Dear diary,

The day before yesterday after doing our “routine” run and while cooling down, the Boyfriend actually brought up the topic about ‘Wedding & Honeymoon’. Like seriously? Okay, this sounds a bit absurd because he doesn’t usually talk about stuff, not even in the 7 years term of me knowing him. In fact, marriage is the least favourite topic of his but surprisingly he did.
So, we sat down at a nearby work-out equipment and started talking about how we wanted our wedding to be like and the dream vacation that we wish to head to. I don’t want to jinx anything or rather I don’t want to speak to soon because I always believe that we humans, plan but it is always up to Him, Allah the Almighty to decide. But at the same time, it is never wrong to plan and dream, while the rest all you could do is to leave it all to Him.
I’m a bit reluctant to share how I want my dream wedding to be, it’s not that I don’t want to be sharing. HAHA! But because sometimes I think it’s a bit not too realistic. Imagine, having a wedding that will take up 3 days?! HAHA! And who in the world would bother to attend 3 days of my wedding right? But like I said, it’s a dream wedding.
And having 3 days wedding just means the cost that you have to spend on it would also cost a bomb! Plus the venue of the wedding of those 3 days is at 3 different venues. So you could roughly understand what I mean by ‘unrealistic’. But God’s will, if I have the chance to do it, I would want to. =) Because wedding to me, is once a lifetime.
I’ll be the Princess of the day (No matter what I’m still a Princess on a normal day). HEHE! But seriously, I would it to be the most memorable thing ever and I want to feel special on that day too. I have them quite plan out actually but not until the Boyfriend actually start working (the most important thing that he needs to do now) and propose me on the most romantic way. Heeee! *Insert cheeky smile here*
That aside, his dream honeymoon place would be Maldives.

Hope he doesn’t kill me for sharing this because it was supposed to be a secret between us. HAHA! But only God knows how much he has been selling Maldives to me! It’s just like a salesman going on and on telling how good his product is and expecting you to buy it. -_-‘
Because on the other hand, I wanted to go to Upper East Side, New York. Yes, blame it all on the Gossip Girl guys! Lol!

So the Boyfriend decides to do a two-trip thingy to Maldives and hop on the plane to New York after that. And this time round, you decide the cost that we have to spend on the wedding and honeymoon. We might even be left with nothing after that. HAHA! We might just go bonkers. But like again when you think about it, when there is a will, there is a way. Insyaallah! =)
Okay Zohor now!
P.S: Heading for dinner at Beach road later tonight. Anyone?
Princessazie Bella<3
Elena Gilbert(:
Elena Gilbert(:
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