It just dwell onto me the other day when I was out with Hanali & iShah, we talked about life and about marriage especially. About how we all are not ready yet to settle down but how age is catching up on us on the other hand. Well for me, I think I MIGHT be ready to settle down. Lol!
I didn't pack lunch today but JM was being such a sweetheart.
She brought this from home, for me. She said it's the best Tom Yum instant noodle and wanted me to try. It was nice! Well, there isn't any Halal logo on it but JM and I have checked the ingredient and it is safe for my consumption. Compared to any other Tom Yum instant noodle which taste extremely sour. This one taste not so sourish but yet super spicy and that is best!
Took half day leave because I had my Dental appointment in the late afternoon today. Even so, I was still late! Like 20 minutes late because I left the office late. So the desk counter guy was like "Wow wow wow!" when I stepped into the dental clinic. I couldn't figure out what was he wow-ing about. But I figure out he was probably giving me the sarcastic wow, like "Wow, you're late" kinda thing. Tsk. It wasn't on purpose though.
Anyhoos, he was like "Tak kerja pun sampai lambat?" So, you know me. I retaliate back with a "Siapa cakap tak kerja? I was from work. I took half day leave in the afternoon." Which wasn't necessary but I just had to state my point that I wasn't late on purpose. Lol! We didn't make much conversation since he look pretty occupied and busy because it seems that his other colleague was on MC. (I asked him where was his other colleague. Lol!).
Oh! And he told me that he saw me during the CNY at the interchange near my house and said I was wearing a red dress but I was too far for him to go over to say Hello. And he asked me if that was really me or not. Duhhhh.
But STRANGELY..... Okay, I know this is weird but STRANGELY, STRANGELY I felt like his presence during that day. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay this part is a bit nonsense. But honestly, I am NOT LYING. I SWEAR. HAHAHAHA! I just had this instinct that I might bumped into him but I didn't. So I thought my instinct was faking me this time. Talking about instinct, 95% of the time, my instinct is ALWAYS right and I am not even lying about this. And so there you go, he actually saw me. In other words, my instinct was somewhat right.
It was then my turn to be called in. I think for the 8483043933879 times, I must have "amazed" my dentist at how I kept breaking my molar metal bracket each month without fail. I wish I could apologize seriously. But I always get tongue-tied to even talk each time when he ask me questions. Even to say I'm fine thank you when he ask how am I, feels so heavy for me. Hahaha! And this is not even me. I am usually the so bubbly self. Frankly, I really feel so bad each time when I broke my metal bracket but I couldn't help it. It's not meeeeeeeeeee. The thing just break on it's own.
After fixing my bracket and tightening my braces, my dentist said nicely to me, to try and not break it again before I left.
My teeth is almost all straighten now. I'm just left for tightening each month just to cover up those holes and spaces here and there. I wonder how long does it take for the spaces to be all covered up. Hopefully by end of this year or at most next year. I'm so going to miss heading to the dentist then.
Did a 4 km run the moment I was home. While running, there was this 2 body builders abang who smile at me while both of them were doing pull up near the pull-up station at the park. Lol! I just couldn't help laughing inside my heart while pretending to look away.
Once home, I took my shower, did my prayers and off to do my theory exercise.
It frustrate me sometimes about how I can't get things right when reciting the Qur'an no matter how many times I recite them after my prayers. Even my Ustazah said that my reciting is excellent just that when it comes to tajwid wise. I am not really very good at it.
I know which one have to be read with dua harakat or empat harakat. But apparently, when I'm reciting the Qur'an, my tongue just doesn't want to cooperate. Zzz! So my Ustazah gave me this exercise book to bring back home and asked me to highlight which of the huruf that is supposed to be read as dua harakat.
I really HOPE I highlighted the right one.
Anyway, bestie Hernie text me just now asking me if I wanted to follow her for Syarahan tomorrow at Masjid Al-Iman. Just like Mama, I loveeee going for Syarahan but just as well, I have appointments tomorrow so I couldn't make it. I didn't even know Masjid Al-Iman is at Bukit Panjang. Because can you just imagine me?! Yes me. Stepping my foot at Bukit Panjang, I might muntah darah like the story of Sultan Mahmud Shah, whereby he curse 7 keturunan (generations) of Megat Seri Rama not to step foot onto his island or else they will end up vomiting blood.
Lol! I was just kidding on that part, no hard feelings. There is obviously nothing wrong to step my foot, your foot or anybody's foot at Bukit Panjang. So if anyone of you are interested tomorrow. It will be good.
Foot loose. GOODNIGHT now.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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