I'm too sleepy to blog actually but yet too full to sleep. Thus, the reason why I'm just going to do a short update for now. Anyway, I just came back from a Post-Christmas celebration (you can call that) over at my manager's house today. Mama was invited to come as well.
Charlotte, Jie Min & I cabbed down to Helen's place after work but fetching Mama first before heading there. I love Helen's place. Her house is always so welcoming and all so cozy at the same time. It just makes you feel at home even though it isn't mine. Hehe!
We all share $$ to get this for Helen.
So anyway, we waited for Anita & her girls, Dania & Trisha to reach first before all of us finally get to eat the food. By then my stomach was already super famished because I haven't had dinner as well. Lol!
The moment when Anita and her girls arrived, all of us get to indulge on the food. Well, sorry. I only managed to take picture of the after food which, half of it have already been gone eaten as I was too hungry to even snap a before picture. Hehe!
Helen cook this, Tikka Masala. Yummy!
And Helen made a separate Salad specially for me WITHOUT nuts while the rest had nuts in it. So sweet righttttt.
And this was my first serving.
Yes my first serving, because I went back to the kitchen to have a second serving. Hehehehee!
After which, Helen treated me Ice-cream from Daily Scoop!
Kookie Monster
I had the Kookie Monster flavoured Ice-cream. Homaigoshhhh! It's really so heaven. I'm so going to buy a tub of it the next time I tell you and just indulge in it on my own. Lol!
And we end the night by playing a few rounds of Heads-up, that Charades game before heading home since everybody's husband is looking for their wife, everybody's boyfriend is looking for their girlfriend. Whereas for me, no one actually look for me of course BUT I have work the next day. Hurhur!
Now my braces are hurting quite bad after eating all the meat and etc. Guess I have to pop 2 tablets of Mefenamic acid (This are painkillers. I just had to be Scientific enough. Hehe!) before heading to bed.
Come to think of it. Single life is not bad as it is. I don't have to care if anyone is going to text me or not because I know no one will and that doesn't gets me disappointed for hoping. And getting little text here and there always surprises me that people actually think of me. I can go out with whoever, whatever, wherever I want without having to ask permission or feel guilty about anything. I don't have to bother or care about the other party because there isn't anything to be care about. I don't have to feel worse or feel like crap anymore in that kind of relationship. Basically, I'm just on my own and this feels gooooooooooooood.
Furthermore, I think I'm just used to the attached life for a serious 8 years and considering last year which I thought I will end up being single but I rushed too soon into a relationship. So that puts me on a relationship for almost 9 years plus minus my entirely life I think it's like I've been attached for almost EVERY YEAR of my life since I was 11 years old. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Okay for once this year. I'm just going to let myself breathe for at least a year. No more getting attached this year. I know I'm not getting any younger but really, I guess it's time that I have a 'Me' time now. No more heartbreaks and I shall get to know myself better without having to depend or getting attach to anyone now. So Mr Prince, come and look for me till the next year 2016 okay? Not now.
And that doesn't mean I won't go out and meet new people or do dating. HEHE! Because I'm sure one day, I'll meet someone who will be worthy of my love. Oh you know how capable I am of love, very much capable. You won't be disappointed. HAHAHAHA! Till here. Goodnight.
My cousin just send this to me. How annoying!
Princess Azie Anni.
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