First and foremost, Happy Belated Birthday Cousin Dil! Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. And may Allah SWT bless you with all the wonderful things in life. Amin!
Dil held a birthday party at Downtown East Pasir Ris on Saturday evening. I couldn't feel happier seeing all my relatives. Headed home on Saturday after work to continue packing my stuff since I was going to overnight at the chalet. (Only us Cousins overnight, while all the aunties & uncles were sent home. Lol!) I was home much earlier and so I managed to do some room and house cleaning. Hehe!
After which, Ressal & Adik fetched me and we headed off to Downtown East and Mama didn't follow. So that left me being alone since I had no companion while everyone had their other half with them. I did ask D along to the chalet and even my cousins did as well but as usual, he didn't want to. And I didn't want to force him either into doing something that he isn't comfortable with.
Reached the chalet and Ressal immediately helped Pokde with the BBQ-ing. Initially, Cousin Mas and Adik were sitting with me accompanying me to eat and then Cousin Mas left to sit on another table with her mom, Mak Teh with all my other aunties as well. After which, Adik then left to help Ressal with the BBQ-ing. Cousin Lyna was with her husband, Oppy sitting on one table. My brother was sitting with Cousin Firman on one table. Cousin Dil was sitting at one table with his girlfriend, Hyrah. While all other families took one table each to eat together and I was left all alone by myself. Tskk.
So, I kind of complain to D when we met on Sunday. HAHAHAHA!
Me: People were like asking about you at the chalet. Yelahhhhh. Just because somebody don't want to follow me whatttt. Everyone were all seated down together with their family and their other half at one table each. So I end up sitting alone all by myself because my mom wasn't there. I mean, my cousins did ask me to join them when they saw me sitting alone but...I don't want to be a lamp post.
D: Okay b, I'm really really sorry. It's my fault okay. I know it's my fault. I'm so sorry.
Me: What to doooo. I terpaksa makan sorang-sorang. Termenung sorang-sorang.
D: Wah b, don't rub it in. You make me feel very guilty. I'm really really sorry. But I seiously segannnnnn lah b.
An then it was time for cake cutting ceremony,
The cake was awesome! My love for cakes.
After the celebration, at around 0000 hours, my aunties & uncles left the chalet, leaving us cousins behind. We played Charades and card games such as Uno, Old Maid and Snap and were making deafening noise. HAHAHA! It was seriously awesome! And we didn't sleep the whole night. Dil's best friends was there too, playing Fifa 15 which I bought for my brother on Xbox 360. They stayed till the morning before leaving at around 0600 hours.
And we cousins, had breakfast at Downtown East, McDonalds after which.
I was seriously so full from this that I even skipped lunch. Lol!
By the time, it was almost 0700 hours and everyone started to feel sleepy. I managed to take a good nap for an hour before we all start to pack and get ready to check-out and head home before 1200 hours. Before napping away, I took some time off to read my book while waiting to feel sleepy since I can't really sleep right after a meal.
The moment I was home, I took a shower and get myself ready to meet D. It has almost been 3 weeks not seeing that boy. He asked me if I was tired since I just came back but I gave an immediate NO for an answer. In fact, I was actually kind of sleepy but I guess, sleep could wait till night but I haven't met him for so long! Even my cousins took their nap till 5pm before they all wake up to go out with their respective better half for dinner. Tskk! But D had to work in the morning the next day, so we can't really go home that late.
Met D. Took the bus and headed to Lido to catch the movie he have been wanting to watch so much. I was feeling pretty crap that day. It's the #PrincessPMS syndrome. I get pretty nausea and feel like vomiting each time for pre-menses and it can get really bad.
D: Asal b?
Me: I feel like vomiting. Pening ah.
D: Ehhh b, macam lain macammmmmmm aje nak muntah.
Me: -_-' Apa yang lain macam? Nonsense.
D: U okay tak? Nak balik?
Me: No taknak. I'll be fine soon. It just happens every month. I'm used to it already.
D: Wah susah eh you gini.
Yes. D is not the romantic kind. He is always so direct and in the face kind of thing when he says something. Haha! If you are not used to it, you'll end feeling offended. And I do agree, I find it initially hard to get along/digest with his direct-ness before. But now, I'm like immune to it already. Haha! See, he can even use the word "susah" on me. Basketball.
