I had quite an adventurous trip today with the Boyf. Yes, we did head down to MacRitchie Reservoir today but our intention was to go on the Tree Top Trail but apparently, I was too excited that we end up walking in the wrong trail.
Mom told us to board 157 and drop at MacRitchie Reservoir’s bus stop but since we left home later, we decided to take the train instead. Drop of at Marymount station and boy, it was such a long walk from the MRT all the way to MacRitchie’s Reservoir!

But since the Boyf & I both love walking, it doesn’t really matter to us. We just walked. And pictures could be just a deception but reallyyyyyy, I think we kinda walk like 3km ++!
I was looking for the Tree Top Trail but was still in vain. Furthermore, it was drizzling and then started pouring heavily. So we kept walking and walking hoping to find the Tree Top trail.

Oh did I mention the moment we enter the Reservoir, there was this Indian couple who came so close to the monkeys to take pictures. One of the monkeys gritted its teeth but the couple didn’t barge off and they snatch something, probably a bag of food from the couple and run away. At that point of time, I just grabbed Boyf’s hand and told him to quickly move away from the place. There was so many monkeys aroundddd! Being attacked by the monkeys or having any of my valuables snatched away by them is the last thing I want it to happen.

Here we come! I thought this was the tree top trail due to the stupid sign that says HSBC TreeTop walk! I felt cheated because there wasn’t any railing at the side of the trail. The trail is so different from the one I saw in the papers or even pictures posted in Google. Zzz! Still, we just continued walking.

As we got further and further away from the entrance, we almost give up. Not giving up due to feeling tired but there wasn’t many people walking around; it just felt like as if we were the only person walking at the trail. When someone happened to jog pass us, we felt relieve because there is at least someone, but the mood dampens again when they ran out of sight. Probably 2km ++ walked, the Boyf & I decided to u-turn back all the way to where we first came because there was no one at sight. Apparently, after 500 metre u-turning back, we saw this Caucasian family, walking towards our direction. We then decided to u-turn back to end the trail since we know there is at least someone behind us.

Happily walking, the Caucasian family disappeared. They were nowhere at sight, then we realized, again we were alone on the trail. This time, we made up our mind no matter what happened, we are not going to u-turn back to the entrance because that will be another 3km ++ wasted walked back. We made up our mind to end the trail. Thank God, finally a group of Filipino and China people kinda catch up with us. And again, they disappeared. Zzz!

And this finally put a little smile onto the Boyf’s face. Just the word EXIT but the 1.9km on the sign almost killed him. Lol! He’s not really a sporty kind of person like me, sadly. Half the time he is complaining when this trail is going to end. Double zzz!

We walked 1.9km I guess, when we finally found a resting hut and again this time, it says another 0.2km walk to Lornie Road exit. The Boyf was already so tired. Poor him!

Walked for more than 0.2km and we came across another sign that says, another 0.2KM walked to Lornie Road exit. This time the Boyf just went “Oh no!!! I think we’re lost! This sign has been saying 1.9km, 0.2km, 0.2km to exit but there’s no exit since just now. We are really lost! I think we need a plane deployment now!”

I really didn’t bother about the exit but much to my disappointment the sign says 3.8km more to Tree Top Walk. Then I realized all this while we’ve probably been walking only on MacRitchie Reservoir trail/Lornie Trail. I felt cheated! And Tree Top Walk it’s like at the other end of the map! Can you see that?! And the time already shows 1700 hours which mean by this time, we are not allowed to enter the Tree Top Walk by the park ranger! Worst, even if we make it on time, it’s only a one way route and the point where we’re heading to shows a ‘No Entry’ route into the tree top trail. We had to go another way out of the reservoir.

“That’s it! Let’s end this trail!” I told the Boyf. So, we slowly walked another 0.2km when finally we saw the same Filipino group again, there were also as lost as us and disappointed too because they walked the wrong route to the tree top trail. We make our way out of the reservoir and finally, we saw light shining out of the forest and catch the glimpse of cars passing by.
The Boyf race towards the exit, right at the exit in front of the passing by car, he just went “I DID IT!” punching his two hands right in the air. HAHAHAHA! And I’m still not satisfied! I want to go again to the tree top trail, TOMORROW! I’m going to conquer that, seriously.
So, are you up for an adventure? – Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
But I suggest if you were to go, go with a group of people. It'll be more fun! :) We went to North point hoping to catch a movie after that but guess what?! All the tickets were selling out fast. Don’t all the Chinese people go for visiting during CNY?! I’m a very bad example of half Chinese. Zzz! This time of the year usually the Chinese side would go to the beach for some gathering but not this year. Anyway, why are they all conquering the movie theatre?
Both of us headed for early dinner and then headed home. Oh, the Boyf did this for me. Sweet right? Lol! Goodnight! I’m still sick. =(
Princessazie Bella<3
Elena Gilbert(:
Elena Gilbert(:
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