Dear Diary,
Anyway, I had Popeye's for Breakfast + Lunch & Dinner together. It was yummeh! It was said I look like as if I haven't eaten for hundred days. Lol!
After which, an idea strike and we headed off to JB. Like one of my friend Amin said before "Kau minah kampung ah Zie. Pasal kau jakun kan, so bawa kau jalan-jalan bagus. Because people like you are rare. You appreciate little things in life. Kalau bawa orang yang dah selalu pergi holidays, macam takde feel ah. To them it's nothing." The fact he calls me Minah Kampung. Basketball.
But I can't deny that fact that I do get excited over little things. And today, was my first time to experience first hand pumping petrol in a car. Haha! Nothing to be excited about again but I was. Practically, shaking the car up and down macam faham ah like that. HAHAHAHA!
And just like how I used to love following Mama and Ayah around at night especially to pump the car's petrol, so that I could buy snacks & tidbits. The same thing I did today. Look at that! Chocolate Brownie Magnum Ice-Cream! Yummmmmms.
I'm a happy Princess. Oh yes, I am slowly recuperating now.
Syukur Alhamdulilah. Much much better. No more fever, no more flu, slight sore throat. And the way back to Singapore wasn't much of a jam too. And today for the first time, an ICA officer asked me for my IC number, he went like "Kak, IC number apa eh?" The first time I felt like I was doubt being myself. Lol! It's either I look too Chinese in person but my passport has a Malay name or I don't even look like myself in the passport itself. But I was okay with it of course, he was just doing his job anyway.
Till here. Goodnight lovelies! End of my cheat day weekend & starting again with my crash dieting weekdays.
P.S: I drank coffee and now I can't sleep. 
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