Dear Diary,
Day 2 - 09th March 2016
My alarm rang at 0600 hours, the usual timing I would wake up for Fajr. The girls and woke up in the morning and went back to sleep and we woke up again and went back to sleep, when we all finally woke up at around 10.30am in the morning.
While, the rest can at least brush their teeth & wash their face, after which continue doing other things like cooking, watching TV, packing stuff etc etc etc. I couldn't. This is the part whereby we learn so much about each other. Like people always tell me, "It is only when you live with someone, then you will learn about them. Their habits and etc." So, the moment I woke up, I will head first to shower. Since our toilet is the transparent toilet and it was only that transparent toilet has a shower head, everyone had to leave the room once someone is inside showering. Hehe.
To save money, we decided to cook all breakfast in the apartment instead, which is of course cheaper. And it was a 2-in-1 thing for me because over the trip I learn to cook some new dishes. Hehe! As for today, it was Carbonara Chilli Spaghetti.
Nice ehhh.
1 Utama Shopping Centre
We rest for a while and then cabbed down to 1 Utama Shopping Centre. When we entered the Shopping Centre, we saw a long queue in the atrium of the shopping centre and decided to check it out. It was a Name-Your-Nutella queue. Basically, instead of Nutella appearing at your Nutella bottle, it's your name instead. Lol! So all of us queue and made one for ourselves/family. I made two. One for myself and the other one of course for
D. I told
him, once the Nutella finish to return back the Nutella bottle back to me. HAHAHAHA!

I don't want
him to throw it away because I want to bring it to our future home next time. Hehehehe!
Hajar wanted to try this particular Halal Korean restaurant, which is only available in Kuala Lumpur. And so we had lunch cum dinner there.
If you're a fan of Korean food, then of course you'll enjoy it. I'm rather neutral when it comes to either both Korean and Japanese food. Not my favourite and not that I would not want to eat either. Hehe! But the chicken, it's really niceeee. Remind me of Nene Chicken.
After eating, we continued shopping. I went to Brands Outlet and grabbed some top for myself and few T-shirts for
D. Just to add on to
his t-shirt collections since it's always the same few t-shirt that
he wore over and over again when we go out. Hehehe!
Pasar Malam (Night market) Downtown Cheras
Our next plan was to finish shopping at 1 Utama by 8pm and cab back home first, rest for a while and head down to the Night market. Since the night market starts only at 10pm BUT, by the time I finish the shopping etc, it was already 10pm. So with our big shopping bags, we decided to not waste time going back home and to just head down to the night market.
Loving the night market. I could get long-sleeve tops that I usually bought online in Singapore almost half the price there !! So I end up shopping for even more tops for myself. Hehehe! By then it was almost 12midnight and we were already feeling quite lethargic. Waited for Zam to finish his haircut and we did grabcar back home to our apartment. This is what I learn, it's so much better to do the 'grabcar' apps rather than hailing a cab. I don't know what's wrong with their cab fare meter, apparently, the price always get hike up so expensive. So next time, just get a Malaysia prepaid card number with mobile data and do 'grabcar'. Trust me, it's so much cheaper.
Got home and Hernie made us a drink before bed. Hehe! She really "mother" us. Hehehehe! I was complaining that I needed White Coffee too, to stay awake the next time so that we could do late night shopping or to sleep late for chit-chatting in our apartment BECAUSE my eyes could not hold any longer after 12midnight since I always sleep slightly before that. So I always end up sleeping while Hernie & Hajar talked. LOL! Their eyes is soooo powderful.
Hernie got Zam to buy White Coffee at a nearby
kedai runcit (provision shop) and tadaaaa.
I stayed awake the 2nd night. Hernie came to Hajar & my room, and we talked about sooooooo many things. The days when we were in Secondary school and the days we grew slightly apart when we enter Poly/ITE days and then we became closer again than before after Hernie got married and I got a job. I
love the idea of having just us around together. Can we get a house nearby each other pleaseeee next timeeeee!!! Lol! It makes me feel like...
I don't mind not getting married but live with my bestfriend just 5 of us in one house. HAHAHA! Okay, but no....I
love D.
