Thursday, January 22, 2015

Moving On

Dear Diary,

I was re-reading back my OLD blog. It is password protected anyway. HAHA! Ask me and I hand it over. Lol!

I just couldn't help laughing to myself. Those RP days I had back then with my clique. It was just.. I don't know, just too beautiful, too funny, that words could not even described. Every day were fun moments with each other, even when there were things that bother me or when I had enormously amount of problems or pressure regarding money, relationship or school.

I really can't believe, I was this care-less much of a carefree girl who ALWAYS ALWAYS encourage myself to feel better, be better and be happy. I always say whatever I want without even bothering what people would think. HAHA! Most importantly, I was just being myself. But I changed ever since I started work. Not that I am very polite but I would say I am more polite now, more gentle than I was before even though I am not really that gentle. So can you imagine the not polite and not gentle me? HAHA!


I am much better now. Picking up from where I have left from, bits and tiny pieces of my life. Figuring what to do. Filling up empty spaces of my life. I won't deny that there are days I suffer tormenting moments and nightmares but Insyaallah, as the days go by I'll get better in time. This "separation" I have is unusual than any other relationships I've been through but it's okay. Allah SWT knows best and this is His plan for me.

So let's talk about life after this...

I will be starting ngaji class soon, Insyaallah. Will be starting this Saturday at Al-Khair mosque with Kak Mar. This has always been my resolution, to qatam the Qurán. So Kak Mar requested to start again from Iqra' and I also requested to do the same thing too. But then again when I think about it, it might be a little bit waste of time for me or for them if I were to do that SINCE...I already know how to read the Qurán. But... I am just going to see how it goes first this Saturday. If all things are well, I might just tell them to start me from Qurán instead. Insyaallah, I hope I can qatam the Qurán by the end of this year. Amin.

Subsequently, I might be doing and taking my bike license too, probably after my pay, starting this upcoming month, February. This also have been my another wishlist since I was young. I won't deny that I am actually quite afraid though because I remember those days when I keep falling off from the bike. It's scary, painful but more importantly, EMBARRASSING. But nahhh who cares, you know me, being me. I can be quite of a risk taker at times when I want to. I'm just going to go for it. Plus both my brother Ressal are doing it too. So, this will set me as a motivation to keep pushing on and going on. Insyaallah. And I really hope I can pass and complete it and not stop half-way like what I did before.

I also took my time to memorize or rather hafal Ayat-Ayat from the Qurán at my own free time. It's like a own time own target kind of thing for me. Hehe! And usually I do this when I'm on my way to work while in the train. Alhamdulilah. I have managed to memorize about 5-6 surah from the Quran. And not only do I memorize the Surah or Ayat for the Qurán, I also read up on the translation and the meaning behind it, just to understand the Qurán better.

And that pretty much summarize the new things for me this year.

Reminiscing back last year was entering into University and being a complete new relationship but those two are done and gone. I wonder what new things I will look forward to by next year. Lol! Because honestly, I am slowly completing my wishlist that I wanted since young. Alhamdulilah
  • Car License
  • Enter University get a degree
  • Bike License
  • Qatam Qurán
  • Perform Umrah or Hajr
  • Get married and start my own family
Till here, I am on morning off tomorrow which means I can sleep a little bit longer before waking up to perform my Fajr prayers. Heeee! And I am just thinking how am I supposed to tell my dentist that one of metal bracket of my braces CAME OFF and the other one DETACHED. And this isn't my first time. In total, it would already be my 3rd time that this happened. Haha!

I, would be, of course the most difficult and complicated patient that he ever have to deal with. I'm sure. Lol! All the best to me tomorrow. Oh dear. Just be prepared if my dentist were to say anything. On a lighter note, I am thinking of what kind of breakfast I should enjoy tomorrow before heading to work. My forever hashtag. #Practicebecometaitai

Hmm..Maybe McDonalds' hotcakes? or maybe the llao llao yogurt? But BOTH carries painful memories to me. Tskkkkkkkkkk. Anyway......

SH*TAKE.. I forgot I wanted to say because I pick up a call from my dental reminding me of my dental appointment tomorrow. HAHAHAHA! Guess I end it here. Kthxbye.

Princess Azie Anni.

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