Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Movies all over again

¨°o.O (Post) O.o° 2358 hours

“Like a toddler who falls down and trying to get herself to stand.

Like someone who loses the battle that they fought so hard and trying to convince themselves that everything is going to be alright.

Like someone who is afraid and trying very hard to overcome their fears.”

It’s almost the exact feeling I’m feeling right now. Despite having a new iPhone 4S which looks carbon copied like my “old” phone, I still miss it a lot. And losing it in a cinema was a pretty bad idea because I just love watching movies and due to this I still couldn’t bring myself to watch movies in the cinema.

Usually the Boyf & I would catch at least 3 to 4 movies in a month. And after so long, I finally tried to overcome my fear of watching movies. Can you seriously imagine me now?! I’m already having phobia to cross the road and now I have an additional phobia to watch movies. The little things in life! Zzz!

The Boyf tried persuading me slowly for a movie, so I agreed. I get to choose the movie and decided on Sherlock Holmes. =) And knowing that I love to do check-in at Foursquare and earn those badges.

Boyf: Dear, you can do your check-in now before entering the cinema theatre, so that while inside, you don’t have to take out your phone and zip your bag.

So sweet right? Hehe! Anyway, I didn’t feel much afraid before entering the cinema but after both of us were seated on our seat, I kind of panic. I kept looking at my phone countless times. Oh yes, you guys have no freaking idea how afraid/phobia/panicky/restless I was! I kept looking if my phone was around and if I have zipped my bag, which I did

And the Boyf being sweet again,

Boyf: Dear, let me keep your phone for you.
Azie: No, I’m afraid if it goes missing again. I’m not going to lose this again. Not anymore.
Boyf:  It’s okay, just silent your phone and give it to me. I keep it for you.
Azie: No, I’m not going to silent it and I’m going to hold it with me. I really don’t want to lose it anymore.
Boyf:  Trust me dear, silent your phone and I keep it for you. I promise, after the movie end, I give it back to you. I promise you that. Trust me.
Azie: Okay =’(
Boyf:  See, here’s your phone. It’s inside my bag now. See it is inside the bag right?
Azie: Yes =’(
Boyf:  And now I’m going to zip it tight. It’s zipped all the way now. And now I’m going to lock it. Touch this, your phone is inside the bag right. Can you feel your phone?
Azie: Yes =’(
Boyf:  Don’t worry anymore.

While giving it to him, I tear. It’s not that I don’t trust the Boyf but I just don’t want to lose my phone ever again. The feeling of me losing my phone and screaming in the cinema theatre looking for my phone keep rewinding over and over again in my mind. And it’s like I could see the same thing replaying right in front of my eyes. I really cannot help it.

And true enough, at the end of the movie, my phone that was sent for safe keeping came back to me safe & sound. So that happens each time when we catch a movie. So far, I’ve watched 2 movies now! =)


And I think I’m going to fall sick. No sore throat, no cough but I’m losing my voice. What is wrong with me? =’(

Princessazie Bella<3
Elena Gilbert(:

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