After the talking, I managed to catch 2 episodes of Vampire Diaries and went to bed. Hehehe!
Day 3 - 10th March 2016
Woke up slightly later than yesterday since we really slept quite late the night before. And usual, the in-house cook we did. Today, I learn how to make Ayam Masak Merah. Wow weeee! Hehehe! We did a more lazing around in the apartment today and only left for shopping at around 3pm in the afternoon.
After lunch, Hajar and I gave Hernie a surprise Belated Birthday celebration. Glad she was surprised and speechless when she saw us bringing the cake over to her with candles to blow. HEHEHE!
Jalan Masjid India
This place is definitely awesomeeee. Right even until now, I keep thinking of going back here. I used to not favourite this place when my family went here and I wonder why
Mama used to
love this place so much before, but now as I think I grew "younger", I fancy this place so much. The
tudung, the
kain is soooo cheap and affordable and you can really bargain for some good price when you buy a lot.
So I bought one
kain for my
D's mom. Future-Mother-In-Law? (FMIL). Hehe! And 3 more sets of
kain for my future bridesmaid. Weeee! I really couldn't decide what colour my bridesmaid should wear on my wedding day but finally, it's decided! Like on the spot decision. Hahaha!

Side track:- And please don't have the idea that I'm trying to win sides just because I buy stuff for D's family. I am not that kind. I don't buy things to win people's heart, to please people or even to make people think I'm "good". I buy souvenirs for my loved ones BECAUSE this is how my parents has brought us up as a family since young. It's just IN us. I used to buy things for A's side too when we were once together, Mama would always remind me to and she has never stopped me if I want to buy many things for his family or etc. Mama too would buy things for both Ressal and A's side before. It's just I don't know, basic manners and courtesy? It's just IN us, like I said. Maybe other families do not practice such things BUT my family does. Don't believe? The same thing applies to my siblings, IF they travel out of the country, I can assure you 100% each of us get some thing back without you having to worry about anything. Just like Birthdays, we too, make an effort every single year to celebrate each other's Birthdays no matter how small it is. It's just IN us family and for that I am proud to say. =')
There's just so many things to buy here but by then I realised I am running short of cash. Because I spend quite a bit the night before at the night market, plus I bought 4 sets of
kain here, sum up to almost $100+++ and I'm left like a few over dollars. And saw this pretty
baju which I thought I wanted to wear it for my engagement. It cost 350RM but I managed to bargain it for 200RM, but in the end, I didn't buy it because I wanted one size smaller (I wanted my
baju to be tight-fitting. Okay you can roll your eyes on me.) but the one size smaller was slightly in lighter shade of
Royal Blue and I would look off from
baju since
his baju is
Dark Blue. So I decided to give it a miss but with a super super heavy
heart, God knows! I just
tawakkal and left the place, maybe Allah SWT has a better plan for me or even better
baju, who knows.
Hernie too suddenly had a bad stomach ache and so, we decided to stop shopping. Settle down for dinner at A&W. Yeahsss! You no longer get this in Singapore. I didn't feel like eating since I felt a bit down that I'm running out of cash and the
baju I didn't get to buy. I was being emotional that I almost cried. Hahaha! So Hajar treated me dinner. I just wanted the Root Beer float, so she had the meal and I had the Root Beer float and some fries. Hehe!
Got home and I slightly got over the
baju. I don't want to spoil the holiday atmosphere. I just wanted to look beautiful on 'My Day' but it seems like little things like this here and there, keep making me feel less-pretty, less-beautiful about myself. Tsk! (Oh, this is PMS talking) And I remember what
D told me, "
Awak, why do you let what others think affect you? It doesn't matter what people think. You will always look beautiful to me, in my eyes, and that is what's most important." =')
It was time we started packing our stuff since we're going back home the next day. I spent few minutes almost an hour staring at my loots and figuring it how to pack all the stuff back home because I bought so many things. Zzz! And Hernie as usual, being so sweet to me. I'll get to be the Princess as usual. Hahaha! She packed my stuff for me. Muahahaha! And she even did my laundry for me. Muahahahaha!! After packing, we chit-chat for a bit and I catch up 3 episodes of my Vampire Diaries. Heee!