Since yesterday was labour day, we had a #PagMandaHanAzie girlfriends day out. It has also been quite a while since we all last met.

Great friends like and love almost the same thing isn't it? Yes, we are not afraid of cats and we loveeeee cats and so we decided to give one of the cat café a visit. Amanda has been here quite a few times I'm supposed because she was the one who suggested this cat café here. I was late to meet the girlfriends which is so unlike my usual self because I will either be early than everyone else or on time when meeting up but I was too caught up in Vampire Diaries that I totally forgot about the time. Lol!
How adorable is this cat here?! His name is Junior! Lol!
So my girlfriends entered the place first since I was late. I reached half an hour later than everyone else and I could see my girlfriends playing with the cat through the transparent glass door. The urge to quickly jumped inside the room but sadly, I had to wait for about 5-10 minutes because the place is quite small and I had to wait for people to leave first (mainly parents with little kids) before I could enter, and before the café owner finally attended to me.
So after a few people cleared the place, I was like YESSA!

But as I was waiting outside waiting for all the people to clear the place, I heard one particular kid talking about how much she loves this cat called 'Oreo', so I decided to choose 'Oreo' for my pass, besides it's one of the cuter looking cat pass. Lol! Such biasness, I have.
The price depends on the hours and the refreshment you choose from.
1) 1 hour with drinks - $13
2) 1 hour with drinks + a dessert/small bites - $19
Dessert such as cakes and your small bites like your nachos or nuggets etc.
Since I was feeling slightly hungry I went for the $19 one. Got myself a for Sparkling Strawberry and Belgium Chocolate Cake and the person at the counter went, "Wah! You and your friend are really alike ah, she also choose the same drink and same cake as you." Lol! Yessss, didn't I tell you, great friends like/love alike? Hehehe! Been many years together, I could clearly make a guess at the back of my mind, who ordered the same thing as me.

