Ressal and Adik fetch me right after work to send us off. Our appointment was at 1430 hours and it was only 1350 hours when we were making our way there. We were told to reach 15 minutes earlier. But even before 1415 hours, Adik had already received a call Royal Touch asking where we were. We weren't even late. 😏
I find this part a bit annoying because Spa by Norfa, doesn't rush me. They will only call me when I'm really late, not when I'm still early.
So when we have reached there they weren't quite prepared. They themselves were unsure which room my sister and I should be in. And they were still waiting for another person that was supposed to attend to us but she wasn't even there yet.
Cik: Ish. Mana lagi satu orang pergi ni. Hilang pula.
Me: Takpe cik. Kita boleh tunggu. No rush. Tak kisah
Cik: Ish. Kita nak cepat balik ni.
Me: Oh.
So my first thought exactly, that we weren't their priority and all they want is to quickly get us over and done with, so that they can go home. Tsk. 
After which, when one of the Kakak who was supposed to attend to us arrived, my sister was told to head to Room 1, while myself in Room 3. So the Kakak did the facial on me first while the Makcik did the massage on my sister. After which, they will then switch places.
For ambience wise, the place was okay. But sadly, they don't have couple room like Spa Norfa has. I would love to be in the same room as my sister is. But it's okay. Unlike Spa Norfa, their room is not dark but slightly bright with lights and they don't put on soothing musical background music to make you feel relax. They have nothing of that. And there was a Birthday Party going on nearby, so I could hear screaming voices, laughter as well as Birthday song being sung by little kids. Hehe! But for some reason, I like it that way. Because as much as I like the relax concept of Spa Norfa, sometimes I feel myself claustrophobic especially when they leave me all alone in the room in between waiting intervals. 
The facial was okay but the Kakak was a bit rough though.
I mean of all the facial I have been to, they usually do it so gently but this one felt like as if she was going to slap or punch me anytime soon. My face need to be handled with care leh.
And just like Spa Norfa, they do facial depending on your skin condition. If you need more exfoliation, moisturizing etc. Sadly, she skipped the extraction part for me which I don't know why. Usually Spa Norfa will still do it for me. She did ask me if I usually break out like this and if I am acne prone. But I told her my skin condition is so much better now compared previously. It has cleared quite a lot after treatment with NSC. And I'm only acne prone IF I use the wrong facial product or IF Miss M is about to strike.
After the facial, it was my turn for massage whereas it is Adik's turn for her facial.
After the facial, it was my turn for massage whereas it is Adik's turn for her facial.
This Makcik seems to be those kind of traditional massage Makcik. I think somehow she can "read" me when she's massaging me. And that's the scary part.
I don't want people to be reading me off. How I behave, what I am etc etc etc. Tsk. I shall not explain more what happened in the room and the questions she asked me.
Anyway, her massage was good but painful. Lol! But she did ask me if I wanted a 'Relaxation Massage' or a 'Heavy Massage'. But I couldn't decide. I prefer a heavy one but I'm afraid if it's too heavy it will be too painful for me. So she said, she try the heavy one on me first to see how I feel. Thankfully, it was painful but quite bearable for me.
At the end of the massage, as usual. They try so hard to convince you to sign up for their packages. Which unlike Spa Norfa, they don't. You leave the place happily without having to worry about getting pester or what so ever. So the Makcik use soothing words like "Awak sign up lah package kita, cik nak jumpa Azie lagi lah. Kalau tak sign up nanti dah tak jumpa lagi." Hmm.. Singapore is too small to not bump into each other.
And then she said "Badan awak banyak water retention. Kalau tak urut nanti senang gemuk. Kene pergi urut often." Well, that manage to win me a bit because that word 'GEMUK' can really scare me to the core.
She gave me a package that cost $888 initially. I ALMOST fainted. I can do so much with $888 rather than spend it on a massage. What only.
And then it went down to $500 and lastly I got a package that cost $325 for 6 sessions, which is about $54 per session. Which is NOT BAD, because Spa Norfa offer plus minus around that price range too. Furthermore, another factor that I consider is that Royal Touch is so much nearer to my workplace compared to Spa Norfa over at Changi. And I did not sign up that package because I wanted to see the Makcik. Lol!
So yes, let me try those 6 sessions of massage first to see how it goes. After the massage, I felt okay. Just that my neck and back felt a bit cramp. Don't know if it's a good thing or not. And I shall see if the massage really does help me with my water retention and losing weight. If it doesn't I won't continue signing up the package anymore. Hek!
Till here.
Till here.
Royal Touch
Comcentre #B2-00
31 Exeter Road
31 Exeter Road
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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