It has almost been a month that I last updated this space. Basically so many things actually happened in November.
I met up with D's family for the first time during his Brother's wedding. His family was nice and welcoming except D himself.
D told me to wear Dark Blue, which I did. I thought it was only him wearing Dark Blue but little did I know his family wore Dark Blue as well. Thank God I wore a brighter shade of Blue instead of my other darker blue. I was so afraid that his relatives might think I like sibuk-sibuk want to be part of the family when I'm actually just a "newbie."
And being woman, of course we tend to overthink. After the ceremony when D didn't text me. I almost died thinking, if his parents didn't like me or anything. Or probably they tell him to not talk to me anymore. Okay, sound so dramatic! Hahahaha! But I couldn't help it so I texted him. But the feedback came from D was rather positive. Alhamdulilah. Lol! Okay, enough of the wedding already.
I am just a few days down for my Graduation ceremony, my Degree convocation. Half of me feel so excited yet, the other half of me is as good as subdued. I am excited because finally, after years and years of waiting, I will be able to graduate like Emma Watson did! Hahahaha! And I have been awaiting for eons to wear that graduation hat, that mortar board ever since my high school days! This is so sexciting!!! It has never came across my mind that one day I will be able to do this. Do a Degree. Complete it. With a First Class Honours, wearing that mortar board. Alhamdulilah.
And I feel a little bit down because I'm afraid if D won't be able to make it down to my graduation ceremony. Because that man have been giving me so many excuses after excuses not to come. Tsk!
Till here. Both my Manager and Secretary won't be around tomorrow and I'm taking over their work. On a lighter note, I'll be having my Graduation Convocation briefing tomorrow at school plus to collect my Guest ticket for the convocation. I guess this will be one of my last few times going to school before I will last step my foot on it.
I seriously hope D will come to my graduation. Please Ya Allah, make it happen.
Princess Azie Anni
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