I wanted to watch Annabelle for quite some time and FINALLY, I get to watch it yesterday with the boy since he was off yesterday. Honestly, it's really hard to work around our schedule. His schedule to be exact, since he is on shift job. Therefore, we don't really get to meet that often, only on certain days that he is NOT tired (99.9% he is always tired) and not working of course. And hardly sometimes, that he will meet me after his work.
So back to Annabelle. D booked the tickets in advance and asked me to take my pick at which cinema I wanted to watch. Thank God, he asked me! I am like totally sick of Shaw Lido and Cathay Cineleisure. We have been watching movies at that both theatre since our FIRST date and forever. Tsk. And the moment I was allowed to take my pick, I decided to go for JEM instead.
And yes, this is where we were seated, where he chose. RIGHT at the BACK.
Before meeting D, I bought food over for Mama at the hospital and D waited for me to spend some time with Mama at the hospital first before he left home. After Mama had her lunch, D left his house and I left the hospital too.
Random: Bumped into my primary school friend, Syafiq who was riding the train and Cousin Dil's girlfriend while I was on the train platform while waiting for D. Lol!
Met D and collected the tickets first before we went gallivanting around JEM to look look see see. Meanwhile, also to look for gifts for my colleague, JM. After manage to get the things that I wanted, we still had like half an hour left before the movie started. So we found a nearby spot to sit down just outside Cathay JEM. That was also when D handed me a card.
Me: What is this?
D: My wedding card.
Me: Ohhhhh. Your "wedding" card. If it's YOUR "wedding" card, I'm not taking it.
D: Ambil lah b.
Me: Nope!
D: My brother's one lahhhhh. *Open card* Nice or not?
Me: It's nice. Maria's one is nice as well, I saw on Instagram. You ehhh. Pandai-pandai aje kasih I card ni. Siapa yang suruh you invite I ni ahhh. Anyhow aje.
D: Really lah. My brother yang suruh invite you. My dad. My mom also.
D: Eermmmmm... Eh b. Kalau dah bawa your parents ehhh. My parents, meeting your parents ehhh. I think ermm... Too earlyyyyy for that...
Me: Then what am I supposed to do? Come alone? This will be so awkward b. Oh my godddd.
D: No. You'll stick with me. Just stick with me okay?
Me: Oh kayyyyyy.
D: Wah. Then my cousin confirm will start asking and saying, eh tu mataair Achid agaknya eh.
Okay the wedding is not till next month and I know I'm not the one getting married but honestly, I am feeling SO NERVOUS. SO FREAKING NERVOUS. I hope I just don't pass out on that day. I hope I don't do stupid or ridiculous stuff. Oh boyyyy.
#Tips 1:-
D: Oh btw b. Just be yourself okay? Cuma mulut you maintain okay bila jumpa my parents. Jangan sarcasm okay?
Wtheck D! Of course I would know my manners right? Zzzzzzzz! I'm only sarcastic when it comes to him. Tsk!
#Tips 2:-
D: And just heads up. My cousins and relatives calls me Achid instead of Din. So, don't be panic or shock okay?
Me: I sort of know that already. But why Achid?
D: Rasyid? Achid?
Me: Hahaha! Why didn't they just call you Din?
D: Din nama classic seh b.
Me: Hahaha!
Annabelle wasn't scary at all. And for D who doesn't fancy horror movies and is afraid of watching one, wasn't feeling scared either. Plus I don't think D wants to watch at Cathay JEM anymore. That theatre is full of students who make unnecessary noise throughout the movie.
D: I kalau kat kerja, if people make this kind of noises. I will shout and ask them to shut up.
Me: Hello. You better not do that okay? This is not your work place okay. This is not Harbourfront.
And while watching the movie, when the students started to make noise. D really shouted at the theatre asking them to shut up. -_-' This boy seriously.
Ratings: 2/5 Popcorns
By then, D was already starving. HAHA! So we went to look for places to eat. D suggested on having Swensen but I wanted to try something else, something new besides Swensen, since we already had that during his Birthday.
As we were walking, we caught sight of Indobox. And what caught our eyes even more when they had 'Mee Tek Tek' served on their menu. Lol! Knowing that curious cheeky boy, he wanted to settle for that.
In the end, we both settle for something else other than Mee Tek Tek. LOL! And it was my FIRST time seeing D's handwriting. I have never fancied a man's handwriting before but his would be the FIRST. Lol!
Such nice and cursive handwriting.
Even I can't write that cursive. Lol!
And D was seated opposite to me when,
Me: B sini. Duduk sebelah I.
D: Asal ni?
Me: Nothing.
D: Ni mesti nak ambil gambar kan.
And D always said he doesn't like to take picture but each time when I initiated to take picture, he is always the one making funny faces. Action onlyyyyy. Lol!
Mine. I gave my tahu telur to D. Haha! I told him I don't want to eat that Tahu telur, yet he kept forcing me to try one. Zzz!
D: Wah b. You dah kenapa? You sound like my mom!
Me: Ah eh? Ah lagi bagus. The more we can get along.
D: Ini yang seram ni. I must prepare myself already.
For the big appetite man.
Me: You know the other day, my colleague ask me how old am I. I told her I am 24 years old. I totally forgot and lost count of how old I am. Hahaha!
D: Wah! You ehhh, seriously sama macam my sister. She also forever forget how old she is.
How can I forget? I am like his mom. I am like his sister. -_-' Anyway, after dinner, we walked around Westgate for a while, to check out the place and then headed home. Hehehehehehehehe!
Now I can't wait to catch Kenshin Rurouni on Sunday with D. Alhamdulilah for the many meet-ups. Amin. Amin. Amin.
Princess Azie Anni.
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