Saturday, March 26, 2016


Dear Diary,

I have been very exhausted these few days. Ayah is admitted in the hospital and we know when this happens, my energy level deteriorate faster than usual because it'll be like hospital -> work -> hospital -> housework.

I am not complaining, I mean I'm okay doing/being like this, it's just that juggling these, I tend to jeopardize one thing or another. Like for example, not having enough rest = not enough sleep. So technically, I have been working straight without ample rest too, since there is a shortage of manpower at work. So guess what time I reach work today? 1 1/2 hour later! Yes, I freaking OVERSLEPT. I set my alarm to 0630 hours, instead of pressing the set button, I fall asleep with the phone unlock. Great. :nervous:

I even couldn't grab a car today too and I shouldn't be explaining how embarrassing I got myself into just to get myself a cab. 1/2 freaking hour of wait, still no cab. So I just took the public to work with much guilt. Yes, trust me. I feel so guilty! I feel so bad. Haizzz! Till here, I'll continue again later. Got to make myself some coffee or else, I'll end up sleeping while doing work. Toodles.

Princess Azie Anni 

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