First and for all I would like to apologize for all my language, vocabulary and grammar constructions that sounds pretty horrible whenever I blog. Lol! The reason being, I always don't realized that I made those mistakes not until I press 'publish' and re-read again what I've written the next day or the next day after. By then, I can't be bothered to correct them since I need to use a laptop (cannot use handphone, keep hanging and shut down) to log into blogger. But sometimes, when I have the free time, I usually do the change (by then people have already read my entry.) Furthermore, I usually blogged during late night and I'm already half-sleepy and rushing to get the entry published. LOL! Plus plus, I myself is aware that my English is not so good anyway. So thank you for bearing all my ugly vocabs people.
Last weekend, D and I attended our pre-marriage course for 2 straight days from 9am-6pm by SuChi Success, Kasih Sejati.
Since D is on 2 weeks leave, so we decided to settle the pre-marriage course this month. Besides his shift job doesn't allow him to do a full straight course back to back like this especially on a weekends plus some of my friends suggested to do the pre-marriage course 6 months prior to our wedding and obviously both of us have less than 6 months time left before our wedding day.
Our course was held at SuChi Success Training Centre itself. Take note that different days/week of the pre-marriage course will be held at different venue sometimes. It could be the training centre itself or at a mosque, so choose accordingly to your preferred date and venue.
Since mine was held at SuChi Success Training Centre, it's not necessary to put on the tudung compared to having it in the mosque (of course compulsory) but I think it's only appropriate to do so since it was stated in the e-mail for ladies to preferably put on the hijab.
Day 1:- 10 December 2016
We were told to report half an hour earlier at 8.30am for the registration but I woke up like an hour late because I slept quite late the night before (My auntie & family plus Adik & family was over at my place and left quite late.) D didn't even wake me up! He thought I was getting ready and that was why I didn't text him at all. 7.30am - I jumped out from my bed and quickly had my shower. I hate missing fajr prayers whenever I'm late but I had to because I was already running late.
I tried to call for cab but NO CABS! I even tried Uber, tried Grabcar, Grab Taxi. Seriously or what?! By then I was super annoyed because we were left with less than an hour to reach from the West all the way to the East. SuChi Success Training Centre is located at Paya Lebar, mind you.
I decided to give up on the cab and left home to flag for the taxi at the bus stop, and again... No sign of cab but the bus came instead. So I took the bus and headed to Lot 1's Taxi Stand hoping to get a cab. There was a queue at the taxi stand but no cab were available. Good job CCK!

I was furious, angry because I dislike being late. D tried to calm me down inside the cab. He kept saying that it was not my fault that I was late and it's really no used getting upset, getting angry because it won't change anything. He took his phone and check his GPRS and showed me that we will reach the venue just nice by 9am, before the course start and held my hand tight to calm me down. Haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. He always seems to know what to do whenever I get upset, I get angry just like Mama.
D was right, we reached by 9am and we rushed to the training centre at the 4th floor by stairs because we couldn't find the lift. Hahaha! We registered ourselves and we were given a cute cat pen and a book each for the lesson.
I saw the registration paper and apparently, there was another couple that was later than us. (So we didn't feel that bad) Sat inside the room and we were separated into one side female and male (but in the same room.) Those who came early were lucky because they get to sit near their partner separated by just a small middle alley but D and I were quite far apart. I sat at the 5th row which is the last row, 2nd sit from the middle alley and D sat at the 3rd row, 3rd sit from the middle alley. But I could see him from where I sat but slightly difficult for him to see me, since he have to turn back to his left in order to see me. Hehehe!
The instructor/trainer came and started the course after the both of us took our place. Flipped into the book and they have from Module 1 all the way to Module 8 or Chapters in my own words. I'm not sure how they usually run the course but ours weren't in sequence on that day. We jumped in between Module because apparently, the trainer Encik Khair couldn't be present early in the morning to run the Module 1 & 2 for us. And the lesson is of course conducted in Malay and a mixture of English but mostly Malay, so some people there, probably English spoken at home, (I don't know how difficult can Malay language be hard to understand if you are Malay. They don't use difficult Malay language)