So first thing first was to remove your shoes, and then your bag will be held "captive" at their counter, but you can bring your Handphone along with you to take pictures but without flash. Thirdly, be gentle with the cats. No squeezing, sadly no carrying of the cats as well. Fourthly, to sanitize your hands before touching the cats and you're good to go!
She's beautiful right?
Oreo in the box.
And that is Mario, he is finding a spot to just settle in and almost going to sleep as well. Lol!
Mario probably going "Human, why are you taking my picture? Can't you see I'm taking a nap now."
And then meet Luna our local cat. She loves to sun tan apparently, probably thinking she is not tan enough. Hmmm...
While Frowny while still active teasing and playing around,
Before she got into this mode for an afternoon nap and chase Oreo out of the box. Hehe!
Poor Oreo who was in the box, had to move away since Frowny took her spot. Lol!
And meet sleepy Junior. Oh she is Hana's favourite.
Last but not least, say Hello to Coo. She is bigggggg.
Apparently, Mario and Coo is dating. Mario being the male and Coo, the female. We managed to snap pictures of them dating, kissing and licking each other and stuff. Lol!
Romantic or not? Hehe!
After dating I guess like all man, they feel tired and need their alone time. 
Of course a picture with sleepy Mario. Hehehe!
We stayed for at least an hour before we saw a large group of people queueing outside waiting to enter the café, so we decided to leave. And I guess the best time to visit cats' café is when there are lesser amount of people and with no kids around, hopefully. My girlfriends and J were lucky that we had the place to ourselves because a few groups of people left before us. With lesser people means you can have the cats to your own and more people means your movement is restricted around the place and you get lesser attention to the cats. And NO kids around please, at least hopefully. I mean kids who love cats can really be annoying. Opps! They are rough towards the cats which I just cannot handle it and sometimes while you're teasing and playing with the cats with the cats' toys, they'll go bragging over for the things you touch in your hand, just like how Hana had to go through it many times. Hahaha! So no choice, you had to give it up for the kids to have it.
Come on, it's also our first time here and we also want to have the FEEL and experience too. Lolols! All in all, I will come back here again one day but probably on weekdays.
Meomi Cat Café
After Cat Café, I had dinner at Pastamania while the girls had theirs at Seoul Yummy, not separately though, we accompany each other. By the time it was already 2030 hours and we didn't want to go back home too soon since it's PH the next day and we're all not working. To add on, it is not like it's often that we have the opportunity to go back home this late without having to work the next day. We wanted to try Xscape room but it was too expensive for us. In the end, we managed to settle for a cheaper entertainment, which is LAN Gaming. LOL!
So yes, L4D! Left 4 Dead it is at POMO Lan Gaming. Cost us 6 bucks for 3 hours, definitely worth the price.
We played this map for L4D and this is my 3rd time ever playing this map. Once with the RP Clique, another time with D and now my 3rd time with my girlfriends. I really hate this map, I hate the carousel thingy but I'm quite familiarize on my around it.
Just like Counter Strike (CS), we stick to the names we used before, well at least for me and Pag.
Pagen - PAG
And guess how many times we keep replaying the games because we died in the game. Yes, ALMOST 11 FREAKING times for almost 3 hours. Hahahaha! Initially, we paid for just 2 hours but when we kept dying, we top up another hour so that we could literally finish off the game. Hahahaha! And the verdict...
YESSS! All 4 of us managed to survive the game! Hahahaha! Thankfully. This is the best feeling ever because none of us died. Can you imagine if anyone of us died. Omigod. The feeling is not nice. Hahahaha!
Lead you all to the game stats. I'm not a very good player sooooo...yeah. HAHAHA!
Hahahahaha! Sadly, I died many times than the rest. HAHAHA!
SHIT. Hahahahahahaa! I even use the most number of First Aid kits. HAHAHAHA!
Hahahahaha! Took the least amount of damage. Okay that's me even when I'm CS-ing. You can call me the camper, hide behind, save myself. HAHAHA!
Okay, but you gotta thank me for this, at least I care. I revived and protected most of my team mates okay. Hahahaha! Give me some credit okay?
May all the zombies died. By then it was already almost 0000 hours. We wanted to go Karaoke session but the places are all closing by 0100 hours and it will not be worth it to head down for just a short karaoke session for just less than an hour. So we thought of going for supper but all of us are still full from our dinner. And then, thought of maybe heading for a midnight movie which everyone was so excited about BUT...I was the spoiler one because I have watched both 'The Jungle Book' and 'Huntsment'. Tsk!
Don't blame me because my boyfriend is a movie go-er and that's what we always do during dating, just moviesss. Tsk.
And then, we were left with one horror movie called 'Friend Request' which Pag and I was so excited but Hana was frighten to watch Horror movies. So sadly, we didn't had any other options left head home instead. Anyway, Manda stayed in town with her boyfriend still LAN gaming. Lol! How I wish D could be such night but he's not, because sleep is so important to him and he would not stay this late just to roam around town or gaming. *Roll eyes* Yes people, I have a "good-boy" for a boyfriend. And while Pag still had her last bus to catch, Hana & I did a grabcar home.
All in all, I would say it was a worth labour day spend with my girlfriends and I enjoy it like I always do. Thank you so much for yesterday girls.

So today I am supposed to go out and meet D to catch the Civil War but D was too tired from his endless OT for 2 days back to back. He doesn't sound to keen to watch movies but he was tryinggggg to you know please me to go out and telling me he was okay and doesn't mind at all to go out and spend time with me. I mean after knowing him for some time or some year I would say, I could see pass through that. I've known my boyfriend too well.
So when I gave him an option to rest at home, he felt reluctant initially to take it, fearing I might just lash out at him, you know girls being girls, when our 'No' could mean 'Yes' and our 'Yes' could mean a 'No'. But he did take the option to rest at home and apologize before I change my mind. Hahaha! Bugger.
But anyway, I was tired from yesterday too since I reach home at about 0200 hours and I had laundry and cleaning up of the house to do today. Plus, D has sacrifice and done so much for me, working his guts off just so that he could make me his Halal. Cehhh! Macam faham. Hahaha! Okay, make it sound like as if I'm some kind of food.
And I guess it is back to reality tomorrow, back to work, end of Public Holiday, PH. But I'll be on half day leave tomorrow because I will be heading to Johor Bahru, JB this time with my bestfriends to do more eating and more make-up shopping. Yayyy! Syukur Alhamdulilah! Goodnight for now.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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