Had fun with my best friends yesterday celebrating Hernie's belated birthday at Shabu Shabu, Marina Country Club at Punggol. We headed there by public but frankly, it'll be so much better to drive there because the Shabu Shabu is located so far away in a "deserted" place. There is shuttle bus at Sengkang station but I wasn't too sure where the shuttle bus was and we couldn't spot any when heading home.
So we dropped off at Punggol initially since we couldn't catch the 1pm shuttle bus anymore hoping to flight for a cab but apparently, there wasn't any cab AT ALL. So after half an hour, we took the train back to Sengkang hoping to catch the 1.30pm shuttle bus this time but again, we were too late. So we had to flight for cab again and it was only half an hour again that we finally got one.
I was put through numerous of 'patience' testing yesterday which almost blew me off but thank God I managed to overcome those. HAHA!
1. Bestie Hajar was late. We were supposed to meet by 11am but we end up meeting at 12.15pm. But it wasn't her fault either because she was having tummy ache. Lol!
2. Having to miss the Shuttle bus and then no getting any cab at all at Punggol, plus having to return back to Sengkang hoping to catch the net shuttle bus and only to end up taking a cab again that took forever to get one.
3. The cab driver had no idea where Marina Country Club was.
We almost died! And I am NOT going to get out of the cab since finding a cab is like finding a needle in haystack there! So, we just asked him to drive on while he had to ask us for direction and you know me. I am NOT GOOD at directions, even with maps. I am Historian, I don't take Geography so I am not train to read maps. And my 2 best friends who took Geography can't even help me out. Zzz! But guess what?! I managed too somehow with my GPRS and I was so happy that I did.
4. Our reservation was at 12.30pm and we only reach there at 2.30pm.
5. Someone already took my reservation.
I told them I was 'Azi' and apparently, someone have already sat at my place much earlier under my reservation name. I don't know how is it even possible since my mobile number is there. 2 person can't have the same mobile number, am I not right? But thank God, there was still many available places, so the problem was quickly resolved.
I was quite impressed with the place, it's HUGE with VARIETY of food compared to Soul Garden, Shabu Shabu would be perfect. The only problem, it being less accessible to those without your own vehicle.
The moment our steam boat and grilling pan was set-up, my best friends and I rushed for the food & drinks especially. Yes, we were just too hungry and THIRSTY because we didn't had anything at all for breakfast.
The variety of spices & chillies. Woooooo!
Indulging time, ENJOY.
Bestie Hernie was in-charged of doing the steam boat,
And Bestie Hajar the grilling,
And so what does Miss PRINCESS Azie Anni do? Waited for the food to get serve to her. HAHA!
I am not being a spoilt brat but that is just how people who are closer to me or know me well, treats me. My best friends, my girlfriends and my family they all do.
Azie: Eh aku dah kenyang seh.
Hernie: Makan pelan-pelan sebab tu aku ketawa-ketawa jadi tak cepat kenyang.
Hajar: Tak ah, kerja kau marah aku je dari tadi sebab makanan aku masak hangus.
Hernie: HAHAHA!
Hajar: Eh aku pegang chilli eh tadi? Muka aku panas gila seh.
Hernie: HAHAHA!
Hajar: Kau ketawa kan aku eh. Aku kerja keras tau ni. Masak ni semua dari tadi.
Hajar: Ah Azie! Ambil ni. Satu orang satu!
Azie: Dah kenyang seh aku
Hajar: MAKAN!
Azie: Ah yelah yelah!
We wouldn't want to miss the dessert for sure, so we had another round of indulgence.
Azie: Haizzzz...macam kenyang aje seh.
Hajar: MAKANNNNN! Kau tadi cakap lapar lapar aje kan. Kau MAKAN sampai kedai ni tutup.
Hernie: Azie dari tadi asyik dengan handphone aje.
Azie: Aku kenyang lah.
Azie: Asyik kene marah je aku.
