Well, I am very skeptical to blog this down, afraid that people might find my blog and knows that I am getting married. HAHAHAHA!
Anyway, even before 365, I have get mostly things settled. The bridal, the venue, the deco, the food, the videographer & photographer, the pre-marriage course, our honeymoon vacation and it's only nearing to the date we will do an round-up finalization. Roughly, we already have an idea what we want. Have yet to settle things like my berkat; the wedding favours which is like I have been having different ideas now and then. Because I want it to be something that people want to keep or like, not something that anyone will just chuck it away at the end of the day and of course like not so pricey ones. Budget. Budget. Budget. So, a little more consideration on this. Next to settle is our wedding band. Talking about wedding band, we haven't even settle the engagement ring yet. Lol! Ya Allah! Minta ampun, stress.
D has been OT-ing God knows. Falling sick and tired and all, just to menghalalkan me. Hahahahahahahahaha! I wanted to help D lessen the burden by taking a part-time job but he gave me a 100% straight-no on me taking a part-time job. "I can manage lahhh. Tak payah lahhhh part-time job. Insyaallah. Cukup." Yes, coming from D.
So I assume he wants me to be a taitai?
So my taitai part which also in another word equals to =

I have been going for facial every month, hoping I will have no break-ups ever again. The last time I had a pretty super terrible bad bad break-up, that everyone keep saying about my face. Yes, it was that horrible. But Alhamdulilah, I'm all cleared. Apart from seeing the dermatologist every month too. I just hope my face remains like this, no break-ups ever again.
I can't wait to remove my braces. By next month, it will be my 2 years of having braces on. I just hope I can remove braces before my wedding. Please eh, I am not going to wear this metal thingy on my big day. I have seen brides with braces on, on their wedding day and ermm..it just spoil the whole image. I don't know why some people think it's cute but I don't like it. Cum engagement if they haven't remove this metal thingy off my teeth, I will ask my dentist to fasten my process. Somemore, after the removal of braces I still have to extract my wisdom tooth some more sehhhh. Haizzz!!! I am already so afraid of needles. The last time when they extract 4 tooth from me with 8 injections, I almost pee in my pants but lucky my dentist is good. So noooooo pain. But probably, wisdom tooth would be a different story?

Hygiene purposes, threading...w____g not going elaborate more what or where but yes. This is important. HEHEHEHE!
Massage. I have no idea where this falls under necessity but yeahs, I think this is important for me to de-stress and relax myself after all the on-going preparation and after preparation. Very stress you know,

Ignore the price. HAHA! I just find this picture for illustration purposes.
Gym. I will be signing up and continuing gym after the fasting month. Seriously, I used to be so discipline to exercise. Going for my daily run, did a lot of Cardio Youtube videos when I am back home from work but all I do now when I get back home is to bake & cook fattening food, eat and hibernate on my bed. I was trying to learn from D when he told me how he could lay down on bed and see the ceiling for a day to rest. Yes, he can, although he still help with the house chores at home. Initially, I couldn't be like this person but as I tried doing it everyday, I realized I have becoming a more laid back and chillax person. Chilax ke hape. Chillax lah sangat. Pemalas lagi ada. Last warning eh this attitude. If I am going to be as lazy as this, I am not going to get things done. Thank God, I still get the house vacuum
All in all, yes, like D said like I am some kind of high maintenance girl. But no, I am not. I will eliminate all these once the wedding is done. HAHAHAHAHA! Besides, I wasn't born a silver spoon. So I know how having financial problem feels like and I am not taking money for granted.
Till I blog again.
I really cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with D. Insyaallah. Aamiin! Amin! And probably by then, we could just spend the time watching the ceiling together. LOL!
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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