I don't know why I broke down when I see A's pictures on FB. It brings so much memories especially the time when we went to 1 Market together as a
And Mama just updated me the most happiest news ever. I don't want to jump the gun but as predicted, I can never be more happy for the both of them. Maybe, it's just not the time yet for me. Maybe it's not my jodoh yet. I feel happy for them but disappointed on my side because a relationship I fought for, hold on to just didn't work out. Things were easier when we were 16. We had so many dreams but that is past, I guess. I mean who in this world would not want to go through this next stage of life. Everyone would want to. But maybe A doesn't see this with me.
Probably Allah SWT has a better plan for me. But you know what, I will never stop, I will NEVER stop praying. I will NEVER stop praying that Allah SWT will ease this heart, until I know the true meaning behind this hurdle each day that I'm going through. Amin!
Yesterday, met up with the Girlfriends for gifts exchange. We wanted to settle for Delicious Cafe for dinner but apparently it was fully reserved. The girlfriends could not decide between Wild Honey or Dome but Pag didn't want a Wild Honey All-Day-Breakfast, so we settle in for Dome instead.
While browsing through the menu, I did not really know what to eat and I do not want to be choosing the wrong thing to eat. So, I settle for Chicken Mushroom Cream Baked Rice.
It was super feeling and really cheesily nice.
I didn't grab everybody food pictures but here are some.
Hanali's Seafood Spaghetti.
Manda's Ginger Hot Chocolate
Hanali's Hot Chocolate
This log cake is so awesome!
From Pag.
From Manda.
And from Hanali.
We took quite a bit of pictures at Scotts Square with their Christmas tree and as usual we camwhore quite a bit here and there. Hehe! After much camwhoring, we headed off to Starbucks, Wheelock to chillax.
Reminiscing those Poly days we were in, we were so carefreeeeee! Of course we had stress too, with final year projects, assignments, exams and etc, But things weren't as stressful as it is now. And we talk about many things, about how time flies really fast and it has been already 4 FREAKING years that we actually left Polytechnic. Omigod! If I were to be in Secondary now, I'll be in Secondary 4 now either sitting for my N'levels or O'levels. Grrr!
We bragged about hitting the quarter life crisis, which I can't believe it myself either. At this age, what have I been doing with my life?! Zzz! Okay, not so bad. At least I am doing SOMETHING like working and studying to get a degree, Insyaallah. As soon as I finish my degree, I have a few plans line out for me as well before I actually want to settle down.
It's different for those who are born silver spoon. They get to achieve and buy everything at the earlier part of their life. While, normal and average person like myself. I have to start working first to earn some moolahs and then slowly save up and pay for my school fees and save up again to do things that is expensive which I could not afford the last time. Example, like putting on braces which I have been wanting to do it for so many years and etc etc etc. But I thank Allah, because I did manage to get my driving license at my own expenses just by saving my school pocket money. Alhamdulilah! One expensive thingy down. Few more expensive things to go before I finally save up for my future wedding, Insyaallah. And I guess I'm too young to get married now. Like again, this heart is already too damage, total damage, 100% broken + fractured and tightly close for any soul..for now.
Would you rather?
We played this interesting game. Whereby the most horrible questions were asked and if possible you would not even want to choose any of the answers. But you have no choice because you HAVE to choose one. And from there, like Hanali said, sometimes it can reflect or tell someone of what their personality are. And the questions,
1) Would you rather...be with someone who shorter than you but is good-looking OR taller than you but ugly looking?
And my answer was short but ugly looking. Manda & Hana chose the latter because they said they can never imagine being with someone who is so much shorter than them and they are going to make him go for plastic surgery. HAHAHA!
2) Would you rather...be with someone who has such ugly features, ugly eyes, nose, mouth but a nice face complexion OR someone who has mesmerizing eyes and very nice features but terrible complexion with lots of pimple?
And my answer was the latter because I don't really expect much, my face isn't perfect either while Hana & Manda chose the first one because they said they can never stand guy's face with pimples and etc. Lol! But that's because they both have very nice complexion.
3) Would you rather...be with a guy who is hairless but has bad breath OR hairy guy but smells nice?
Hana & I chose the latter while Manda the first. HAHAHAHA! Guess she can't stand hairy guy. But hairy guy can be sexy, no? HAHAHA!
4) Would you rather...be with a muscular guy that has a body odour OR a super skinny stick guy but smells refreshing?
This questions almost killed me because neither! I never like a muscular guy nor a skinny guy, I feel very insecure with this kind of man. I prefer the normal guy who is average looking, average size and having a tummy does not matter to me. But in this scenario if I HAD to choose, I'll choose the latter. I already hated both and to add on with body odour, I might as well just execute myself. Hehe! If I'm not wrong Hanali had the same answer as me as well while Manda chose the first one. She said, she'll make him thoroughly and crazily scrub himself off. LOL!
Since we were playing this game, I decided to ask this dying question which I have been wanting to know from another person's point of view since many years ago. But the question isn't as horrible as what has been asked.
When both personality is the same, would you rather...marry someone one is good-looking but poor OR someone who is not good-looking but rich?
I can never come up with an answer but Hanali & Manda kinda chose good-looking but poor because they say as much as they want to marry a rich guy but money can always be earn. Alllllllright then. HEHE!
After which we ended up playing Charades. It was really fun and we were making a lot of noise, before we finally headed off home at around 2330 hours.
Did I mention, I shared my new year resolution with my girlfriends and they actually laugh at me.
Thank you dearest girlfriends for the wonderful gifts and the awesome night I had. I totally enjoyed myself. You girls have always been the best thing that ever happened in my Polytechnic days.
Till the next meet up. Wee!
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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