My usual alarm clock rings off at 0630 hours on weekends but today since we're going off to Batam, Mama woke me up at 0530 hours. Hehe! After shower, did my fajr prayers and got myself ready. Since Ressal slept over, it was easy for all of us and for Ayah as well to drive us to Harbourfront.
And the school holidays are over too, so it wasn't that crowded compared to the previous time that we went in December. The immigration side was quite smooth as well. But for the first time, I had problem with my thumbprint. It kept asking me to put my thumbprint over and over again without opening the gateway for me. For once, I thought I was almost cursed. HAHAHA!
Nothing much happened while on board the ferry. I've been sleeping quite late nowadays and damn those huge eyebags that I'm having now. Grr! So, I actually slept for a good one hour, hoping that it would do me some miracles to my eyebags, but nope. It didn't.
Batam Centre. The first place that any soul would step to, once reached.
Ressal's uncle (whom did not follow) have an entrusted person over at Batam who actually booked for us a van to help bring us around the whole day for that day.
The journey.
First thing first is to top up the petrol. Hehe!
1) Jodoh Centre - 1 hour and half
We were given timing at each place to shop. And this place is quite boring I would say, well for teenagers. But it entice more to the mak-chics of course since they sell lots of those jubah kind of clothing as well as more and more of tudungs. I wanted to buy one of their nice jubah but they cater mostly for bigger size such as L, XL, XXL & XXL and maybe some not nice ones in S. Zzz.
Rumours has it that they sell 2nd hand clothes and even lost & found clothes that could be found in Hotel room. Lol.
It was packed with people. What more with motorbikes and car which pushed their way through this small walkway. People just had to becareful.
And this is the place whereby I learn "Permissi nona cantik." from a nice guy who wanted to be excused. I don't call him nice because he calls me cantik but it's the way how he say it, it was just so polite. Guys, should learn and pick up this kind of manners!
I wanted to buy curtains for my room window is soooo long that I need to get 4 of those kinds and it cost me almost 30 sing dollars. Which is not bad but the problem is I only change 100 sing dollars and I'm not going to spend $40 away for just curtains.
This place really sell nice jubah, kebaya and long dress but in bigger size.
See how they put beds in their shop. I find this so cool. Lol! Like shop-houses kind of concept.
2) Kepri Mall / Matahari - 1 hour and half
By then it almost 1300 hours Singapore time and everyone was already starving to eat. So Pak Teh bought us here where he treated all of us for lunch. Alhamdulilah!
And Pak Tam commented that cheeks are like fishball now, sadly. Hahaha! Mak Tam went like, "For someone who don't eat much and run everyday. Your cheeks are growing rounder like fishball." Oh dear. And soon they went "Better stopped commenting else she wouldn't want to eat later." I don't know it's just a habit of mine. Once people comment on my weight or tells me I'm fat or put on weight, I wouldn't want to eat anymore. HAHA! But Pak Tam did say I wasn't fat, my body is fine just that my cheeks are growing. Lol!
My plate.
Ayah's coconut drink
My soursop juice. Yummy!
And I finished it.
Ressal had avocado drink. I've never tried Avocado before and I keep hearing how people say it's nice. But ewwww, I just don't like how it taste. It's a no-no for me.
And I guess I'm left with a few more days before Miss M's arrival because out of a sudden I felt super nausea. This is just me each time before Miss M. It feels terrible when I start vomiting. My body feels weak and I just have continuous spinning headache that in any case, when I eat and for as long as I'm breathing, I will keep throwing up.
And then followed by a slight sharp pain at the uterus. Like as if you can feel the eggs slowly moves out of your uterus lining. Okay, maybe this sounds like as if I'm exaggerating but I'm not even kidding on this. It really feels like sharp pain. Sometimes, I really wonder who would bear marrying me or even living with this woman in the future. Dear Allah, please grant me the most patience husband on earth. Amin.
After lunch, we went to Carrefour and shop.
I had this amount to shop with. Yay.
Not that I buy this but I find this funny. Gula cap semut. Sugar with an Ant brand. Lol. How irony.
And I end up buying Magnum Ice-cream for myself. So which one do you think I choose?
My not so much shopping loot.
The scary bit part is both Mama & Adik got this tendency to sneak things into my basket and I end up paying for things that I didn't even buy. Hahahahaha. Zzz!
Clue: I hate nuts.
3) DC Mall - 1 hour and half
I don't remember doing much but just shopping again but this time instead of food. I shop for dresses and tops. And I didn't take much picture because I was tooooo distracted with the so many nice dresses. Hehe! Who wouldn't? They are all so pretty and selling it as cheap as less than 10 bucks! My goshhhh.
4) BSC Mall - 1 hour
I didn't do any shopping here besides heading to the toilet and then seating outside the mall while wating for the mak-chics whom headed off to buy the lapis cake. I wanted to buy one for myself but I still had lapis leftovers from the previous Batam trip.
And did I mention that the door of the van actually slide back while I was trying to get down from the van and it hit my BUTT. Yes, my BUTT. You see that SHARP thang down there near the door. It HIT MY BUTT. I wouldn't say hit, POKE MY BUTT rather. I remember screaming so loud after that. And yes, my BUTT is bruised the moment I got home to bath. Totally bruise! BAD DOOR!
5) Nagoya Shopping Mall - 2 hours
We requested to have more time to shop at this place since it's big and have much choices to shop. I did another round of shopping for clothes and dresses yet again. I wanted to do more and finish up my rupiah. But in the end, I didn't because Mama was too tired to entertain me with my shopping.
Yes, Mama followed me around because I was practically all alone during the trip. Everyone had their shopping partners and Mama had to abandon Ayah to accompany me. And NO, I don't want to shop aloneeeeeee.
Mama and some of my tired aunties sat at J.Co for small snacks.
We were all ready to head home after the whole day of shopping. While on our way to Batam Centre, we saw an accident.
Being Singaporeans, I tried to take pictures of it but I guess I was rather lousy in trying to capture one. The green lorry with the blue top cover actually had 2 of its tyres went inside a hole. So poor thing. Luckily, no one was hurt.
5) Batam Centre
Since we had half an hour more time before our departure. Pak Teh treated us again, this time for dinner.
I had Ayam Penyet and Milo Dinosaur. Hehe!
The moment we reach Singapore, Adik suggested to have dinner at CCK Park because she wasn't feeling full. Lol! And so we did.
And right now, my braces are hurting so bad. Time check 0143 hours and I'm working tomorrow. But this braces are hurting and at the same time I'm just too full to sleep. Anyway, Ack decided to sneak these green teas into the basket so that both of us could "SHARE" and shed some kilos off together. Lol!
Till here. Goodnight lovelies.
Princess Azie Anni
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