Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013

Dear 2013,

It's almost time that we say Goodbye to 2013. :)

Now, let us reminisce.

Nothing much happen in my life, everything seems to remain the same. I am still working for the same company for the past 3 years. I am still the same old me, still afraid to cross the road, still horrible at directions but a little bit better now, still the same height but probably a bit rounder than before, still disliking nuts & cheese and blah blah blah. But some MAJOR changes did take place in my life.

Firstly, I have finally started schooling, on my way to get a Degree with Honours, Insyaallah. When I was young, I have never thought I will able to reach this far. I have always thought, I'll be the cuckoo type, not being able to earn much or do well in life. Lol! But dengan izinNya. Alhamdulilah! Frankly, I have never been so happy than being able to continue schooling, even though the stress level could really strangle and send me to my deathbed. Actually I love school, I just hate exams.

Secondly, I finally set the love of my life free after 8 years of being together. It took a lot of me, so much of me, thoughts after thoughts and definitely a huge amount of sacrifices to do this. I had my reason why I did that. And my reason was nothing but the best for him. And it was never because of a third party, if it was that, I would have done it long time ago, I would not have waited for 8 years. I was hoping that he would realize something when I am gone but unfortunately, nothing seems to change.

And if some people think of entering into my life to replace him. I hope you people take a step back. Some more step back. Somemore somemore somemore. Turn backwards and run away as fast as possible okay? Because I cannot imagine myself being with anybody else besides him even though we are no longer together, so I would not want to be with anybody else. No. For that, my life has become boring-er than before but that is fine because I always believe Allah SWT always has His plan to why things happen.


Dearest 2013,

You have been the best. You have filled my life with a fair cycle of ups and downs. You never fail to either surprise me or taken me aback with some things in life.

But no matter the good or the bad things that has happened throughout, I know you were meant to be. You were already written by Allah SWT to walk through the journey of my life. =')

I therefore would like to say thank you for everything and every single one of you, my family, my relatives & cousins, my bestfriends, my girlfriends, my colleagues, my clique and you that has been part of my life because it shaped me to be who I am today, a much stronger person than yesterday. Amin!

Ya Allah, this year would be my first time celebrating 2014 "alone" and not being able to catch the fireworks but in this new year of 2014, I hope You will continue to guide me with Your full guidance no matter how difficult things are and bring me closer to Your path. Because nothing makes me happier than being a better Muslim myself. Amin!


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