I don't know what is wrong with me today.
Thought probably I must have overworked myself with work and my daily routine jog, plus the weather isn't any good these few days as well. And the not enough sleep that I don't usually get. Still thank God I am not working on Sunday this month, I think I probably be extremely exhausted and just die on my working desk!
I wore something simple today, just jeans and a sleeveless top but people commented that I look nice today. Hmm..But my Mama always says "Orang lawa, kalau pakai apa pun tetap lawa." I guess must be the person who is actually already nice. HAHA! I WAS JUST KIDDING.
Manager: Wah, why so nice today Azie. Where are you going? Or is there any delivery that you order that all of us don't know.
Azie: Noooo. It's just jeans & top? And I never order anything today. Zzz!
Fendy: Good morning dik!
Azie: Good morning.
Fendy: Wah, lawa nya Adik I hari ni.
Azie: -_-'
Come on! It was only jeans & sleeveless top and I tied my hair half-tied only. Zzz!
Pathlab dispatch man was super hilarious as well! I was coming out from the ladies' and he just came down from the staircase supposedly heading to my lab. So he smiled and with him continue smiling and looking, he headed to the female toilet. HAHAHAHA! And the moment I saw him heading to that way I was like,
Azie: Dah kenapa eh? Nak pergi mana? Tu kan toilet perempuan. My lab is this side what.
Dispatch: EH?! Asal eh jalan sini. Hahaha! Dah nyanyok agaknya. HAHAHA!
Azie: Ah? HAHAHA! Kelakar sehhhh!
And he blushed. HAHAHA! Oh my god! That was super hilarious! I can't help laughing each time when I think of that situation. Hahaha!
Christmas dinner is confirm already! It will be at Carousel! OH MINE!! I cannot waittttttttttt! And Mama is invited to come along as well. =DD Insyaallah! It will be exciting. I am so going to dig into the pasta like before. They really have the best pasta!
And so my Secretary & Manager like always never fail to tease me. They were playfully "planning" to bring Mr. to our Christmas dinner. Nope!
Till here, this princess is working tomorrow. Yawns yawns yawns yawns yawns!
Princessazie Bella ♥
Elena Gilbert(:
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