I finally get my hands on iPhone 6 GOLD today but I had to go through many hurdles before getting one. And my instinct were almost right yesterday when I don't really feel good about it. I have always been good about instinct. My instinct are always almost right most of the time. When I don't feel good about things, 80% of the time, it's accurate.
My appointment clearly state collection of iPhone 6 at 1100-1200 hours. I reached there about 1015 hours and I was told that I have to come back later at 1100 hours for my respective timing slot. So, well okay, I left the place and had breakfast at McDonalds alone. I came back an hour later and got my queue number, 7100. The now serving queue was 7043. I almost died. The queue number wasn't in sequence because it jumped to queue number like 1015, 3005 in between.
So I thought it was still okay, I waited for almost 2 hours before I decided to leave and head back to my work place and do some work because the queue number was still around 7060++ when I left. I can just literally die from sitting and sleeping down there. And frankly, I am not that kind of person. I NEED to move around. And if there is one job that require me to sit for long hours or sleep, I probably might suffer a terrible depression from it. Yes, I am a total opposite of D.
So, I asked one of the M1 staff how long will it take before my number will be called up. And he told me roughly around 2 hours. I was thinking, just nice. I shall do some work and 1 hour later leave the office to head back to M1. Which I did.
When I reached the office, everyone was so excited, thinking I had iPhone 6 with me. They all wanted to see and try it out but I came back empty handed. Lol! Told them I'm leaving again at 2pm to head back to M1 to collect my iPhone 6.
2 hours later when I reached M1 I realised I have already missed my queue by 4 person. The queue number state 7104. Again, I almost wanted to die at that point of time. I was thinking if they tell me I can't collect my phone, I will literally scream at the top of my voice there.
So I approached one of the M1 staff to let them know. She send her colleague to attend to me and when he came back he told me to wait for a short while, and they will call my queue number again. And so I waited.
Tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu. It was almost a freaking hour but they still hasn't called me yet. And the worse thing, the queue number keep ascending! I know it's unlike me because I DON'T do this kind of thing and everyone knows that. I am usually "timid" and a more patient person. But seriously just now, I couldn't stand it anymore. I was too annoyed, too agitated, too angry with fury. I skipped many hours of work for just a FREAKING phone.
Me: Hi, I'm sorry. I just wanted to ask. How long more do I have to wait before my queue number is being called? Because I miss my queue and your colleague told me that they will call me shortly.
M1: Wahhh? You miss your queue.. I don't know how.. (Asked her colleague to help check it out for me)
Me: Yes, I miss my queue. And don't tell me you don't know how you can help me, I have been waiting here for almost a good 4 hours.
M1: But how can you miss your queue?
Me: All I did was to go for lunch and when I came back, I realised I have missed my queue. I think I have waited long enough.
M1: But it's like that. This is how pre-order works. It will still be the same thing if you go to other telecom like Singtel or Starhub. You have to wait.
Me: I don't care about Singtel or Starhub or other telecom and what they do. I have so much problem with the pre-orders the other day and then the credential issue. My slot clearly state the collection is at 11am-12pm and now it is already 3.30pm! So are you telling me that I can't go for my lunch just to wait hours and hours for A phone?! Or I can't even go for a toilet break? Even you guys took turn to have lunch just now. What kind of service do you guys provide?
Another M1: Ma'am we are really sorry Ma'am, we apologize for that. Ma'am, please follow my colleague he will assist you immediately now.
Seriously M1? -_-'
That is seriously another side of me which I rarely turn to, not if it's something that I just literally cannot stand it anymore.
I had problems with synchronizing the app initially. Since IOS8 is a new software and thus, many apps are not really compatible with it yet. The worse thing, my whatsapp that I back up from my old phone couldn't be transferred to my new phone. Thus, I lost all the messages that I had with D. I feel so lousy, so terrible! Because I love to re-read our conversation back sometimes.
So, I deleted the Whatsapp from my new phone and tried to restore Whatsapp back in my old phone. Alhamdulilah, things work out fine. And I managed to get some apps and messages back into Whatsapp. It was only I reached home then I decided to meddle with it again. Initially, I did lose some apps here and there. After which, things work our fine. Alhamdulilah. I managed to restore some things into my new phone as well.
But honestly, my phone now turns out to be like Samsung S3. It's HUGE. Thank God I did not get iPhone 6 Plus which I was initially contemplating to get, since I can watch videos better with huge screen. But I won't be able to type properly with iPhone 6 plus. I already have so much problem typing using my iPhone 6.
And this boy cannot stop teasing me about my iPhone 6.....
Me: My phone is HUGE. So hard to type. I don't really like.
D: Ah, padan muka. Gatal kan! Siapa suruh beli.
Me: But my phone is not working properly anymore what. B, you are so mean!
D: Hahaha. Alahh, kidding aje.
Me: I know. I'm like used to it. Immune already.
D: Ceyyyy immune seh. Yelah.. bagus lah kalau mcm tu.
Me: Anyway b, you know right, I use our picture as my wallpaper in my phone.
D: Yerp
Me: Apparently, now my phone is bigger in size. It makes your face double the size also. Your face is HUGE now.
D: OHHHHH. Yelahhhh, muka I besar pe.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Right back at ya. Forever teasing him about his face shape. MUAHAHA!
Till here. I miss my iPhone 4S but the phone is already deactivated.
Princess Azie Anni
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