2 days ago, Ayah had a heart attack. I didn't know he had the same attack 4 days ago before the current one. He didn't mention it to anyone.
All I remember was my brother rushing to my room and went "Kakak bangun kak! Ayah kak!" I'm a heavy sleeper but when I'm being awaken like that, I'll panic and jumped off my bed. So I rushed to the living room and saw Ayah looking very pale and trying to grasp his breath. Adik was there trying to calm him down and gave him a sip of water to drink.
It took me sometime before my "processer" started working and I shouted for Ayah's medication (GTN) and shouted to my siblings "Call the ambulance! Call ambulance!" and my siblings did. Plus thank God Ayah had his GTN under his tongue by then. So, I rubbed Vicks on his chest at the same time read a lot of selawat so that he'll feels better. Few minutes later, Ayah felt better. I almost wanted to cry but I hold back my tears. (Forever acting strong.
When the ambulance arrived, man being man, it's just a man thing, Ayah refused to follow the medic to the hospital because he said he already felt better. They did an ECG on spot for Ayah and said, his heart looks fine for now but said it's best to bring him to the hospital for further investigation. So me being me and the rest of the siblings forced the medic to take Ayah away to the hospital.
The medic advice us that we can choose to head to the hospital later because he'll be in the A&E and chances are we won't be allowed in. So to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH) Ayah was sent to.
I went to work in the morning to validate patients' report as my senior and manager wasn't in today. After which, received a call from Ayah's doctor that they are going to do an Angioplasty and Stent procedure for Ayah. The same procedure Ayah went through 12 years ago. This time there was another blockage on his 2nd main major blood vessels.
I took the afternoon off and headed off to the hospital. Ayah looks fine by then when I reached there, probably because they had already given him quite a bit of medication which helps in dilating his blood vessels and reduces his heart's workload. Managed to chat with Ayah for 2 hours before the nurses took him away for his procedure and is said they'll call me once the procedure has completed which will take about 2-3 hours.
AZ heard about the incident and fetched me from the hospital mean while waiting Ayah's completion of procedure and brought me out for lunch since I was alone in the hospital and I barely know my way around NTFGH. So we decided to cafe hunt and try Peachy's In The Secret Hideout.

They are seriously super generous in their food portion. Look at that! I can't even finish this. Lolols! But I don't mind coming here again though. It's worth the money and definitely the portion.
So after lunch, I was feeling so bad leaving my 2 other colleagues in the office to work alone. So, I told AZ to send me back to work, it was very nice of AZ to always do the sweetest little tiniest things for me. =') I helped JM & E with the processing and what not and AZ send me back to the hospital after that. Just nice, I received a call from the hospital saying that Ayah's procedure is completed and is now in ICU for monitoring.
Ayah stayed in the ICU for a day before being transferred to the ward the next following evening. His ward was all the way on the 14th level and you could see MBS from there. It's just so pretty, the view I mean but not of course the stay. Thoughts of staying in the hospital, whoever likes it right? Duh.
And since NTFGH is surrounded by few shopping centres like IMM, JEM, Jcube, Westgate. After visiting Ayah, we went to you knowwww splurge on desserts like this. Hehehe!
Twelve Cupcakes in IMM
All things was well, Ayah was discharge yesterday. Syukur Alhamdulilah. Fetched Ayah from the hospital to settle his medication and follow-up appointments etc etc. He then said he wanted to eat Chicken Rice and Chendol because he was hungry. So I took the old man for lunch and dessert at the Kopitiam before Ressal fetched him home, because I had my dermatologist appointment at Jurong itself after that.
The nurses asked him to attend like quit smoking kind of programme but he told the nurses he wasn't interested. Tsk!
So they told me to go back all the way to the pharmacy to take this booklet for him. Just in case, who knows, he might change his decision then.
While waiting for Ressal to come and fetch Ayah . This little girl kept looking at me and so I was teasing her away. Hehehe! Look at those cheeks! 
I was super early for my dermatologist appointment. Still had 2 hours before my appointment time was up. I was feeling so hungry but I couldn't eat as I was going to have dinner with my bestfriends and I'm the kind once I eat something, I'll be full to eat anymore. Plus, it was raining and I couldn't sit on those resting chairs as they were all wet due to the rain.
Then heck I thought. I just went to a nearby food court and order White Carrot Cake just to kill time and to have a sit. HAHAHAHA!
After my dermatologist appointment, I force my tummy to eat again with my bestfriends. Oh well! Just look the amount of food I had yesterday. Hahahaha! I will start growing rounderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. HAHAHA!
Anyway, can't wait to end the day for today to go home and rest. I have an appointment with D later on after work at Ubi at 5pm. Have to head to D's workplace to meet him first before Ubi. Haizzz. I've been feeling very lethargic with work, with preparation and with everything that is going on now. I just need a day to sleep in and rest at home. But what is rest now that you think again? Laundry. Vacuuming. Mopping. OH GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!! But...sacrifices. These were the things Mama had done for me, for us.
Till here. Have a good rest all. Don't overwork like me. Heh.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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