Headed for my first proper clubbing ever yesterday with Jie Min (JM) & Zoei (ZO).
I remember stepping foot in a club called 'Double O' eons ago, probably 6 years back. The atmosphere was quite horrible because people all around were like hooligans picking fights here and there. And... I just didn't feel comfortable. I remember staying for a good hour and then calling Mama and Ayah up to fetch me home in front of the club. HAHA!
So well, this time round the girls brought me to 'Zouk'.
I was supposed to meet the girls at Wheelock by 2300 hours. So, I got myself dress by around 2130 hours before leaving the house. By then, Ayah notice that I was dressing up so nice to head somewhere, so he asked Mama where I was heading to. Apparently, Ayah wasn't happy after Mama told him where I was heading to. Well obviously, which parents would. But honestly, how do teenagers escape late at night without even informing their parents of their whereabouts? Because I can't. So anyway, Ayah went around nagging to Mama to why she even allow to go in the first place, plus I was wearing a short dress. I know my parents meant well and they are worried + concern about me but THIS TIME, I PROMISE. I PROMISE I will take good care of myself. I will.
Just let me pick up the pieces from where I have left. Let me stand up on my two feet again. Because I have to, I need to.
The moment I met up with the girls, ZO brought us around to different bus stops because she couldn't remember which bus stop headed to Zouk. Lol! After walking up and down a few kilometres, we finally found the bus stop. And when the bus arrived, I realised it was like a shuttle bus cater for Zouk out people because everyone were nicely dress and all were heading to the same one and only direction -> Zouk. Lol!
Before entering, we had to show our ID to the bouncers, just to make sure that we are not underage. The bouncers are mostly Malays, surprisingly but the clubbers are mostly Chinese. When the bouncer saw my name he gave me a second double look, a third look and the forth look before he finally allow me to enter. The only guess I could come out with, he probably didn't know that I was Malay. My hand were stamped with that Zouk chop that could only be seen under the UV light.
So JM & ZO brought me around the place first to show where the dance floor is going to be at. And then all of us head out of Zouk to a nearby shop which sells cheaper drinks.
And of course, I did not drink lah. The girls bought Jack Daniels and a coke mixer. (See not bad ah, I learn all these terms and mixer and alcohol and liquor. Lol!) And whereas for me,
3 cans of red bull ! And as you all know, I get pretty high on sugars. Lol!
We sat by the side of the carpark of (I can't remember the hotel name) and played 'Scissors, Paper, Stone' whereby the losers have to take a sip of their drink until the drink finishes. It was definitely easy peasy for me since mine is not alcoholic drink. Lol! So we end up drinking and taking lots of selfie before entering the club at 0030 hours.
Compared to Dbl O, I would say I prefer Zouk better. People were more friendly here saying sorry with a smile when they accidently pushed or bumped into each other. But still, I wouldn't say it is 100% safe. You have got to be careful as well because you'll never know, anything can happen when all these people are high and drunk.
After leaving our bags in the locker, JM & ZO brought me to the dance floor whereby we started dancing to a few familiar songs. Hehe! It was fun though but it was already hot and stuffy because too many people start pushing in and crowding around the dance floor. So, we were only left with just a teeny weeny bit of space to dance and move about.
After a while, when the night gets later, the beats get faster, the songs get better, JM & ZO brought me way in the middle of the dance floor and we started dancing to the beat. And obviously, club being club, MOST people were already so high and drunk at that point of time. I do felt energize after drinking my red bull and was super wide awake but...I am glad that I was much aware of what is happening around my surrounding because I wasn't drunk obviously.
So the drunks started pushing and some were super hyper that the way they dance end up hurting people because they were just too engross into dancing that their dance moves end up slapping people's cheeks, stepping on people's feet, punching people's face etc etc etc. But the worse drunk was when they just smile and give this kind of stare and look like.. "I am going to eat you up." *Swallow saliva*
But I was glad despite all that, we met a group of Army NS dudes on the dance floor which protected the 3 of us. When any drunk people or just any random Tom, Dick & Harry tried to come close to us, pull us over to dance with them or even try anything funny, these Army dudes helped by pushing those people away.
And when the time gets even later, more and more people start entering the dance floor. By then we were left with even tiny weeny bit of space to dance. So, the girls made me stand on the podium to dance. People can see me clearly since I'm up there BUT I guess they are too drunk to even notice me. Furthermore, it's safer to be up on the podium because nobody pushes you and nobody tries anything funny at you. Just becareful not to fall down off the podium. Lol!
By then when the time hit 0230 hours, I felt quite bored, tired & slightly sleepy from all the dancing since all of us keep dancing to the same dance move too. That dance move with the hands pointing up to the air and the whole body just shake to the left and right or move up and down. Lol! But I didn't want to leave just yet because I don't want to spoil both JM & ZO's night. Hehe!
And of course some tried to hook up on you, wanting to get to know you, want to dance with you, quite a number of them...but all we kept saying "No thank you." Hahahahahaha! Which I mean really, No thank you. We don't want to.
And since we became "friends" with those Army dude, plus I had some random people started asking our name and age. And seriously, they were all SO YOUNG! They were all like my brother's age, in their 20s! I'm like 6 years apart from them lah!! And there they are protecting us somemore. HAHA! I felt so OLD down there. Wtheck. But even if the boys were older than me by any chance, I wouldn't want to exchange number or whatsoever. It's just within my principle not to get to know anyone that is in the club.
It was 0330 hours that Mama called me.
I survived the night without having no one touching me or whatsoever.
It was also easy for us to grab a cab since I saw the amount of cab line up outside the club is a lot. Haha! So many of them! But JM mentioned, once the club finished, people can snatch taxis from you and that amount of taxi there, is not enough for to cater for all the people in the club. Probably some might end up sleeping on the street and catch the first train home after that. Hehe!
We shared the same cab, sending ZO off first, followed by myself and lastly, JM. Anyway, the cab driver kind of tried to cheat us and brought us to a longer destination route. He was supposed to send ZO, JM and then lastly me. By then, JM was too annoyed that she told the taxi driver off, a side I have never seen in her. Lol! The meter went up to 60 bucks the moment she reached home. And so, the taxi driver gave her a discounted price at 35 bucks. Which is not bad.
I reached home at 0430 hours and Mama actually waited for me. She was sleeping in the living room just to make sure I'm home safe. Haiz!
I almost died at work because I was already feel so sleepy and exhausted. Both JM & I were already like zombies at work. HAHAHA! I had 3 red bulls + 1 gold roast strong coffee + 1 milk tea and 1 Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha hoping to stay awake the whole day which eventually I failed too. Anyhoos, the girls asked for the next clubbing session next month but.......... well, we shall see about that how.
Till here. I shall catch up on my sleep now. This night life honestly, is not for me I guess. Lol! But I wouldn't deny that yes, it's wrong to club but as long as you don't drink (for us Muslim) and take good care of yourself. Having to experience things like this, is worth a lifetime experience. It is only when you experience, through experience, is the only time you will understand, the only time you will learn. From there, take the correct learning and throw the wrong learning and learn from it, not to repeat the same mistakes twice.
Goodnight my party people and enjoy these club mix music. Some of the few songs I remember that was played in the club. Lol!
Princess Azie Anni.
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