I took an urgent half day leave to accompany D to see the specialist today for his skin. Doctor's visit after visit and his condition is still the same. But that was also because he was stubborn, keep heading to GP instead of seeing the Specialist. Bismillah. I really hope this time the medication would work on him because he spend a few hundred over dollars for the consultation and medication. It doesn't drive me away seeing him like that, but instead it hurts me when he tell me he's hurting and I really wish he will recover this time round. Aamiin.
Accompanying D also means that I get to spend some time with him before heading off for my 1 week vacation in Kuala Lumpur (KL). For a fact, I have always enjoy D's company, being with him, being around him. Although he can be quite a tease (Sometimes pisses you off. Oh! I am not kidding when I say this) but he always know how to make me smile, he always make me laugh, he makes me feel at ease, safe when I'm with him. My kind of happy pill. =') Masyaallah. How Allah SWT has brought him to me, for me to be able to feel this way. Syukur Alhamdulilah.
Spend some time with D, we sat at a nearby swing in an open space "park" in between Plaza Singapure and Park Mall. We swung on the swing and just talked about life, about us, about the future, with the windy wind so breezy. It feels good, feels perfect. =')
Had lunch + dinner at Burger King because I was feeling extremely famished before heading back home.
No idea why I haven't feeling "safe" nowadays. I keep thinking of well, I'm not even sure how to explain this. I keep crying thinking of the "worse", feeling emotional all. Gosh! Maybe it's just PMS, I hope.
And to add on, D is on morning shift tomorrow, which I really hope I could see him one last time before I depart to KL. But.....he is on MC. So, he will not be able to see me off tomorrow. SAD. SO SAD.
This part sometimes it always makes me feel like I am willing to do and go the extra mile for him but he is never willing to do anything for me, even little tiny gestures like this. But it's okay. I guess I can live with it. I learn so much from Mama all these years. How she always sacrifice for us, how she nurture us family with love. When you do something, do it out of love, out of sincerity and to never expect anything in return and to never expect the same thing from people. Then you will never get hurt, or hurt less I supposed.
So KL here we come. After so many years, FINALLY, it's my bestfriends and my first trip together after 20+++ years of our life living in this world and after 10+++ years of knowing each other. Prolly my 2nd trip ever without Mama and it will be without Mama from now on.
And please pray for our safety too.
I'll miss the rest of my family.
I'll miss D.
And when I come back, Insyaallah. Time to look forward to IT Fair with D and....the week after, D's parents is coming over to chope chope me. HEHEHE! Aamiin. *Nervous*
A: If you were not on MC, would you have see me off tomorrow?
D: Yeap....definitely. Of course I would.
A: Thank you. That is all I needed to know.
A: Do you want to go Europe.
D: Nope!
A: Oh wow. In that case, can I go with my friends then? I want to travel the world.
D: When are you going?
A: Ermmm...next year. Around August or September gitu.
D: Kita dah kahwin. Kalau gitu kene bawa I.
A: Ermmm...Yelahhhhhh.
HAHAHAHA! Guess D will be my handbag then.
A: Quite the money lah. I pergi waxing, facial, braces appointment, dermatologist appointment, massage.
D: You pergi mana? Massage?!! Eh wahh, I sendiri tak pernah pergi massage, dia macam-macam pula tu. Living the good life eh you.
A: Hahahahaha! Okay what.
D: Habis lahhhh gini savings aku.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Please ehhh, I will use my money for my own needs. Please eh. Hahahahaha!
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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