May this year bring all of us a much better year of success, joy and happiness. Insyaallah.
I don't know what 2014 has in store for me. A tinge of excitement to know what is the good things that Allah SWT has prepared for me but at the same feeling uncertain and not knowing what to expect. I am afraid that I'll go through the same round of disappointment and heart breaks over and over again. Enough of the heartache, enough of all the tears shed, just enough. I want to start my life feeling happy every second, every moment. Like they said, life is too short to feel sad and everybody deserve to be happy.
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”
― Dalai Lama XIV
Nothing special about my New Year resolutions. I had a short list of resolutions last year because I wanted to go easy on myself and because I wanted to make sure I achieve them all. But this year, the list goes on a little bit longer since I am reaching my quarter life crisis and I needed so many things to be done. So in of their order of importance, here you go:-
- To finish paying my school fees at the end of this year
Really cannot stand how I am not able to save up just because school fees is really taking a toll on me! I have spent almost 20 K just on school fees. - To finally graduate and get my Degree.
If I pass, I'll be graduating this year. :) Amin!
I wish to graduate with 1st Class of Honours but most importantly, all I am really looking forward is to take picture with my family wearing the graduation robe and that mortar board! OHMYGOOSHH! - To put on braces
- To qatam my Qur'an
- To start travelling with any kakis, my cousins especially!
- To start on my riding lesson IF possible.
Envy my brother who has already start his riding lesson already. Arhh. - To start saving up for marriage. HAHAHAHA! Okay whatttttever. Not a rush really since my last resolution contradicts to this resolution over here. Hehe!
- To stay single for a year and not to get into any relationship
Manda: Are you serious?! Single?! For a year?! Haha!
Azie: Oi! I AM! I am serious about this.
Manda: We are talking about Azie here, you know. How can you even manage to stay single, are you even sure?! There are always people after you. Later don't come and tell us that you are attach even before a year okay.
Azie: Hellloooo. I am serioussss, I won't.
Manda: Aiyah, how would you even know.
Hanali: *Roll eyes to Manda* Yah lah, later like someone. Said don't want to be attached then suddenly been in a relationship twice already.
Azie: Really! The expiration date is until September 2014, a year!
Manda: Hahaha! Then the next time, if someone wants to be with you, you tell them, Sorry I cannot be in a relationship now, come back on September 2014 or else my girlfriends will come and find me. Hahaha!
Manda: Maybe by next year, you already got a boyfriend then you just don't want to tell us, then come September 2014 then you tell us, I'm attached girls! Then we'll be like 'Eh how come we don't know anything, then suddenly so fast attach.'
Azie: Hahaha! No. If I am ever attached with anybody, you girls will be the one of the first few to know of course, I promise.
But I was SERIOUS when I said this. To be frank, I have never stayed single for a year for the last 13 years of my life. I just needed a break from all this. It's not easy, it's not the same but I know I'll manage.
And it is back to school and work tomorrow! Which also means school is starting for me this Friday.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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