More and more articles. Hehe! And I was reading this article the other day:-
1) No Need to Fake It
Most of the time, I don't think I fake anything about myself even with anyone. I guess, it's always best to be yourself and let the right one love you for who you are. No use pretending to be someone else. I guess it's laborious and require a lot of work just to be somebody else that you are not.
I agree that I don't eat "nicely". I dirty the table, I dirty my mouth. D gets me tissue. I can be pretty annoying. I rant and complain a lot and on and on when I'm not happy about something, let's say a particular food? D will just listen or sometimes, he will just shut his ears off. HAHA! I talk to myself (which is what he discover lately. HAHA!) but that's just me and I don't think I have to fake anything about myself.
2) What Makes Him Happy, Makes You Happy (and Vice Versa!)
I'm happy when my loved ones are happy. Not to lie that sometimes that comes with a little envious-ness. Let's just say pay increment or bonuses. Well, of course you are happy for him but you wished you had one too. And let's say doing a Degree, of course he is happy for me, but he wished he is on that par too. Lol! But I guess competition like this are healthy. Indirectly, you are encouraging one another to grow.
3) You Just Want Him
Not really. HAHA! Just kidding. Of course it's only him that you want. It doesn't matter what you do, no matter how boring things can get. You just want him even if it is as boring as just meeting each other just to sit down and talk and not going anywhere else. Or even as boring as a long journey bus ride home and just sitting down together watching online movies in his phone together. It doesn't matter, you just want it to be with him.
4) It's a Mutual Attraction
"Have you ever seen those couples where one person is way better looking than the other and yet, they're both just as into each other? It doesn't matter who finds either of you attractive, what matters is that you're so into each other. You mutually find each other physically, mentally and spiritually attractive!"
I have NO COMMENT on this. Haha! Frankly, I told D many times that I don't find him good-looking. I always tell him, he have some kind of weird square flat face, err, he looks like some kind of china man or even those chikopek look. HAHA! But despite all that I'm still into him.
5) You Want to Share Life With Him
Of course you would love to. We share stories, problems and stuff. And we did talk about this before, somewhere few years down the road but the future is not certain and all we can do is to make doa and Insyaallah. Amin.
6) You Can Compromise Like Pros
Baby steps. Not that we compromise like pros yet but we do try to compromise to each other although I won't deny that it comes with a little tiff here and there. Alhamdulilah. Both of us do give in to each other.
7) He Reads Between the Lines
Not many man are capable of doing this. I've known man who can't even read between the lines AT ALL. They don't know that you are upset with them or even when you are trying to be sarcastic to them. But for D, he is not bad I would say. He missed it sometimes but most of the time, he is quite good. He knows when I'm upset, when I'm not happy about something or when I'm trying to be sarcastic to him. HAHA! And that is enough for me for now.
8) He Accepts You
One of the thing I never have to be concerned about. Even when I put my lipstick on, he prefers me without them. He prefers me without any make up on. He cannot stand sometimes the way I dress, he finds it "revealing", but he doesn't force me to change but give words of advice. He doesn't tell me to lose weight despite I've been gaining weight. He accept me even though I am way too short, way too petite.
9) He Brags About You
D is on a low profile side I would say. He doesn't brag about me, not to anyone or anybody and he doesn't like me doing the same too. No pictures, no nothing on social media etc. I find it hard initially since I am not that kind of person. I LOVE taking pictures but I comply to him. But I would say, things change recently. When he said, "One day, people will still find out and end up knowing about us. So it's okay." Not that we are letting the whole world know. But, it's enough that our family knows, his family knows. My friends & colleagues knows and his friends & colleagues knows about us.
Met up with my Girlfriends for a short catch up over dinner. Both PLP and I are finally done with exams! While Hana is still on holidays. Sadly, Manda couldn't join us due to guard duty.
I think this is cool, it buzz when your order is ready!
I had Fish & Chip, recommended by PLP. The set meal comes with soup of the day, a drink as well as a garlic bread. Heh! Price wise is not so bad, $9.80 for this.
Hana's Chicken curry. She loves her Chicken curry.
It was a great catch up with my girls. It's amazing how we can talk about one topic to another within a few hours. Hehe! From school, to relationship, to gadget, to work etc. And I can't wait for another meet-up with my RP clique this coming Tuesday, since OZK is finally back in Singapore after a few months training in Aussie and before he flew back to Aussie again. Pilot sehhhh somebody. My friends are all doing well in life, just look at myself. What am I doing with my life? Tskk.
Okay, going to perform Maghrib prayers now. Toodles.
Pictures taken with my iPhone 6. Heh!
Rating: 3.5/5 Popcorns 
A bit suspend here and there. Definitely not for the faint-hearted for those who can't stand the sight of snakesss. Lol! It could have been better but it was NOT bad I would say. For someone that has such short attention span, I managed to sit through out the whole movie without barging off from my sit.
Princess Azie Anni
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