D: B..Can u remind me? I nak pass u kad jemputan lah.
Me: Oh okayyy..Huh? Kad jemputan? Kad jemputan apa?
D: Wedding card lah.
Me: Wedding card? Siapa? U punya?
D: Ahh, I punya.
Me: Eh kurang ajar apa?
D: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I didn't expect the reaction. HAHAHAHA! My brother's punya lah! U ni eh!
Me: Cehhhhhh. Wah! U better don't try anything funny eh I tell you.
D: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I thought you were just kidding, so I played along.
Me: Mana lah I tahu. It happens in drama what. Alih-alih je nak kahwin.
D: HAHAHAHA! Sembarang je. See lah, watch so much drama! Maybe one day I should try ah eh. Buat card, letak nama I then kasih you.
Me: Ah b, bagus. You try lah, you try. You tgk apa jadi.
I don't really watch this kind of movie before but what to do, D watches them, so I just comply. Lol!
D: I scared it'll be boring for you or you won't like the movie.
Me: A'a. I tgh ngantok ni. Limit-limit confirm I tertidur. Last time, someone used to get annoyed at me for sleeping while in the movie because I was feeling so tired.
D: No it's okay. If you're feeling tired or sleepy, tidur je kay?
Ratings: 4.5/5 Popcorns
For a person who didn't catch the 1st part of the movie and for not having enough sleep and feeling sleepy. This movie manage to keep me awake and I can't wait for the 3rd part. Lol! Which means it's goooood. Lol!
The movie started at 1640 hours and ended at 1900 hours which shocked us. We didn't expect it to end that late. Lol! Because by then, D wanted to head home already since he is on reservist and have to report in the morning the next day.
And if it's not because that both of us were starving and I was craving for Pastamania, we would have headed home straight. So D suggested just having dinner nearby my place which I agreed. We waited for the bus and it was pretty crowded, so D suggested taking a cab instead. I was nagging at him of how wasting money it is just to cab and how expensive it can be from Orchard to Choa Chu Kang. But he kept insisting because he's the one paying for the cab. Zzz!
Woman being woman it didn't stop there. So I kept nagging at him even while we were in the cab and as I turned to look at him, D was doing this meditation position with his fingers open wide while his middle finger glued to his thumb and placing his back palm on his knees. HAHA!
Me: B?! Asal ni? Hahahahaha!
D: B, I kat rumah my mom nag at me on the left. Ni jumpa you kene nag on the right. Boleh mati I b.
Me: HAHAHAHA! Oh my god. You ni ehhhhh!
D: I dah attend this course ah, anger management course. I'll be just fine.
Me: Bila you attend?
D: Ni tengah attend the course ah ni sekarang. Tgh manage you punya PMS syndrome.
Me: HAHAHHAHA! -_-' Annoying!
Pastamania dinner for two.
D's bake rice something.
My Alfredo Pasta
I was struggling pretty bad to eat because of my braces and so I was sooooooo much slower to finish my food.D: B, susah eh nak makan?
Me: Yah. It's like stuck all over the braces and it's painful to bite and eat.
D: I can see that. Dengan cream sauce semua comot dekat mulut.
Me: I can't lick the cream sauce off my lips. It's painful.
D: Takpe. Take your time okay? Eat slowly.
Me: Okay.
D: B..masih pening lagi tak?
Me: Dah tak.
D: Okay.
After dinner, D send me home before he headed home himself. He wanted to take cab home and I nagged at him till he changed his mind to take the LRT home instead. Lol! Anyway, my iPhone 6 have finally met D. When D saw my wallpaper, he was like..
D: Lawa wallpaper screen you.
Me: Nice right.
D: Okay. Next time we go to the beach and we do this okay?
Me: Yayyyy!
D: But before that I have to train first and go to the gym.
Me: B, berat sangat ke I?
D: Takde lah. I nak kene train aje, so that I can carry you.
LOL! His favourite thing to do. Carry me around. Zzz! Till here. I need to catch up on my sleep now. Very sleepy. Goodnight.
Princess Azie Anni
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