I have officially started school yesterday and I am in my 2nd Year 2nd Semester now.
Anyhoos when I came to class yesterday, guess what I got?
Such a sweet surprise! Thank you to whoever you are. Lol!
The weather hasn't been too good lately. I am down with a slight fever, sore throat and irritating dry cough as well as Ayah & Mama.
Physically, I am tired but I am still able to move around but mentally, I am exhausted. I am still able to think but sometimes, I tend to make mistake or forget things. Lol!
To add on Miss M is not helping because it decided to pay a visit together when I'm sick. So can you imagine being sick plus the cramp. And not forgetting cravings that comes along with it. Guess what I feel like having now?
Prata Ice-cream at Al-Azhar
I can't even if I want to because it won't help me with my cough at all. Till here, I shall let you guys enjoy conversations that I have recorded with all the different people actually I converse with. Hehe! And I'm pretty upset over someone. Haiz! But nvm, I shall let it go.
AZ: Eh harun. Year L size t-shirt is it?
HA: Yes. You want to buy for me shirt is it?
AZ: No.
HA: Then why you ask?
AZ: Sorry lah. I only buy for good-looking man onlyyyyy..........and if they are single.
HA: Wah! For once I had it there you know when she said good-looking.
H: Until she mention single is it? You loss it Harun.
HA: Aiyah. I good-looking you know. I'm Tom Cruise.
Mama: This is my daughter.
Some aunty: No lah!! This one Chinese girl lah.
Mama: My daughter lah!!
Some aunty: This one is your mother ah?
AZ: Yah.
Mama is forever debating with stranger that I'm her daughter since I was a baby. -_-'
Me: Cik, epok-epok $1 cik.
Cik: Okay sayang.
Me: *Handed $10* Cik, sorry. Saya tak ada duit kecil pula.
Cik: Takpe-takpe. Pasal awak lawa sgt kan, utk awak tkpe.
Aunty so sweet.
Me: kakakkkkk!
Kakak: Eh sayang aku. Eh smlm Public holiday kerja kan?
Me: A'a kak. Smlm Azie kerja.
Kakak: Tu lah, kakak tgk clinic, lampu buka. Aku nak tegur segan pula.
Me: Alahhh, saya sorang aje kat dalam. Kenapa tak masuk aje. Kakak kata holiday cuma cuci toilet tingkat 1 aje kan. Kenapa naik sampai atas pula?
Kakak: Takde. Kakak tahu kau kerja. Takut kau nak pakai toilet. Jadi kakak naik lah cuci kan toilet utk kau.
Me: Ya Allah kak. Buat susah-susah aje. Padan lah saya balik masuk toilet tgk bersihhhhh aje toilet.
So bless.
AZ: Wah Charlotte! It's going to be a new year soon. 2014! And I'll be here working for 4 years already! Wahh! This is the longest job I've ever been in!
CR: That is because this is your only & first job.

AZ: *Kept talking and talking and talking
CR: I cannot understand you. It's better for you to stop talking.
Alamak. Talk wrong, never talk also wrong.

Conversation with my QC Manager,
AZ: It's going to be 2014 soon!! I'll be working for 4 years already! This is the longest job I have ever been in!!!
CR: That's because this is your only and first job Azie!
AZ: Hehehehe!
Conversation with my Manager,
AZ: Wahhh! It's the eve of New Year already. It's going to be 2014! Remember when they said the world was going to end in 2012. Hahaha!
H: And yes Azie, do you remember when you first started working? You were so shy, so quiet, so afraid. Look at you now, you even tell me off when I do something wrong.
AZ: Opps! HAHAHAHA! You guys taught me well. I learn fast from the best.
H: Well I'm sure you do!
My new year resolution: To talk and annoy my colleagues less too. Hmm... Let me consider.

Princess Azie Anni ♥
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