Dear Diary,
I was a bit...well, angry is not the word and probably annoyed is also not the word. Maybe just slightly upset with D. HAHAHAHAHA! He was supposed to leave house and meet me after Zohor but when I was done with work at 1300 hours, he was still at home, just finish the household chores.
So when he texted me, I gave him a very short and 'ok ok ok' for an answer. So he was like "B...Macam bingit aje? Betul ke ok ni?" Duhhhhhh.
I still had to wait for D at least 20 minutes before he finally arrived at Cineleisure. But even so, we were an hour earlier for the movie. Collected the tickets and sat down outside near the seating area outside the cinema. And it is time like this where we usually had conversations. Lol!
As we were watching of all the movies' trailer on the television screen, the movie Oujia caught my attention.
Me: B! Can we watch this?!
D: Ohhh..No no no.
Me: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
D: No eh B. Boleh mati seh I tengok horror movies macam gini.
Me: Alahhhh, if it's not with you, who else I can watch this movie with.
D: Wahhh. You eh, suka emotionally blackmail I. Haiz! Sometimes, there are times when I look at you and I feel really guilty.
Me: Why? Guilty about what?
D: Yelahh, I am such a boring person.
Me: Who said so?
D: Everyone said. My colleague, my friends, my family. So I can understand why people cannot tahan me and leave me.
Me: So?? I am still here right? 6 months b. I have been doing this for 6 months. So it's okay syg.
D: Wah! We have been together for 6 months already?
Me: Yeah, going to. Soon. In a few days time. So can we go watch Oujia syg?
D: Haiz. Okay lahhh.
Me: Yayyyyy! Thank you baby!
D: We are so opposite of each other eh B. Opposite in almost anything and everything. I can tahan sejuk. You cannot tahan sejuk.
Me: Haiz. Sadly yes. Kenapa? You tak suka? You can go ahead and find someone else if you tak suka.
D: No lahhh. You eh. I never say I tak suka what. Ada ke I cakap mcm tu? Tak kan. I was just saying that we are opposite, that's all. Have you heard of the saying that says, opposite's attract?
Me: Yerps.
D: I am north pole and you are south pole. We attract each other. And also gini in the future we need to have two separate things already. Two separate TVs since we both watch different kind of genres shows.
Me: Of course. One TV in the bedroom and another TV in the living room. I will have the one in the bedroom and you can have the TV in the living room. Hehe!
D: Everything need to have two separate things, except one thing. The katil!
Me: Taknakkkk. Katil I nak single size bed like how I'm sleeping now. And you can sleep on another single size bed.
D: No. The katil have to be queen size bed. Have to be together, no single size bed okay! And must be posturepedic mattress. So I won't have backache.
Me: Hahaha! Okay lah. Boleh lah macam gini. Lagi-lagi kalau you kene kerja night shift. Fuhhhh, the katil is all mine. You taknak balik pun takpe.
D: Eh eh b. You ehhhh.
Me: Hehehe! And the toilet kan, I want the see through kind.
D: B! See-through toilet?!
Me: Yeah those kind of glass toilet. Can see through. I've seen hotels having that kind of toilet. I nak mcm tu. But of course in our room aje lah. The one in the kitchen remains the normal enclose toilet. Haha!
D: Wah B, nasib you cakap. Kalau tak...
Me: I can just imagine our parents coming to our house tengok toilet macam gitu, mangkuk kene marah the both of us.
D: Hahahaha! Ah lah b. Okay, kalau just the one inside our room, can!
Hahahaha. This kind of conversation, talking about the future just enlighten me sometimes. Lol! One day, Insyaallah. Amin.
D: Wah, hari ni you tak pakai lipstick b. Bagus.
Me: Yeahs lah. I tak pakai lipstick. Tak pakai eyeliner. Nothing at all today.
D: So this is your bare face?
Me: Yeah, my bare face.
D: Wah okay what. You still look pretty with your bare face on. Natural beauty.
Me: -_-' Yelah tu.
D: Haiz b. I cakap betul-betul pun salah. I puji u pun salah.
A few conversation here and there when finally, we managed to kill time almost nearing to the starting time of our movie.
Ratings: 4.5/5
D is the kind of person who needs his rice or at least a heavy meal for dinner. And I was already sick and tired of looking for places to dine in that has rice or for a heavy course meal. We have tried almost every possible places around town.
I suggested having Fish & Co. but there isn't any Fish & Co. nearby except the one at Plaza Singapura but D is not the kind of person who likes to travel or walk far. Luckily, he wasn't that hungry. So we settle down for Beanstro, Takashimaya instead.
D's Double Chocolate
D's. I forgot what is dish called. Lol! Some chicken pasta.
My ermm..I forgot what it is called too. HAHA! But it's called Lamb something.
I was craving for some fries and D got me this too. Yay! But the fries is not worth the money honestly. I didn't know it cost $6 for just this! I might as well have the fries at McDonalds instead. Tskk.
Had a few conversations with D over dinner. I always enjoy having conversation with this man. :) After dinner, D send me home and we talked for a bit before D left to head home since he is on morning shift tomorrow.
Anyhoos, I suggested to go Gardens By The Bay one day since our date is always nothing but just movies and dinner. And guess what?! D said OKAY. Yay! But..............We got to find the best time to go. Probably not till the next few months. HAHAHAHAHA! Still, it's better than nothing. Alhamdulilah.
Till here. Morning shift tomorrow. Well, I am ALWAYS on morning shift anyway. Hehehe! Goodnight.
Princess Azie Anni.
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