I just came back from late supper with my dearest bestfriend Hernie, her husband, Zam and their little princess, Shayleen. Although it feels like I am being a lamp post going out with them but actually, I have never feel like one. My bestfriend and husband always make me feel welcome and at ease when I'm with them.
So they fetched me from home and we venture to the newly open Pasar Malam at Lot 1, before heading all the way to Kembangan, Hawa restaurant for late night supper. The place which Hernie wanted me to die-die try their steak.
Nutella Milkshake, Snicker Milkshake & Kinder Bueno Milkshake. #Iceburnz
Tried Banana fritters Chocolate + Cheese
My Sirloin steak with Mushroom
Hernie and I both ordered a Medium rare steak but it came quite well done for us. Well done means the beef being tough to eat. I had braces on, so I suffered quite an agony on my mouth. LOL! After which supper, we went home.
Came back home from work today and do the vacuuming and mopping of the house. Well, did my laundry as well. Since I haven't been having enough sleep, I felt really tired. Just right after I did Asar, I ACCIDENTALLY fall asleep.
And I had a dream, a scary one. I could still remember the dream. I know sometimes we don't remember dreams after we wake up but I don't know it's just me, I will forget it at first and I can somehow manage to force myself to remember dreams.
In the dream, I was in the particular hospital. I was with Mama visiting somebody who was unwell and then the person said something is going to happen. So I panicked and I ran, I followed Mama, I followed her right till we reach a door, an exit. This part....waiting for the door to open slowly, there was white light as the door opened. As the door open, stood 3 figure. One black figure looking like a devilish figure, another was a lady in hijab with the tasbih, she was smiling and tearing happily looking at me telling me it's all over now. And slightly behind her on the right, it was a girl in white kafan, it's like it was me. Like they were going to take me away with them.
After which, I woke up. Scary.
I woke up feeling scared. I cried. I cried so bad. I cried so hard. I was alone at home and I feel so helpless.
I don't know what exactly the dream means. They usually say, mimpi tu permainan tidur. Furthermore, it was at the "not nice" hour I was sleeping. But what happens if it's a sign or something?
I have never mentioned but these are the people that means a lot to me, the whole world to me for now. In no order of favouritism:-
Mama, Ayah, Din, Azmi, Adik+Ressal, Anita, Muhammad, Hernie+Zam+Shayleen, Hajar, Jiemin, Zoei, Helen, Eileen, Charlotte, Hana, Amanda, Pagen, Aishah.
Managed to fulfil my Seoul Garden cravings last 3 days with the soon-to-be fiancé. Lol! So D did all the cooking, well most cooking. I just ate like a Princess. Hahaha! I wasn't able to see it the last time but now I probably could somehow see it. D, a husband figure, a fatherly figure. How he cooks for me, how he took all the dishes I wanted, how he has been doing so many OTs after OTs when he could give it away, so that we have enough $$$, how he tries to make time for me, how he tries to listen to my rantings/problems etc etc etc though sometimes he knocks out feeling too tired for example like today. But I am really thankful to have him Ya Allah. Syukur Alhamdulilah.
And I baked Ondeh-Ondeh Cupcake too. D doesn't eat Ondeh-Ondeh, so I told him this is a Cupcake version, prolly he will like it better than the Ondeh-ondeh. I gave one for him to try but he was feeling too full to eat after Seoul Garden and told me he was going to bring it home.
Pandan cake with coconut gula Melaka in the centre filling and coconut gula Melaka icing.
Picture credit: JM.
D: I am going to bring this cupcake home and cut into 4, so everyone at home can try. Ask my mom if it's nice or not because I don't know how ondeh-ondeh taste like. I nak cakap ni bakal menantu dia yang buat. Suruh rasa. 

Me: What?! One cupcake and you want to cut into 4?! Omigod. Jangan lah, I bake tak sedap. I first time bake cupcake ni. Malu lah.
After he send me home, I saw I was left with 3 cupcakes at home because the rest I brought it to work. Plus I know nobody at home eat my baking (no idea why), So I gave D another 2 more cupcakes and left 1 for my brother to eat. And yes, the Ondeh-ondeh cupcake was a hit. I baked about 18 cupcakes and it's all gone within 2 days. Soooo happy to see it gone so fast !!! 

I wanted to ask D if he likes the cupcake, I wasn't actually asking him to compare if it taste like the real ondeh-ondeh.
Because of course, the taste won't be exactly the same because the real ondeh-ondeh is glutinous rice flour and cupcake is just plain normal flour but I just wanted to know if D likes the cupcake or not. To get used to my baking, get used to my cooking. But in the end.......
He didn't even get to eat it. LOLOLS! So cute. 

Okay, glad his family likes it. 

This made my day. Till here. I better get some sleep hopefully, though I am still very very full from the steak but I'm working tomorrow. Goodnight all. Might want to try baking another Ondeh-Ondeh cupcake again tomorrow.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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