I guess I can no longer hide anymore because sadly, D has found the link to blog.

Today was Feeya's baby shower.
And I really must thank D for taking time off from work (He was on afternoon shift today) to enter work at a later timing, so that he could accompany me. It was really sweet of him when he did this for me. I felt so touched God knows. And I too, must thank my sister for not making me feel left out and accompanying me to eat together while we were there. Bless. Because I have this tendency to always feel left-out whenever I am in a place where I'm not that comfortable in or feel like I'm being ignored. =X Just me and my sensitive-self.
Here is to food,
Nothing much for today besides we all just sat down together talking and spending some time with each other. The atmosphere was rather relax and I enjoy it very much. Anyway, Ressal's auntie met me after quite some time and she went "Azie! Dah kurus sekarang. Jangan lah kurus-kurus sangat. Nanti tak lawa tau." Honestly, I still think I need to lose weight and I don't think I lost weight either. Yes, I have been dieting for at least 2 weeks now but I don't think 2 weeks could shown any results ever in losing weight. But the thoughts of going dieting for 6 months before my big day is almost killing me. You know I love food right?

My food. Hehehe!
And of course, what is food without desserts.
We sat for almost an hour plus, while meddling our own business and talking among ourselves. Most of the time, I was trying to snapchat away and taking pictures. And Ayah was talking to D about random stuff. That boy, literally need to do some adjusting to my family. Every little thing seems so funny to him.

After which, we made our way back home. Okay, not literally home since D had to head for work and so I was being such a Korean sweet boyfriend girlfriend would do, I accompanied and sent D to work. It wasn't much but I have always truly enjoy every minute spend with him, although literally he could drive me insane and crazy with his annoying-self. Sometimes, I wonder what has life gotten me into marrying this boy. HAHAHA! But I'm not saying anything about regret. Just probably, "looking forward" to all the upcoming "surprises" in my life. Oh well, Muahahaha!
After D headed off to change and for work, I made my way to Vivocity to walk around. I would say, I kinda enjoy it, walking alone, having my own me-time. And to make me feel not so much alone, I decided to grab something. I couldn't decide if I should have Double Chocolate Ice Blended from Coffee Bean or Chocolate Ice-cream from Godiva. Both were making me drool, both was what I wanted and both places were just next to each other! Since I had so many things in hand, I know Ice-cream wasn't a good idea, in case I might drop the ice-cream. Thus, I decided to go for Double Chocolate Ice blended instead. Hooray!
It tasted sooooooo good, so heavenly! I bought the small size thinking I would not be able to finish it but end up regretting buying a small one, should have gotten Regular one at least. Hurhur! So anyway, resume walking around as I wanted to get my nephew, Ra'if some clothes. Goodness gracious! Vivocity was the answer. They had a long stretch of kids' clothing stores. There were Muji, Cotton On Kids, Fox kids to name a few. And I literally went into the shop one by one to recce and buy clothes. From wanting to get Ra'if some clothes, it turn out to be more clothes instead. Swipe swipe swipe that credit card happily. HAHAHAHA! But of course, I know my limits. I just don't spend unnecessarily okay. -_-' Just that I haven't been spending much for Ra'if for the past 5 months since he was born.
Felt tired after all those walking and so I headed home after that. Reached home and I felt super super hungry! Reality strike me that tomorrow is Monday, which means I'm back to work and it also means my diet shall resume. I was trying hard to force myself not to consume any food anymore but I couldn't. I succumb into the pack food that Ayah brought home from Feeya's baby shower and I ate like a greedy little girl in the kitchen. =X The chicken, the beef, the rice, the dalca. Oh dear! Felt terrible after that. =X

I guess this week shall be a good week for food, since it is auditing week this week. And once audit end this week on Friday, we always end it with a company's dinner buffet at a restaurant for a small celebration. Can't wait to eat, eat and eat. This time, it will be at Straits Kitchen, Hyatt. And I realised there are still many things that I haven't settle much at work for the audit. Tomorrow will be a super busy day for me, before audit starts on Tuesday. I wish I could stay back after work tomorrow to settle work issues but I have been skipping my Qur'an classes for two weeks alreadt. Ain't skipping another week for audit stuff. Haiz! I have been slacking and procrastinating my stuff at work. And now I realised, I have only TOMORROW to settle everything. Tskkkk!!
Till here. Stress mode on.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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