Hating PMS to the core . No freaking idea why but I cried myself to sleep yesterday and while crying I was telling myself "Why am I cryingggg?" Tsk. Some days like this I need all the attention in the world. Sadly for me, Mama is no longer around for me to be clingy and stuff.
Oh and I remember, I had another person to annoy. LOL!
That is just me seeking attention lah eh. HAHAHA! And yes, D can be quite slowwwww when reciprocating my 'I Love You' back
and he rarely say it. But I know lah he loves me and occasionally, when he say
, it always feels very very special. Righttttttt ..... !! And he will always 'omg' me whenever I am PMS-ing because.....the things I can do or get annoyed/angry with during PMS-ing can be quite...stressful to handle. Hahaha! Well, I know these BUT...it's PMS, it's NOT me. 
And don't mind the name 'Bakal Suami' I save for D under my contact. Hahaha! Because currently, I am hook on the drama series 'Isteri VS Tunang'. So feeling-feeling D being my Bakal Suami soon. LOL! Insyaallah. Amin!
Applied for another BTO yesterday the moment the application opens. This have been basically our 3rd time trying. By right, this time we should be able to get 3 chances since we fail to get a flat for the last 2 applications. BUT...the cheeky boy told me to apply for a new application for the previous BTO, so back to 2 chances instead of 3 now. Apparently, he said his name and government job has more luck compared to my name and my private job.
Still, we fail to get a flat for the last application. HAHAHAHA! But anyway, I hope we don't get the house this time too, because the next BTO opening has one at Bukit Panjang. And yes, D has been bugging me many times that he wanted a house at Bukit Panjang, near to his parents place. So if this application fails, the next time we apply at Bukit Panjang we will have 3 chances for the ballot. Hopefully higher chance to get a house there. I mean I don't mind lah, as long as we're near his parents place or near my parents place. And I'm starting to feel like staying at Bukit Batok is way far off from my parents as well as D's parents place, though it's consider not that far. I want a place to tempat bergantungggggg. I can just hear D telling me to start growing up, because the last time he nags at me, how old am I already and why do I still need my bantal busuk to sleep.
But the waiting time by then to get our house will be freaking longggggg. Year 2021 is the estimation for the house completion. Tskkkk! D and I will be literally homeless and staying put at each other's parents' place for 4 long years before we finally have a place call Home/Rumahku, Syurgaku. Lol!
Sidetrack:- Talking about bantal busuk, D said he is going to throw my bantal busuk away when we get married. 

I'll better bring my bantal busuk to work man like this. I CAN'T sleep without my bantal busuk. Please don't remind me of my age. Mama did try to buy me a new pillow and guess what?! I COULDN'T sleep, so I managed to retrieve my bantal busuk back and sleep peacefully after that. Unless D wants me to stay up all night to annoy and keeping him awake all night without my bantal busuk, he is welcome and may throw my bantal busuk away. 
Anyway, I wonder if D reads my blog or does he even know if I have a blog? HAHAHA! Because the last time I complain about him not liking the post I usually tag him on FB, apparently now, he has started liking them. Hmmm....
Hopefully, he doesn't know that I have a blog lah eh. Because there goes my ONLY platform, besides Twitter because it has character limit, to complain on a lengthy post since I don't usually talk about my day to anyone else besides Mama before.
Till here.
The love for flowers. My eyes just glow in glee the moment I see flowers. This really made my day today at work.
Black peel-able nail polish. Heee! The only time of the month that I'll paint my nails. Yerps!
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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