan
- House Rules
- Nota Kasih Sejati
1) Words of Affirmation
2) Acts of Service
3) Receiving Gifts
4) Quality Time
5) Physical Touch
I remembered doing this like 2 years ago and I was more of the Quality Time and D was the Words of Affirmation and this time when I did it again, SURPRISINGLY, D was Quality Time and guess what was mine? Physical Touch. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Faz, sitting next to me chuckled seeing mine. So we were told to exchange our book with our partner. Most of the guys had Physical Touch (of course) and girls had Quality Time or Words of Affirmation as their Love Language. So, D upon seeing mine being the physical touch, he just gulped down his saliva hard and stared at me at the corner of his seat in disbelieve. Hahahahahaa! I wanted to change to something else but no matter how much I changed it, it was still Physical Touch. Gatal nah ke aku? Lol!
So Puan Suriati mentioned that our love language might change over time. Like now maybe we might prefer Receiving Gifts but sometimes after marriage, we might prefer Acts of Service rather. We had our tea break and D kept making fun of me about the 'Physical Touch'. I can't deny the fact that MOST of the time, all I do is to touch him. Okay please don't get me wrong. Not anyhow touch-touch lah okay. I just like to tickle or poke-poke him that's all and makes him "frustrated." LOL!
The class ended on a sweet note.
It taught us to always forgive each other at the end of the day and include Islamic verses and quotes to love one another. Even as I'm writing this, I feel like crying. I remember Puan Suriati mentioned, the best couples are the ones that forgive each other before they sleep (something which D and I try to practice and hopefully continue to practice.) There are some people who fought with each other and who knows God take their partner's life away and fighting with each other only cause you greater regrets then. And Puan Suriati mentioned 'Percayalah. Jodoh kita itu adalah yang sebaik-baiknya pilihan untuk kita dari Allah SWT. Hormati lah dia, hargai lah dia, pelihara lah dia dan sayangi lah dia seperti mana anda mengenggam sebutir mutiara yang tinggi nilainya.' So we were told to write a note to each other on a heart shaped paper and then to exchange at the end of the class before heading for our lunch.
Went for our lunch break and this time we had Nasi Briyani. It was super nice and this time D and I finished our food. Lol!
After our lunch, we continued our next lesson of Module 5 & 6 (supposedly) by Encik Khair. Encik Khair has a unique way of teaching. He doesn't really go book by book but explain and recap everything that we need to know in general & in-depth at the end of the day of life after marriage. His class is so much fun, we laugh even more and had more interaction games. He does not only cover the aspect on life after marriage but include unsur-unsur agama into it.
D had the easiest position lah eh. Haha! The twister spinner doesn't want to cooperate with me but keep giving D the easiest pose. Lol! Anyway, this game taught us that life after marriage will not always be smooth-sailing (considered ours was. Insyaallah. Amin). Like how complicated these positions are, that will be how tough marriage life can be, but what most important is we overcome them together.
We had our tea breaks and continued the lesson, this time understanding the difference of how girls and boys differ in emotion wise.
We ended the lesson half an hour later and even so, I don't wish for the class to end. I made new friends and I love how interesting the class were. We were then told to write our feedback/surveys before leaving, at the same time Encik Khair called the boys name to give our our certificate in completion of the pre-marriage course.
I will DEFINITELY recommend Kasih Sejati by SuChi Success to any BTB & GTB out there. It's worth the money and time. It's fun and you'll learn so much more and it's definitely something different from any other pre-marriage course I've heard from any BTB & GTB that doesn't touch much about this or that aspect that was being feedback by them. It's a feeling I cannot explain after attending this course after numerous times of exchanging book with D. It's something I will remember for the rest of our lives being married together and hopefully to incorporate them into our daily life after this.
If some of you are introvert. Don't worry, you can also attend this course. It's not so much about interacting every time. The interaction part is slightly little only, most of the time you'll just sit down, listen to the instructor and exchanging books with your partner. If you don't feel comfortable to interact, you can just keep quiet like I did (but became slightly talkative before the lesson end. Hehe!) Don't need to worry. D is more of the introvert kind, he dislike making friends and meeting new people but he survived. Hehe!
So, to experience what I experience and to understand what I meant, sign up for your pre-marriage course by Kasih Sejati by SuChi Success okay?
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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