And you won't be let off with my ferocious fiery bestfriend here. HAHA! After indulging into our dessert, we decided to just hibernate for awhile allowing digestion to take place. And sadly, we were just too full to try the Sushi, we wished we could.
So we had some random conversation again while seated down,
Hernie: Aku nak book chalet ah. Then kita org boleh buat staycation together.
Azie: Ah okay ehhh.
Hajar: Hotel ahh.
Azie: Ah, hotel pun okay.
Hernie: Hotel macam boring seh.
Hajar: Tapi, ada aku kan? Mana boring.
Azie: Omigod! Kau stop it eh. Kau ingat kau spice up our life ah?
Hernie: Kau dulu gaduh dengan Iqah rabak seh.
Hajar: Ye ke? Lama eh?
Hernie: A'a lah. Lama seh sampai 1 tahun lebih seh.
Azie: Aku tak ingat seh.
Hernie: Ada ah. That time. Lepas tu bila dah baik balik korang dua wah, macam belangkas.
Azie: Apa seh tu belangkas?
Hajar: A'a apa seh tu?
Hernie: It's a type of animal
Hajar: HUH?! Kau cakap aku binatang?
Hernie: Bukan lah! Ini seumpama peribahasa gitu lah.
Hahahahaha. Omigosh.
We waited for the 5pm shuttle bus but it was still out of sight. So we decided to hang around for a little while before finally, a cab just happened to past by there and we took the cab back all the way to Compass point, Sengkang. Walked around Compass point and then headed to Jurong East and did some window shopping at Jem before heading home.
It was definitely a splendid time spent with my best friends and I really hope we can do this often. But probably not now especially when I'm struggling to juggle between work and school. Plus dissertation project is ongoing now. It's good enough to wreck me up into pieces of stress balls. HAHA! Hopefully, after I graduate this year, I have more time to do whatever I want.
Forgot to mention, I actually wore a hijab going out with my best friends yesterday but the kind of respond I get from people who are close to me, well, some of them, is rather disappointing. Some say, I might have people who end up bad-mouthing me saying "Ingat pakai tudung tu main-main? Sekejap buka, sekejap pakai?" because I wasn't trying to wear one permanently now and had pictures of me in hijab posted on FB.
But that is NOT what I'm trying to imply. I have been wanting to wear hijab for the longest time but there is just some factors that is stopping me which I wouldn't want to share what is it on social network. I know this is the lamest and sinful excuse I can ever give but bear with me, Insyaallah, one day, I will definitely don on the hijab.
Just let me give you an example. If you are someone who doesn't don on the hijab at all and you are about to enter the mosque. Does that give you the reason or excuse not to put on one since you DON'T don on the hijab? You still do right? Because why? Because the respect you have for Allah SWT home.
And even if you are someone who wear shorts, dresses and etc. When you are heading to meet someone who is elderly to you, do you wear those attire? No right? You will somehow dress appropriately wearing long sleeve shirts and long pants. Am I right?
The same thing goes for me. I put on the hijab was because the respect I have for my best friend. The both of them wears hijab and you can't expect me to go out with them with short dresses and etc. I could wear long sleeves and jeans to meet them but I would say as a Muslim, I feel proud and CHOOSE to don the hijab. What is so wrong on donning the hijab? I don't see anything wrong with it. You people should be happy that I chose the hijab over long sleeves and jeans. And I wouldn't disrespect my best friend that way and neither would I feel at ease to be doing that to them.
It's a shame how people cannot accept and react to this.
That's the reason probably why some people gave up because of criticism like this. But you know what? I am NOT going to let this affect me or rather stop myself from wearing the hijab in the future. Only Allah SWT knows best.
So do not come, lecturing and telling me about me trying to be funny having the hijab on one moment and not the next moment. Before saying that to me, I guess you reflect on yourself about how you put the hijab on and off when you enter the mosque. It's the same concept you have there, just two different situation. A mosque and my best friend.
Go ponder.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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