First and for all,
To all Muslims around the world.
Compared to Hari Raya Aidilfitri, less dishes are usually cooked for Hari Raya Aidiladha. But still, no excuses for not cooking for my family. Thank God, no weaving of the ketupat. That probably will almost drain me! I was feeling pretty unwell too, was down with slight fever, sore throat and flu. Probably contracted them from D since he was sick the other time.
Ayam Masak Merah
Sambal Goreng Pengantin
Ayam masak Rendang
Kuah Lodeh
Daging Satay
Woke up in the morning to head down to Ar-Raudhah mosque for Aidiladha prayers with my aunties and this is the first time ever, Mama came along to perform the Aidiladha prayers. Of course, I couldn't felt happier. Alhamdulilah. Thank you Allah SWT for giving Mama the chance to.
Text D to wish him Good Morning and of course wishing him Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha too, which he had already wish me the night before. Hehe! The boy was on his way to work. Sadly, this kept me thinking about the future, somehow.
He was on night shift on Hari Raya Aidilfitri and now on morning shift on Hari Raya Aidiladha.
Me: Mama, so poor thing kan that Din has to work on special occasion like this every time and not go out with his family.
Mama: Yah, you poor thing him now. But if one day, you guys end up marrying each other in the future, you'll end up being the poor thing one.
Mama: Don't give me that face. I am just telling you now. You better be prepared for things like this in the future. If this is something that you can't accept or take it, you leave now. I mean, I don't mind with whoever you want to be with, it's your choice. I will always be happy with whoever you choose to be with as long he is a nice boy and can take care of you. But if you choose to be with Din, this is something that you have to learn to accept about him. You have seen this happening from the start now, how he is like, how his job nature is like. If it's something that you can take it and it is not a big deal to you, then by all means, stay. Because I don't want in the future, you'll end up telling me that I haven't warn you and feeling all regretful.
Err.. my Mama has her point. BUT..I have done much consideration and put so much thoughts into this. I know what I have to most probably go through the moment when I choose to accept this boy into my life and be with him. I can say I am quite well-prepared somehow but, wait, am I making the right decision? No doubt. No doubt. No doubt. I cannot have doubt in my relationship.
A friend of mine, Saad celebrated Hari Raya Aidiladha in JB and get to witness live korban (slaughtering) of the cow, sheep etc. So he send me this picture. I don't get to see it live here in Singapore. Since after the prayers, all of us head home straight. After which, my family and I will get ready to head down to Mak Ngah's house.
Syukur Alhamdulilah. Allah Maha Besar. All greatness to Him. Amin.
And it's holiday on lieu tomorrow. Oh man. How I wish it's just a normal working day tomorrow. Haiz! I don't know what to do then. I guess another boring day at home doing nothing. This is so boring. I NEED to find something to do now with my life, sadly.
Princess Azie Anni.
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