The Module is as per follow:-
Module 1:-
- Konsep Keserasian
- Profil Personaliti
- Analisa Personaliti
- Komitmen Terhadap Perkahwinan
- Konsep Keluarga Asal
- Mengenal Bakal Mentua & Keluarga Pasangan
- Profil Kewangan Pra-Nikah
- Rancangan Pernikahan
- Pengertian Nikah
- Syarat & Rukun Nikah
- Konsep Taalik
- Tanggungjawab Suami & Isteri
- Konsep Nafkah
- Sunnah Dalam Nikah
- Erti Cinta, Kasih & Sayang
- Konsep Nafsu
- Seks & Intimasi
- Adab-adab Seks
- Tekanan-tekanan Awal Perkahwinan
- Konsep Perubahan & Penyesuaian
- Tahap-tahap Emosi
- Membuat Keputusan
- Menghadapi Perubahan & Membuat Penyesuaian
- Kepimpinan Keluarga
- Isu Zuriat
- Profil Kewangan Selepas Nikah
- Keperluan Kewangan Keluarga
- Asas-asas Komunikasi
- Komunikasi Lelaki & Perempuan
- Bahasa Cinta
- Tips Komunikasi Berkesan
- Konflik & Resolusi
- Kemaafan
- House Rules
- Nota Kasih Sejati
Module 3:-
- Pengertian Nikah
- Syarat & Rukun Nikah
- Konsep Taalik
- Tanggungjawab Suami & Isteri
- Konsep Nafkah
- Sunnah Dalam Nikah
Module 4:-
- Erti Cinta, Kasih & Sayang
- Konsep Nafsu
- Seks & Intimasi
- Adab-adab Seks
And I didn't know I was getting married to a doctor.
Half the time I couldn't figure out what he actually write.

So all in all, we learn about nafkah too, who is solely responsible for the nafkah of the family after marriage etc. (Fact: Husband of course!) And what to do before the akad nikah. Like to perform your 2 rakaat solat sunat, to ask for forgiveness from your parents, and to selawat before leaving your house all the way before reaching the solemnization venue. And to perform 2 rakaat solat sunat after the solemnization, and the husband is encouraged to place his hand on his wife forehead while reading some doa that was taught during the course. (We were made to memorize. Hehe!)
The lesson carried on for Module 3 with Ustaz Jalil with tea break in between and then Module 4 before we head for our lunch break. Module 4 is of course about sex which of course some of the boys were being naughty...;aughing half the time in the class.

After which we headed for our break. Sadly I didn't take a picture of the food but we had Nasi Sambal Goreng and Begedil with Lemak Cili Api Chicken. They were so generous with the portion that even D and I couldn't finish ours. Hehe! The boys proceed with their Zohor prayers and some of the girls too but I didn't. =X I know. I always seems to feel a bit uncomfortable to solat anywhere if it's not home or the mosque.
Manage to screenshot from my Insta story video. Hehehe!
An hour later, we started our class again, this time it was a different instructor known as Encik Faizal, who cover Module 1 & 2 . I didn't know that different module was conducted by different instructor. By right, it was supposed to be Encik Khair but Encik Faizal said, Encik Khair had some last minute thing to attend to and so he had to take over.
Encik Faizal was okay in conducting the lesson but prolly it was quite some time that he conducted a lesson that he seems to be slightly blur, confused & less confident before we took our 2nd tea break, then he was pretty much better at conducting the lesson. I find learning module 1 quite interesting too.
Module 1:-
- Konsep Keserasian
- Profil Personaliti
- Analisa Personaliti
- Komitmen Terhadap Perkahwinan
Module 2:-
- Konsep Keluarga Asal
- Mengenal Bakal Mentua & Keluarga Pasangan
- Profil Kewangan Pra-Nikah
- Rancangan Pernikahan
We ended the class on time at 6pm since the boys were making noises (boys as usual being boys) and Encik Faizal mentioned that tomorrow Encik Khair will be taking over the class and so we should really come on time in order to finish on time. Hehehehe!
Next entry for Day 2.....
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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