The other day, I drove the family down to the night market at Causeway Point and had Gelaré. Dah Halal oi. And then off to Mustafa Centre to do some toiletries shopping. Well, driving skill? Not very good. But I'm sure over a few more practices, I will get the hang of it. Hehe!
My sister and I actually fought over this waffle! So annoying. Hahaha!
At Mustafa Centre,
Adik came across this and told me to tell D to get this for me. Because apparently, she said she has never come across with someone that has such a bad PMS than me ever. Zzz!
Me: My sister is so annoying. She said she haven't seen someone with the worse PMS than me. She said these pills supports PMS and told you to get one for me. But my PMS is not that bad what!
D: Ur PMS part. B.. u klau dh pms kn. Sampai marah2 i. Tk rabak ke tu?? Smpai i balek rumah air mata menitis.. Lol. K... i'll try to find it.
Wahhhhhh! Both of them can seriously tag team on me man.
Anyhoos, I love Causeway Point. Remind me of the good old days back then during Polytechnic days. I used to hate RP a lot and wanted to graduate from it fast. But now, looking back, I do miss those times a lot. I miss being with my clique especially. We were all from the same class in Year 2 Semester 1 and that was when we started to bond with each other. And as we move on to Year 2 Semester 2 and into Year 3 entering different classes, we always had this join chat in MSN every single day. We will make sure we will go down for some light breakfast at the top floor of W1 café together. I remember eating Tortilla wrap with lots of chilli every single day because it's CHEAP. Just a dollar. Hehe! And then having only bubble tea for lunch. It was goooood because I always manage to save money, easily 1K in a year.
Sadly, I didn't know D at that point of time despite being in the same Polytechnic. I didn't even notice him back then. It would be good if I know him or at least notice him. Can keep some good look out. Lol!
Meet up with D yesterday and I brought him for dessert over at Ben & Jerry's, Vivocity since he had never tried the ice-cream there before. Hehe!
The moment he saw me,
D: Wah b.
Me: Whyyyy? What's wrong?
D: Why do you have to look so beautiful today?
Me: Crazy!
D: Elehh, dalam hati mesti you cakap. Bodoh pe I, sekarang baru tahu you lawa.
HAHAHA! Annoying. I am NOT beautiful seriously and he rarely say this kind of stuff to me. How do you even expect me to react? That was why I called him crazy. Tsk!
D had Strawberry and Chocolate Therapy Ice-cream with Brownies. Until now, I seriously don't know how my boyfriend can actually eat a combination of Strawberry that is SOUR with Chocolate Therapy that is SWEET. It tasted horrible. Hehe! It was a bad combination and even his future sister-in-law agrees with me. Tskk.
So, me being someone who has "good" combination of ice-cream. I had,
Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Cookie Dough ice-cream with waffle. It tasted YUMMY but I was complaining all the way. HAHA! And D had to listen to me ranting. I mean seriously..
- They served the Brownie in a cup now and no longer on the plate. How does it even make it possible for someone to eat properly?
- The waffle I had at Dempsey Hill was 1 full waffle and here, they served me HALF a waffle with the same price. How disappointing?
- I'm not very good when it comes to cutting whatever, so they gave me a plastic fork and knife with that small paper boat plate. Zzz! I couldn't even cut it properly and so D had to cut it for me into smaller pieces and then he had to end it with a, "So pampered!"
Haha! Okay, practically I am, SOMEHOW. People usually end up cutting/peeling food for me. Like when I go for buffet, my manager will cut the crab for me. Ayah usually peel the prawns for me when we eat outside. The other day I had buffet with my Unimates and Isaac had to peel the prawns for me too. And now D has to do it for me. HAHA! We went for Ayam Penyet Ria, D had to cut the chicken for me. Oh boy.
And when I was eating the waffle, D continuously made the sound of "Ummm...sedapnyaaa" each time when I put the waffle inside my mouth. Annoying man!
Me: Muhammad ___!
D: YES?!
Me: Stop it eh! So annoying!
D: Okay okay. I tak kacau lagi lahhhh.. My colleague asked me the other day, eh how your girlfriend tahan you eh?
Me: How did your colleague know that you have a girlfriend?
D: I told them.
Me: Ohhhhh. And what did you tell them?
D: I said, my girlfriend is already immune to me already.
Me: You ehhh, better stop annoying other people.
Me: You know, my girlfriends & I love to hang out around Vivocity during RP days. It's like our hang out place here.
D: Kirakan you mcm minah-minah lepak lah eh.
Me: What minah? I am not. My friends are all Chinese and rarely Malay. I don't do lepak and all these.
D: You seriously. 100% like my sister. The both of you are like totally the same.
Yes, I heard about this so many times. I am like his sister. He always said he had to deal with 2 person of the same character at home and when he goes out with me. Haha! The way we study, the way we feel stress about school, the way we cry before and after exams and the way we score As after that as if we were going to fail. The way how we are both book smart but not street smart. Now apparently, the way we make friends. Lol!
We didn't eat dinner since I was already too full from the ice-cream, so we headed home. (D never fail to send me home each time. Alhamdulilah.) Suddenly, my calf started to ache real bad from the workout I did the day before yesterday. I wanted to take the train home but D doesn't like it since the train is always difficult to get a sit and he likes to take the bus. And so we did, we took the bus.
But the journey to the bus interchange at Vivocity requires me to go up and down the stairs. From there I started to limp a bit to go up and down the staircase and D had to almost assist me up and down the stairs holding me carefully. Everyone thought probably I was crazy but D was patient enough with me. Alhamdulilah. D even wanted to piggy back me to make it easier for me but seriously, not in public lah eh.
D: Wah B, you dah mcm like my mom already. Her knee hurts going up and down the staircase.
Me: Ah yelah, I selalu macam your sister. Now I dah macam your mom pula. Lagi lepas ni, I mcm siapa pula?
D: Alah B.. Okay pe. Can get along very well what kalau mcm tu.
The bus journey was long so both of us ended watching movie, 'How To Train Your Dragon 2' inside the bus. It was sooooooo cute. And well, I don't mind watching movies like this every time. Save money. HEHEHE!
Rating: 4/5 Popcorns
This movie is seriously too cute already. Hehe! And D kept doing the "Take meeeee" thingy. Lol!
If you know what I mean.
Till here. I am still annoyed at M1. I can't do the iPhone 6 pre-order since yesterday! Zzz! Please do something about it okay M1. Please please, SERIOUSLY. I want my iPhone 6 in GOLD. HMPF!
Princess Azie Anni
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